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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@KhoSo what do you think about my little suggestion? About the Reathos funeral.
@KhoIndeed, I'm starting to question my own sanity right now.
Man, I was just browsing the web when I came upon this...
When I saw those stats I was like "daaaaamn... I just waited 13 seconds and a person died, just like that. Dead. Finito. Oh, there goes another 13 seconds...."

By the time I'll have posted this, 10 people would have died probably... daaaamnnn
<Snipped quote by Vec>

Once I get off my arse and find time outside of the study, I was going to escalate Toun's reaction to finding out about Vulamera. I had been running under the assumption that he wasn't aware of the deaths of other gods up until now.

Well, this is just something that seemed logical to me. If you guys don't want to do it or it's ruining plans you've had going on, I won't be pressing the matter.

Furthermore, since Rtron's post, a lot of stuff has happened. I would feel better if Reathos vs Vestec would take place further down the timeline, so as we could finish all the things we have already planned and then have our gods react to the aftermath of the fight. This, if we indeed decide to react...
<Snipped quote by Vec>

I support this.

For once, Vestec wouldn't cause chaos.

Also: Added Death's artifacts and Destruction magic to Vestec's tab in the third CS.

Oh, no no mister. Don't try to escape punishment. Why should Zephyrion be the only one who's judged for his transgressions? >:C Amul be praised.
<Snipped quote by Muttonhawk>

Tenacious D was my shit when I was in Middle School.

Still is.

EDIT: Speaking of metal, a preview of what's to come for my Pronobii one-off:

A death metal themed story to commemorate the death of the god of death.

I wonder, would the gods mourn the death of one of their own?

I mean, It's a big deal. Like. Really big.

Like, would the gods get together to sing a eulogy for the deceased god. Their sorrowful voices echoing throughout Galbar, covering it with a thick blanket of gloom that affects all living things etc. Basically, can we make a big deal out of it? I think I'd like to see that. It would also be a good opportunity for all the gods to get together in one place and make puny demigods with funny ideas like Lifprasil and Amartia, realise what exactly they are up against. One thing is is to have read things through a book and another is to see all the gods in one place, with their powerful auras flooding the place, especially when they are sad.

I'm mainly saying this cause I see that no one really reacts to Reathos' death. Another thing is to get trapped inside the Codex or merge with the Realm of Madness. Vulamera's and Mammon's essences are still present in the Universe so I find it believable that the gods did not realise that something's wrong with them.

But Vestec literally killed and mutilated Reathos. In the OOC OP it says that when a god dies, Its soul escapes the fabric of the Universe. So Reathos' essence would not be present in the Universe anymore. In my mind, other gods should very strongly feel the death of one of their own. Like, they lost a part of them forever?
@Antarctic Termite What is this witchcraft!?

One like is not enough. That post certainly sated my hunger for Divinus. For now.
I hope the peeps won't hate Gabriel. But I guess they will...
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