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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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I think this is most of the list.


I don't scream...

P.S: You forgot my lovely little canine heroine :)
Also @Antarctic Termite, you should totally create a creature like this

Abd here I thought I was being cleaver. Lol, well, atleast I got the translation correct.

you thought you were a ?
<Snipped quote by Hygswitch>

Let my demi-god thing in!

y'know whats funny? it's that I understand the name of your char XD

Generally, every time someone tries to use Greek in the RPs im in, I just sit there giggling.

I'll see if I get any inspiration while I try to get my hainpost rolling. I got my themes, I just need a story to express them. Hrmf.

I think its high time that the hain/human community relationships were explored.

What, you mean after all this time, Hain and Humans have still to make contact?

Ull'Yang's Avatar
The Primordial Sun, Emperor in Gold, The Star Forger
Level 4 Cosmic God; Stars
31.5 Might & 4 Free Points

The Great Artisan, Divine Mason, Builder of Civilisations
Level 4 God of Crafting (Masonry, Carpentry)

22 Might & 1 Free Point

It was very early in the morning, the sun could not even be seen on the horizon, and yet, the forest of Deepwood had already come to life. All sorts of animal life had woken or was just about to wake up and go about its business, continue their monotone and routine lives.

A group of five Stripe-Faced Aphids led by a single alpha, as evident by its larger build when compared to the rest of its companions, were slowly traveling through the forest in search of a suitable tree hole to live in. You see, they are what one would call "colonists," forced to leave their previous hive by the rest of their kin due to the shortage of space in the tree hole. In reality, since the Aphids themselves did not really possess the intelligence necessary to comprehend a notion such as colonialism, they simply opted to follow their instincts and search for a new home.

After walking through the forest for a couple of hours, the six aphids came upon an unusually large and tall tree. With their hopes up, they started searching for any holes that had the prerequisites necessary for an aphid home. Little did they know, higher above them lurked a pair of marble-eyed gargoyles that were preparing to attack, should the opportunity present itself. Sure enough, when they saw the group of six split up, the two hunters immediately made a beeline for one of the smaller aphids each, not daring attack the larger one.

Suddenly, just as the two gargoyles were descending with great speed, a beam of sunlight shot out of nowhere at an even greater speed that didn't leave much room for dodging to the first gargoyle, hitting it straight on the forehead, instantly burning through its flesh and skull and coming out the other side, leaving behind a hole on the creature's head. The second gargoyle wasn't any luckier than its companion, the only difference being that it managed to move its vitals out of the way of the beam which instead bore a hole through one of its thighs. Screeching loudly in pain, the remaining gargoyle quickly flew away to safety. However, it too died a couple of hours later due to excessive blood loss.

The subsequent crash of the first gargoyle's body on the ground from above scared the six aphids out of their wits. After calming down and realising that the gargoyle was not actually moving from its initial place, the alpha reluctantly came out of its hiding spot and walked closer, only to find out that what they thought was a predator, had actually been killed by something. With a signal, the rest of the aphids came out as well and returned to their searching.

At the same time, a couple of kilometers away, a man was sitting cross-legged upon a big boulder, a strange black stick was hovering a few inches above his head. Yang'Ze retracted his finger and resumed his meditation once more, a faint smile appearing on his face.

The figure of a Hain in a leather apron manifested itself behind Yang'Ze. "Nice shot," complimented Teknall.

"The rule of the jungle is a notion I find quite detestable. Of course, someone could call me a hypocrite for saying this, since here I am, overwhelming inferior creatures with my powers... Why should I care what they think of me?" Yang'Ze said with solemn voice.

He slowly stood up and turned around to face the Craftsman God. "What brings you here, brother?" He asked Teknall while sizing up his new get-up. "You lost a few inches since our last meeting, among other things..." he added with a smirk.

Teknall looked down at himself. "Indeed. It is far easier to interact with the mortal races when I appear as one of their own," Teknall said. He looked back to Yang'Ze before continuing. "I see you have been practising your combat skills. This is good, because I'd like to redeem the rest of that favour you owed me."

"Ah, so that's how it is. Well, I indeed have been in seclusion training since you helped craft my staff. I've also given it a name, by the way, Sunderer. Quite fitting don't you think?" Yang'Ze said as he grabbed the floating staff with one of his hands, spun skip caught it with the other before bringing it under his arm in a ready position. "I presume what you want doesn't have anything to do with star forging since you pointed out me practising my skills... Tell me, brother, what is the reason for your requiring my assistance?"

Teknall knelt down to the boulder on which they stood and touched its surface. Small lumps of stone buldged up and carved themselves into a horde of two hundred and fifty life-like minature figurines. Two hundred of these were Hain, complete with tiny stone weapons, and fifty were Angels, actually flying a couple of centimeters above the rest of the horde. "I'm not sure how up to date you are on current events, so I'll explain. A short while ago Vestec sent several hordes, such as this one, to slaughter all in their path and wreak chaos. Additionally, he forbade the direct interference of the gods themselves.

"These hordes I could handle. They are just mortals, after all, and what is made by mortals can be destroyed by mortals. The horde isn't what I'm here to ask your help with."
Teknall touched another patch of stone, and from it sprang a perfect minature stone replica of Violence. The figurine of Violence leapt into the horde, and the horde raised their fists in silent cheers as the newcomer turned to lead them onwards. "I seek your help in killing that- Vestec's Avatar. Nothing short of another Avatar will stop it, and if it isn't stopped then all in its path will be slaughtered."

Teknall stood back up and looked at Yang'Ze. "I do not ask you to fight it alone, though. Kyre and myself are both sending Avatars of our own. But a third will further help to ensure our victory. What do you say?"

"Of course, I will assist you in this endeavor, there's no denying that" Yang'Ze immediately said. "A simple star, in my eyes, is little to no compensation for your help in creating my Sunderer. I had already told you to not hesitate telling me if there was anything else you wanted. If it's in my power to do, I will do it" he told Teknall.

Ull'Yang, and Yang'Ze as a result of being his Avatar, valued words above all. He would never go back on his word once he gave it. So when Yang'Ze's brows frowned, giving his face a gloomy and troubled expression, it wasn't because he was not willing, no not at all. What, instead, troubled him was Vestec's Avatar, Violence.

"Say brother, this Avatar of Vestec's. Have you tested its power? I would presume that since it's an Avatar of the god of Chaos, it should have quite the battle prowess. Do we know anything about his abilities? What sort of attacks he has or any sort of unique weapons we should be wary of?" Yang'Ze finally asked Teknall. Inside his mind, he was already devising countless plans and strategies to combat this new foe Vestec presented them with.

Teknall too frowned. "I too expect it to have ample battle prowess, although I do not have any information on it. The point of this preemptive strike was to destroy the Avatar before it had a chance to use its abilities to kill anything." Teknall knelt back down to the figurine of Violence and touched it. Illusory flame-like light glowing a writhing mess of colours was added to the living stone sculpture. "What little I do know was self-evident from first inspection. It has some armour, and it is also overflowing with Vestec's chaos energy, which can be used for a variety of offensive and defensive energy magic uses. Other than that, I don't know. This is one reason I want all the help I can get, to overcompensate for any uncertainties."

Teknall straightened back up. "Are there any further questions?"

Yang'Ze zoomed onto the stone figurine, taking in and imprinting Violence's appearance in his mind so that he will be able to identify Vestec's Avatar immediately amidst the battle. "I have just one more question. Is there some sort of plan to drag Violence away from his army so us three go against him or do we just sneak attack him and his minions? Since he drags around mortals, I expect that they will have to set up camps. Do we wait until that moment when they don't expect it and then attack their camp or what?" Yang'Ze asked.

"Ah yes, that." Teknall waved his hand at the model horde, which reenacted the moment at which Violence told them to settle down and set up camp. "They have settled down to camp for thirty days. My preference would be to lure Violence out of the camp, so we don't need to worry about the horde. I think both you and I would agree that this is not a fight we want distractions for, and I doubt we could really sneak up on an Avatar. Although I must admit I do not yet have an actual plan of approach. Perhaps Kyre will have a good plan when we meet up before the fight."

"Although I doubt that we won't be able to take down one Avatar with three of our own, having a plan of action ironed out beforehand gives us an additional layer of assurance in case something goes wrong or something unexpected happens. It is Vestec that we're talking about here..." Yang'Ze said with a serious expression.

Slowly, however, a smile appeared on his face. "Nevertheless, until we actually attack, even if we formulate thousands of plans and consider every angle, it will all be in vain. I am as ready as I will ever be. I've actually been itching to test these new skills of mine that I've been honing these last few years."

Teknall nodded. "That is true. That is why my personal plan is to attack with more than enough force, and I suppose the rest will be subject to improvisation." Teknall gestured at the ground one more time, and this time a model of a fortified Hain village grew from the stone some distance ahead of the horde. In it scurried miniature Hain, living out their lives in real time. "Around this village would be a good rendevous point. This is where I had originally intended to meet the horde with forces of my own. Kyre has gone to visit it, so you can discuss plans with him. Although avoid being seen by the Hain, of course, because they aren't familiar with your body form." Teknall pointed in a southwards direction. "It's that way."

"Very well. I shall be on my way," Yang'Ze said after throwing a glance at the horizon, where Teknall was pointing at. "I trust that I will see you, or I guess in this case your Avatar, pretty soon," he told Teknall.

"Good. I should meet up with you in a few of days. I have a lot of construction to do," Teknall replied.

With that said and done, Yang'Ze sat cross-legged on top of his floating Sunderer and promptly flew towards their meeting point, only a faint gold light left behind by him being the only indication he was ever there.

Before Teknall left, he waved a hand over the stone figurines once more, and they melded back into the boulder from which they came. Then a black rift tore itself in the space in front of him. Teknall stepped through the rift, which closed behind him, leaving no trace of his presence.

<Snipped quote by Vec>
So it's all your fault that revan is gone! We will have to deep fry you and feed you to Vestec as punishment >:(
But you can escape my GM-Justice if you re-post your dragon sheet, didn't get a chance to read it at the time and it looked extremely impressive
<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

Life: Species

if the sky could dream, it would dream of dragons.

Name: Dov racial - Dovah individual, singular/plural
Lifespan: Anywhere between 600 to 1200 years

He-Who-Controls-RPs hath spoken, and so it shall be.
@Kangutso @Hael @Mardox @revan427

Are you guys ok? Warning you that your friendly neighbour Vestecman has his eyes on your characters. And, you know, when it's Vestec, you don't get a friendly goodbye. Vowzra isn't like that, see how he helped Belruarc become a powerful, independent, human woman? Well, Vestec will just disembowel you. Not very nice. So come back quickly.

Well, tbh @revan427 and I were working on his char's intro when exams knocked my door and I had to go on hiatus for some time :/ So we kinda left our collab in the middle and I don't know right now if he's feeling like continuing it. That's why I haven't posted/updated Ull'Yang's whereabouts and all the dragon shenanigans q.q

As far as I know Kangutso and BBeast are collabing right now :|
Wait, so all the cannon characters are dead? Admirals, Yonkou, Warlords and generally all the powerful DF users. Just asking as clarification. It definitely seems like a nice idea. Can we have a DF or do we start as a plain pirate/marine?
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