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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@MuttonhawkThe closest to a destruction god we have is Vestec. As for pure destruction, Chaotic Evil, Mehrunes Dagon-esque kind of god, no. I don't think we have one.
@IktomiSo, debauchery is excessive indulgence in pleasure. Hedonism is the pursuit of pleasure and an ethical claim that pleasure is the proper aim in life?

So, whereas Amartia is Neutral Evil, your guy will be closer to Chaotic Neutral.
@Iktomi@BBeast Also, don't forget we sort of already have a Demigod of Debauchery in the form of Amartia.
@Iktomi I feel that I need to say this once more. If you REALLY want me to be the parent of your Demi, you'll have to come at me with a set plan on how you want things to go. I am not very good with Demis, as evident from the fact that Ull'Yang has remained a bachelor the whole time...
@Vec I actually have most of who he is figured out in my head, just have to get it written down. Given that at the moment it seems like I won't be sleeping I might go ahead and start on it now. As for you being his parent I would be interested, my only question is how does a giant scary space dragon have sex with a mortal? o.o. I suppose he could have used his avatar?

Ull can shapeshift into anything, really. Till now, he has taken only 3 forms. First was his star form, then dragon and most recently, humanoid.
@Kho.... It seems that you have not been playing much attention.
@IktomiAlthough I have no objections, you have to really have a fleshed out concept ready for me to actually commit to it. The last time someone decided to take me as their parent waited so long that they actually lost interest in the RP and left

@Kho & @The Irish Tree On the topic of Domains and Portfolios. I have a question. Since Time falls under Creation, as Loki and Kho previously pointed out, and as Portals would be a Portfolio of Space - and Space, despite being wide, already comes under the Domain of Creation.

So why Space (Portals) and not Creation (Portals)?

Unless this has already been answered before so nvm me...

On another note, I wouldn't really call Divinus a mid/high advanced RP. Have you seen mid/high advanced? Those guys go crazy with the articulation and description of things. I'd say we're more of a low/borderline mid-advanced.
Amartía, the god of Sin has a nice ring to it. What other portfolios could I add to him?

None. He's Fated to be a lonely SOB.

amirite @Kho?
@Cyclone I always thought that Chaos (Change) was better than Change (Air) but your call.
@Gimmickly I believe Riddles falls better under Trickery and not Persuasion. Trickery is a more overarching Domain and has better potential for future Portfolio acquisitions.

@CycloneI believe Ice is a Portfolio of Water.
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