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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Kho Hmm.

@Kho Hmm, since we're doing the killing, we can't be the ones calling out ourselves for genocide. And since all the elephants will be dead, they won't be able to call us out for it as well. Additionally, since no other animal is able to communicate in a way that can convey thoughts and ideas to us, they'll be unable to call us out for it too.

So, it's not genocide.
@poog the pig Also, I just realized but... technically it's not a genocide if everyone dies ;P

In a sense that, since everyone would be dead, there would be no one there to call it a genocide.
<Snipped quote by Vec>

I mean, if Sun-G is looking to be Galbar's next grossly incandescent villain, I'd say give him the might.

Oh, villainy is not even close to what Ull will be doing in the near future. ;) Kho knows.
@rush99999Huh...I didn't even think of that. You're kinda right on that one, hahaha~

@potatochipgolemThat they do. I've always wondered what some villains do for fun when they're not being villains.

@Kho if that's so then now that Ull no longer has the extra might per turn, that 4.5 might be returned to him as well `.`

I don't mind.
<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>

Hmm, I actually meant to delete that sentence. Meh its to late now. Now all we need is a "drill that will pierce the heavens" and Amartía will be complete.

A sneak peak of Ull after the whole supernova thing. He will have a completely different appearance.
ignore the metatron's cube... for now..
@CrumbsI'll have my character up soon ;)
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