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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@poog the pigNo. You'd most probably explode from the inside out.
@Rtron@BBeast@Antarctic Termite@Muttonhawk

Right now, the only DEAD dead god is Reathos. Julkolfyr is implied to be imprisoned somewhere whilst Mammon and Vulamera are merged with stuff. If Vestec goes about trapping and merging Vakalron and Daegon's essences with the Realm of Madness, then they will be in the same predicament as the other two.

So the only one (two) who will be mourned on the funeral will be Reathos (and Vowzra, if he dies before the funeral, something I won't like that much tbh...)

So the only way for the other gods to be suspicious about Vula and Co. situation will be when they don't answer back to the call for a gathering and when they don't eventually show up.

And so, when the gods become suspicious, Vestec better have a goddamn good explanation, because very few beings would be able to actually kill a god and get away with, namely other gods. And who's a better prime suspect than the God of Chaos and Violence?
*Slams Open the Doors and Swaggers Into OOC* I'll be taking one of the recent openings, so please don't hate me when I drop my CS in the tab (Yes I swear I was approved by Flynn... I swear.) So Hi.

<Snipped quote by poog the pig>

Wha-what? What is that? What did I do to deserve reading through that? Why poog? Why?
*takes that axe from Vec*


Five seconds in Photoshop later...

@poog the pig
<Snipped quote by Antarctic Termite>


I swear to Rob Benedict, if you post that gif one more time...
It's freaking triggering me and I don't know why...
<Snipped quote by Vec>

From experience, gods gathering in one place means Vestec gets to turn everyone on one another and Ragnarok 1.01 begins. Except this time there's no mad dragon burning down Yggradsil

Don't worry. I've got you covered on that one...
I'm planning on a something special happening on Galbar when Ull'Yang realises Reathos is dead. If you kill off Vowzra before that post, then It will be even more speshulsauce-tastic
<Snipped quote by Vec>

I've no objections to it! Vowzra won't be taking part, of course, since he'll be dead too. But I don't think anyone will be thinking about that ^^' maybe there'll be a few 'well, at least there's some good news' xPPP

I wonder if we do end up doing it, do we do it after the Vowzra post or before? I mean, we got a really good ARC starter here in our hands.
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