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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Muttonhawk xD I doubt it then. The dude that drew it said in the description that there was no thought/meaning behind the drawing.
<Snipped quote by Vec>

If my previous experience seeing edgy symbols is telling me anything, Vestec is anti...woman here?

It's a cool pic, all the same.

Is that what that symbol means? :O
I just found this picture and thought to myself: That's Vestec alright xD @Rtron

I might be the only person in the Universe who didn't like Gurren Lagann...
So what did we learn? PMs should be kept for collabs. Everything else goes to IC.

>finds kho house


this extends to Sin as well...
@Kho ...You should not speak. I know what you want to do mister. *Looks at Kho condescendingly*
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