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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@LokiLeo789Not the meeting. I was talking about the magic.
So I did some 5 minute research. I'd say this is what gods actually use when they say "divine essence"

And since gods can actually die in this setting, I wouldn't say that gods are omnipotent. The ONLY omnipotent beings are Amul and Fate.

And Time, if you count it as a being.
@LokiLeo789 Nevertheless, I'd like to know more about how you plan on going about introducing it into the RP, if you don't mind.
@LokiLeo789@poog the pig I look forward to the time Lif and Amartia meet one another. It's gonna be intersting finding out who has the bigger di-ahem. Aspirations

On another note: I don't think that this 5th Element is what makes gods...godly. In our Universe, I would argue that 5th Element = Might, and Amartia pretty much has that already. I would say that gods are more attuned with the purest of energies, an energy that predates the Universe. This 5th Element would at most be a branch of Astarte's Magic Domain. Of course, it would prove a powerful weapon in the hands of mortals fighting against mortals, but I wouldn't really dub it "the power of the gods."
>inb4 Ull'Yang@Amartia
Wait, I haven't exactly read the recent Amartia post. Did he bully our Astarte? >:C

escalated rather quickly there

Someone's trying to GodKill your GodKiller :O xD
Layna Marie Farwynd

Layna immediately got dressed, opened the door and followed the two soldiers that had come to escort her to the Chamber of Council. On the way there, she thought about her next steps. She had to tread carefully if she wanted her plans to come to fruition. Although that brief meeting had given her a valuable future asset, that didn't mean that asset was exclusive to her. "Father..." Layna thought how her father would react should he know her real motives in obtaining this advisor position.

After five minutes of walking, the trio reached the Chamber of Council. "This is as far as we go, my Lady," the soldier told her and bowed respectfully while making way for her to pass. Layna nodded and entered the room. The first thing that caught her attention was the triangular table. "It's not every day you see one of these..." Layna mused silently as she walked to her seat. "Ecclesiarch, General." Layna respectfully greeted the two big wigs of the Council before sitting down in her seat. Back when she escorted her father on business trips to the capital, Layna had come in brief contact with the two and although she wouldn't say she was on close terms with them, they were indeed acquaintances.

She threw Grenn a knowing look and then turned her attention to the girl who seemed to have arrived just before her, seeing as she was still fiddling with her chair. Layna did not give much thought to the rest of the advisors as they came in and opted to remain silent until the King arrived. Soon enough, after every advisor had gathered inside the Chamber, Elendin entered the room, closely followed by Rurik.

Layna stood up, like the rest of the people in the room, to greet the King before sitting down once again. She looked at Elendin as he nervously read out the first topic of the day. The kid was obviously not ready to rule, and everyone in this room knew that. Nevertheless, they kept up appearances and awaited the King to articulate the topic.

"A rebellion, hmm? Those nobles are certainly eager to show their true colors..." Layna simply said out loud. It was at that time that a messenger barged into the room hurriedly and gave the king a report. When he read the contents of the letter out loud, Layna was taken aback. "Truly, they are too hasty!" she thought. "They must think that because they are four against one, the Dieuporteilian soldiers won't stand a chance. Laughable," she smiled and lowered her head, looking at the papers in front of her.

However, when de Warenne was called up by the King and was ordered back to his province, Layna raised her head in shock. "Oh! Why, this truly changes things!" Layna exclaimed inwardly and looked at Grenn with a smile.
Hmm, It feels like that was one of the top posts we've had in a while, regarding plot revelations and character development.
@Double Capybara In defence of Vestec, he has lured one god into suicide and killed another out of self-defence. Vulamera was killed by Vowzra.
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