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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@poog the pig The thing is that you're wrong. From what I got, child sacrifice was ESSENTIAL to the plot in this case. It was BECAUSE they sacrificed children that they were able to create and enchant their weapons and armor, and in their belief, protect their tribe and people.

Even with that, and not any other justification, I'd say that there's no problem with it being in the post and ofc it belongs in the story. There would not be any story if no sacrifices were made.
@poog the pig I don't really get it, what's the problem with child sacrifice? Since when were we afraid to delve into dark subjects? I mean Amartia's whole schtick is being EVIL. It's fcking Sin dammit. Last time I checked, Murder was a sin by biblical standards...

Chill out...
@Double Capybara ah, i was of the impression that dreams didn't care about whether they on a different plane or not. I mean, it's not like Ull's plane is "outside" the Universe. It exists inside the normal universe, and is shielded by Ull's powers from others.
@LokiLeo789 Get on Ull's good graces and get branded by him, tell Ilunabar to locate the secret place through dreams and get Belvast to make a portal for you, since he can make portals everywhere.

Thats the only way right now.

i plan to make it easier later.
@Crumbs Can you describe how the economy works in this setting? I mean, I am wondering if 6 silver coins are too little for Anne to afford a room in an inn xD
@Crumbs I'll just wait for some more posts to pop up and then timeskip Anne to present day as she arrives to town etc etc
@Crumbs Indeed, it was a Sheogorath reference :)
@Dawnscroll You are not the only one mang... you are not the only one...
@Double Capybara 8^D I have signatures disabled so I wouldn't know that.
@Dawnscroll my new pic reflects what I think about that
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