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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Such an RP, I wonder if It will be sandbox-y or there's a plot hiding somewhere... I wonder if this can work in play-by-post as the premise is obviously set up for there to be only 1 protagonist. I don't think it can work with groups...
@Dawnscroll They level up.
@poog the pig too bad they fucked up Berserk 2016...
@Double Capybara Ancient China's capital cities changed like you change your socks lol. Hong Kong was never a relevant city in ancient china. Just one more commandery city.


@poog the pig If you can deal with the constant moody weather, then go for it ;)
they are flooding the problems section xD so desperate

I found a pic of Logos, taking into consideration that first pic you had of him...

@BBeast Hadn't read that specific post. Hmm. Ok.
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