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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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OK so I am finished with exams and ready to get back for some RP action. I'll go read the summaries soon but if anyone wants to let me know what I missed, you'd be my bro 4 lyfe

Also, is revan still here?
Ok, so I got like 1 more final to go that's due to the day after tomorrow, and then one small exam in June and I'm pretty much done as well. So @BBeast & all, I'll be back ;)
<Snipped quote by Vec>

Okay, important points relevant to what's going on:
-Vestec has sent his Hordes of Chaos across Galbar from the Changing Planes.
-One is a Hain/Angel horde marching west en route to the White Sea, although Teknall and Gerrik are intercepting them before they tear apart everything in their path.
-One is carried by the gargantuan Grot, comprised of humans, urtelem and rovaick, and is heading towards the Valley of Peace. Niciel's Angels and Urtelem led by Sculptors are going to deal with that.
-One is comprised of Ashlings and Pronobii and are heading south to Reathos' Pronobii. They are going to be intercepted by an army of Urtelem, which will kill almost all the Ashlings so they don't destroy every village on the west coast of the Fractal Sea.
-He's also sent out a bunch of Storm Djinni (elementals), to fight other elementals. Zephyrion and Ventus are dealing with that.

-To put a wrinkle in things, Vestec created his Avatar, Violence, to join the Hain/Angel horde.
-Vestec is blackmailing Teknall and Kyre, demanding favours in exchange for not having Violence torture and murder every Hain it finds.
-At present (not yet posted), Teknall is in negotiations with Kyre, asking whether he'll cede to Vestec's demands or fight.
-If the latter option is picked, then Teknall will come to Yang'Ze and ask for his assistance as well, because he's still owed a favour since you said making a star was too trivial.
-Teknall will then make his own Avatar, and Kyre probably will too.

-Concurrently, Toun learned of Vestec's horde, and Violence, so created two Avatars, Majus and Minus, to fight Violence.

-All up, we're potentially looking at a 5v1 Avatar battle, and you're invited (unless Kyre chooses to give in to Vestec's demands, in which case no fight).

<Snipped quote by Cyclone>

We won't be needing Ventus for a large amount of time, both IRL and IC. Ventus shall be helping for the Hain/Angel horde, but before that we need to deal with Violence, which will take a while. I'm still waiting on @Kangutso to decide on what Kyre is doing. It's a rather pivotal decision, since he has the power to avert the battle with Violence altogether, should he be willing to owe Vestec a favour.

Welp. If you guys need me, just pm me. I think i will be able to help.
<Snipped quote by Muttonhawk>

In that case, we shall all gang up on Violence. We'll have one hell of a time trying to coordinate all the players in the battle sequence, but maybe by sheer numbers the battle will be short enough to counteract that. Unless Kyre goes for the easy way out, in which case the whole battle is averted.

Speaking of which, @Vec, if Kyre opts for the hard way, would you still be willing/available to send Yang'Ze into the fight? I believe Teknall still has the rest of that favour to cash in, and Yang'Ze's assistance is the perfect thing to spend it on. If not, we can live without (especially now that Majus and Minus have rocked up), but I'd prefer it if you did join in.

<Snipped quote by Muttonhawk>

Ah, I didn't know those words. But I do now, which makes the names make even more sense.

Half of me wants to avoid the battle with Violence because the collab would probably take weeks to write, being between up to 5 players in different time zones for a high-action battle sequence. The other half of me does want it to happen, because then I get to make a REALLY COOL AVATAR. I'll make it either way, but sending it into action immediately would be so much more awesome than letting it collect dust for the next few thousand years.

I really haven't been following ICly for some time now. A quick summary will be necessary :/
<Snipped quote by Vec>

Toothaches are Satan. Even Keriss couldn't cause so much pain.

I hope you feel better <3

She literally put needles inside and scraped the dead nerves off... freaky stuff...

She did the first 5 pics ...
So, I got back from the dentist 6 hours ago. This is me right now:

And I can still feel it... q.q
Gr8. Right when I'm getting ready for exams, toothache hits... Turns out one of my teeth needs to undergo root canal treatment... Sorry for any delays guys but... ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ
@poog the pig

@poog the pig you said you are friends with revan right? I've msged him to set a time and finish the collab but no response. If you can, try to get in touch with him please.

@poog the pig you said you are friends with revan right? I've msged him to set a time and finish the collab but no response. If you can, try to get in touch with him please.
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