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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Gotcha bish
Gabriel Antares

The body slowly drifted in the sea, letting the waves carry it to shore. Eventually, it washed out, unmoving and stiff, like a wet rag that had been left over to dry. It lay there, face down on the sand for an unknown amount of time. It could have been minutes but It also could have been hours, no one really would know.

What goes in, however, always has to come out sometime. As his lungs tried to desperately remove the excess water from his body, he felt his chest swell up, the water quickly ascending and then promptly shooting out through his mouth. In between breaths, he coughed out the remainder of the sea water and mustered what strength he could to drag his body higher up the shore, to a dryer place.

He slumped around on his back, stretching his arms outwards. The palm tree over his head protected his eyes from the glaring rays of the midday sun. He stayed for a few minutes like that, regulating his breathing and calming down before he collected himself and stood up. Gabriel's eyes scanned his surroundings and then the thought finally settled in for good.

Rage immediately took over him as he grabbed a nearby boulder, lifted it up and threw it into the sea. The boulder crashed into the water with a loud splash, creating small waves that settled a few seconds later. "You! You!" He said and pointed at the ocean. "Oh, what a beautiful boat you have there, little fellows! IT WOULD BE A SHAME IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO IT, HMMM??" He shouted out loud while flailing his arms around.

He then proceeded to have a fit of anger, running around the beach like a madman and throwing everything he could find, that was throwable, into the sea. Needless to say, the sea did not fight back. After venting out his anger and calming down, Gabriel started walking down the beach towards a random direction. "Where is this place anyway... and where is the boat? Weeeell, I guess It must have sunk, but there's got to be SOMETHING that washed up with me." Gabriel mumbled as he was walking. And then he stopped, the realisation hitting him once more. "Where is my sword? WHERE'S MY SWORD YOU SON OF A BITCH?!" He yelled at the sea once more and started throwing things at it.

Gabriel even dived into the ocean and searched for his sword, but to no avail. It was long gone...

He came out of the ocean practically fuming. He took off his shirt and squeezed it to get it as dry as possible. "You piece of shit, motherf-" As he was drying out his shirt, his eyes trailed off towards the east where he spotted the wreck of the ship, along with some people scurrying about, seemingly trying to salvage anything from the wreckage. "Oh yeah, there was that little girl that old Dick-on told me to keep safe... Charlotte, if I remember correctly. I wonder if she survived..."

With all that passing through his mind, Gabriel hung his, now, rag of a shirt over his shoulder to dry out and set off towards the other survivors. He waved his arms around, trying to get their attention. Maybe they had seen his little employer...
Vec's "Barren Shores" Characters

@PKMNB0YI PMed you my new CS so if we have any sort of arguments, we won't fill the OOC.
@PKMNB0YSo basically, your biggest problems are 1) that he's physically unfit to be able to escape the way he did 2) catalysts are a no-no, even though there's already a mage with a catalyst in the rp, but anyway. 3) a 14-year-old cannot have that good of a memory.

ok. noted. I'll make a new char.
@Rtron Hmm? Why is that relevant? Do you want Ilunabar to use dream hax to make Vestec pregnant or something?

1) You should have talked about the 'no underground parties' in the OP if you specifically did not want us to use them.
2) Since you've been mentioning the malnourished part. I've mentioned, numerous times in the history tab, that although he's malnourished, that does not mean that he was not given food at all. I suppose I should have clarified that better.
3)I get the thing about food and water. I did not know that the voyage would take 1 month, but you did not mention it in the OP as well. I only found out after the CS was done, in the OOC.
4)Yes. Two years. Why shouldn't he survive and retain his knowledge? Were the "he was forced to mature early" and "never gave up on escaping" not enough reasons for him to retain his sanity?
5)He has no physical abilities, and yet you deny him the only thing that would give him some sort of uniqueness among the group. If I take away the stone, we're left with a frail, 14-year-old kid whose only real merit is being a walking encyclopedia. Oh and the odd tricks with his innate magic, which is very rare and very weak sort of magic.
6)As said previously, I suppose I should have clarified the malnourished part better. He's not a sack of bones with no muscle on him. He can swim, and walk, and run. I don't think that a sack of brittle bones could do all that.

I believe in Wong. He's a rice warrior.

Oh I get it. It's funny cause he's fat, isn't it?

I just read somewhere in the OOC that the voyage took a month or so. Obviously, my man did not go into a coma or smthing for a whole month and woke up right when the ship capsized, only to go into a coma once again until he washes up on the shore xD. Let's just say he was a sneaky little fella and managed to get by without getting caught...pls....
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