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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Gabriel Antares

Gabriel was waving his hands around for a while before one of the other survivors saw him and waved back. "Hey Mister! We're getting ready to set up a camp! Come join us!" The girl waved and shouted back at Gabriel. "Well, at least they are friendly and have not gone crazy because of the shipwreck..."

Gabriel walked a little faster towards the group until he reached them. That was when he realized the girl that shouted at him had perky cat-like ears protruding from her head! "Oh, lookie here. A beast-folk of Ayabukuro. I've traveled through the vast grasslands of your homeland many times and even met some of your folk. Strange to see that the Kitsune sent an envoy as well. I always thought that your kind didn't care about external affairs," Gabriel casually said before turning his attention towards the guy behind her.

"Hey there fella," he greeted the man with a nod of his head. "Why you look so angry, eh? We're just stranded in an unknown land with no map or knowledge of our surroundings and can only rely on ourselves to survive! Fun times, eh? I say fun times!" Gabriel exclaimed and made to clap the man's back with his hand but was promptly stopped by a familiar voice calling out to him.

"Ah, my dear Charlotte, why so serious?" he said and jokingly bowed. He then pointed at the smooth, black collar on his neck and smiled. "Your word is my command, princess." Gabriel said and bowed once more. And as if not having heard her, he continued talking.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Gabriel asked with a genuine look of concern on his face. A strange glint flashed in his eyes and he promptly started walking around her, inspecting her body for any signs of injury. Only when he was sure everything was alright did he sigh with relief and took a step back.

He eyed Charlotte and nodded his head. "Mhm. Not bad, not bad at all..." he thought inwardly whilst stroking his stubble.
I will leave you with this. But I guess, with the post frequency in this RP, I won't have to worry about losing much in my 5 days of absence from RPG :)
Layna Marie Farwynd

Layna sat back in her chair, brought one leg over the other and simply watched as one after the other, advisors stood up and 'offered' their thoughts on the matter of the rebellion. Her eyes calmly and carefully sized up each speaker, in an effort to construct profiles for each advisor.

The old man from Andaluja for example. From the way he spoke to the way he carried himself in front of the Council, Layna could easily deduce that the geezer had zero knowledge or experience in the ways of the Court. Of course, that could all be an elaborate cover so as to make others underestimate him, but Layna doubted it. The man was so old that if he did, in fact, had previous experiences with administration and such other things, his demeanor would be the total opposite of what he projected. Nevertheless, the scholar did have vast theoretical knowledge over most things known, that much she would admit.

After Laxion finished with his speech, in which he very elaborately described a very basic tactic that's probably been used countless times since the birth of Kingdoms and Dynasties, it was the Khargat's turn to voice his opinion. Layna hadn't missed the look he gave her back when he entered the room. At that time she had merely chosen to ignore the barbarian scum, but now he went and talked about treachery. "Hah! The one whose nation's history is riddled with countless backstabbings and betrayals in the pursuit of power talks about treachery! Of all things! Where has the world come to..."

Layna sighed and closed her eyes, choosing to once again ignore the Khargat and all the garbage that came out of his mouth. Once he was finished and sat down silently, Layna's face donned a pleasant smile. "Ah, it's finally over. And here I was thinking he would talk for another twenty minutes or so. Seems like I overestimated him..."

Layna opened her eyes right when Grenn stood up to speak. She had mixed feelings about the man from Driftmark. Apparently, he was pretty well-known in his province and as such, news of his achievements, as well as his notoriety, had made their way to Belintash as well. He was known for leading his mercenary group, the Iron Sovereigns, with an iron fist and steel determination. Rumor also had it that he was the one behind many a village torchings, but that had yet to be proven. Nevertheless, that kind of character was exactly what Layna was looking for, and so when she caught his meaningful look, she got the message and finally stood up to speak as well.

She cast her eyes briefly on all the relevant people present in the room before setting them on the king. "Your majesty, I'm afraid I'll have to agree with master Albraght on this matter. These rebels think of you, and pardon my rudeness, as unfit to rule. 'Tis a title that you will not be able to be rid of easily. Those counts and dukes that instigated the rebellion all think of you, and to a lesser extend the Kingdom itself as weak and easy to pick on. They are like the hyenas residing in the vast grasslands between the central province of Emperiat and the province of Serrath." Layna paused and glared at Chugo. "Once they get the slightest idea of their prey weakening, they instantly pounce on it. Needless to say, those rebels are not the only ones taking after said animal..." She said and turned her attention back to the young king.

"As such, I believe a direct approach is the best possible approach we can take on this matter." Layna bowed her head slightly to show that she was finished and sat back in her chair.
<Snipped quote by Kho>

Wow, you guys live in Reverse World or something. Nah I'm kidding, don't hurt me. Here we get out June 1st, resume August 29th.

Well, I said I'd post in 7-8 hours and I've yet to do that q.q No excuses. Well, one excuse maybe. I've been reading Light Novels non-stop for about 2 days now XD have gotten through about 800 chapters of pure text x.x but I love it.

I'd started writing my post but then forgot about it xD I'll try to think something up to leave you with, because I'll be off for a week on vacation and I don't know if I'll have reliable internet to be able to post :|
<Snipped quote by Cyclone>

That's 3 months of vacations.

That's insane.

It's all tied to what day Easter falls on. If its late in may or early may/late april. After Easter are the final exams. 2 weeks most of the times. After the exams, you're over with school till September again :)

Atleast thats how its here
I'll be posting something in 7-8 hours cause it's pretty late where I live right now and I'm tired q.q
All this talk about gender roles and here I am with my dragons who either keep their kids after birth and teach them or kick the shit out of them and throw them out of the nest XD
@Kho You got to understand, Ull didn't really want to fight Vowzra. They never had hatred between them so why not mourn his death? The way Ull sees it, although Vowzra had different views on the Jvan matter than Ull, he respects that, evident of the fact that he stopped arguing after seeing that Vowzra could not be reasoned with.

So yeah, Ull would pretty much mourn every god that died.
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