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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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im really getting a GoT-y vibe from this. Would you be interested in a Lanister-esque kind of addition to your panel of advisors? ;P
<Snipped quote by Hygswitch>

You will note that most of us have that length of time recorded. This is no coincidence. A few years back the Guild went down and all data was lost. The admin Mahz rewrote the Guild from scratch. As such, the time specified is the number of days we have been a member of this iteration of the Guild. Evidently, new Guild turned 888 days a few days ago.

Speaking of which, what's so special about 888? Is it simply the triplet of digits, or does the number 8 have some significance that I'm missing?

There you go
@BBeast Hey Gratz for 888 Days here! Also @Kho sorry for missing yours by a day.

most of us here are well over 1000 days. I joined back in 2010 if i remember correctly :)
I've been reading through the IC/OOC and i find this RP interesting :) I wonder if one can only play as a Swordsman. Can we create characters that use ranged/blunt etc weapons?

I think he is talking about how Arkon voted to not be part of the Galbar Universe anymore.

Everything changed when the Jvanic nation attacked.
@Antarctic Termite
One thing I really think you would like to give a chance is the Fallen London / Sunless Sea games. Especially Fallen London, which starts tame, but over time gets more and more wicked.

Just look at the mess one particular quest caused:

<Snipped quote by Vec>

My only fear is that revan really doesn't have time to commit to the RP and is too embarrassed to say so. But if he insists and you finish the post, PM it to me and I'll consider whether to let him back in.

<Snipped quote by Vec>

Siiiighh, don't we always seem to. Hael and I go way back to the OldGuild, s/he'll most likely by back, but that could be next week or in nine months

tbh, the timing of him joining the RP and my exams forced us to stop the collab in the middle. By the time I was finished I wouldn't be surprised if he had lost interest. I would have too if the dude that told me he would help me introduce my char abandoned me.

The thing is, the idea we had planned was really good and it explained very well why Iyra would be Ull's offspring. It even tied with my eventual introduction of the dragon race. That is also why dragons are not a thing yet...

So, it's safe to say that it's all my fault. Sorry
@Kho revan is not dead yet! *brings defibrillator* We are STILL trying to finish that collab to properly introduce his character.

EDIT: Also, we lost Hael

Actually, the whole thing is a bit more cryptic than that, involving ancient rituals and...

@Double Capybara I may be wrong, but did you by any chance take inspiration from Tolkien when you decided to name your god Illunabar? It sounds oddly similar to Ilúvatar, the god of LOTR. I was recently reading back to the Silmarillion and it was a nice little surprice to me when i realised it :)
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