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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Vec Yes. So.. I'll need to come up with something that makes him more useful. I guess he's just really virtuous and a noble man that doesn't really dabble in intrigue and shit.

That way he can at least teach the king some nice values, before my guy gets assassinated because he's too noble.

Reminds me of Ned Stark :
@Vec Well, let me put it like this; if every character can fight, then my character sort of becomes a useless guy that just knows a lot about religion, doesn't it?

Ah, true. But, he's also the only legitimate Knight of the lot. You could play around with that.
@BuddhaLayna isn't necessarily a fighter per se. You could say she's a jack-of-all-trades that has above average intelligence and a knack for strategy.

As for the knife under the pillow... Hey, it's a rough world out there :)

EDIT: I'd also add that she's overly ambitious, among other negatives.
@frapetYou have something good going on there. I wonder though the reason for sending Grenn as the advisor. I mean, he doesn't seem like the best guy to send if the survival of your province is dependent on the impression one man has on an 11-year-old King xD

Although since he's a mercenary, I can't really say bad things about him as I might need his services ;P
Vec's "TKID LLTK" Corner

@Vec I'm thinking a slave trader tbh.

Not that they are mutually exclusive.

Ryuzaki's char might be able to fill that role, what with her father being an Arena Master? Gladiators are slaves right? xD
We have a lot of fighter characters, and one woman that seems to be of pleasurable life.

How nice.

I agree. We need an old man to level the field :/
<Snipped quote by BBeast>

Granted, Aussie parties are more upfront with their naming in the senate. Shooters and Fishers Party. Family First Party. Christian Party. Sex Party.

Not even joking with that last one.

It's one of the many reasons why I enjoy our preference voting system.

The Australian Sex Party is an Australian political party founded in 2008 in response to concerns over the increasing influence of religion in Australian politics.


Hope they are ok :)
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