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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Annevar Tel'ethir

Two whole months did the journey from Rhiadan to Vaald take, yet Anne never once felt bored or tired of it. Being a relatively young druid, her age could still be counted in decades, Anne did not have much of an experience of the world outside of the forest. As such, even the smallest things would amaze her. For example, one afternoon, while walking towards a small village that would be her stop for the night, Anne came across two strange beings.

The beings were not very tall, barely reaching her waist. Their bodies were covered with layer upon layer of fat, and their faces were that of pigs. They wore simple linen clothes and generally did not give out a sense of wealth. They were busy trying to get the attention of any passerby they could. When one of the two noticed her looking towards them, he immediately called out to her.

As it turned out, the two pigmen were con-artists disguised as merchants selling their wares to travellers that were on their way to the capital. When they saw Anne's seemingly clueless face they thought they had caught a big fish. Unfortunately for them, although Anne was indeed clueless about such schemes, she was at the same time extremely poor. Not that it bothered her; she rarely slept in an inn or bought anything from merchants as she preferred to live in nature, inside tree hollows or high up in branches.

Once they realised how poor she was, they thought she was actually a beggar, an idea that was reinforced when they saw that she walked bare-footed. They looked at her with a look full of disdain and shooed her off. "Is this how other races greet each other? Frown and wave their hands away from their bodies?" Anne tried to imitate the look the pigmen gave her, but after a while, she gave up. "Ugh, I'll just have to introduce myself like an elf. Who would think that there were creatures that frown when they first meet someone else?" Anne thought. "Each day I learn something new..." she mumbled with a serious look, noting the new information for future use.

Just like that, Anne travelled through the lands until one day, she finally reached the Deladian capital. "Wow..." Anne was once more shocked by the sheer size of the city. Bustling with people of all race and size, Vaald was the exact opposite of the peaceful little village of Ulme she grew up in. As she passed through the maze-like stone alleys and roads that endlessly intertwined and led to different places all over the capital, Anne found herself more and more amazed by the wonders of civilisation.

But she soon snapped off the trance the city had put on her. She slapped her cheeks to wake herself up. "Right! I have to find the Church of Gnara, to announce my presence. Those people should be able to direct me towards the Dreamer's participating in the festival," she thought. She started running around the city, asking for directions from whoever could help, but not many people knew, and even more simply ignored her. Fortunately, there was one person that, although didn't know where the Church was, directed her to the Guild Center.

"You will likely find what you want there," the elderly woman told Anne. "Yes! Thank you for your help!" Anne bowed a few times in gratitude before storming off towards the direction the woman pointed at. "Heh heh, young'uns these days are full of energy," the woman thought and smiled.

Anne could be seen doubled over on the side of the road, clutching her staff with both hands while she desperately tried to catch her breath. As it turned out, the Guild Center was located on the other side of the town. Anne, in her hurry, had actually run all the way there without even stopping once!

It would be many years in the future that the legend of a half-elven woman that had run all the way from one end of the city to the other, all in one day, would be told to young kids as a way to have them exercise and build up their bodies if they wanted to be proper adventurers.

After calming down a little, Anne ascended the stairs of the Guild Center and opened the door. The first thing she noticed was the atmosphere of the place. "It's oddly professional..." She thought as she walked towards the counter and the blue-haired receptionist. "Hello! I would like to enquire about the location of the Church of Gnara," she told the woman. "Huh, doesn't she seem a little flustered about something?" Anne wondered.
Another one!

so yeah, I found myself swamped by a truck-load of work suddenly so the post had to go on the back burner. Now im about to go to sleep, thus I'll prolly start the post it in 7-8 hrs :(

@potatochipgolem Oh wait, Lucia is a Llangeli? xD I thought she was an elf. Oh well, here I was being dumb X.x
I'll start on a post soon-ish.
@WrongEndoftheRainbow If I remember correctly, @BBeast is pretty competent with Python. Maybe he could help you with that :)
@Double Capybara

@potatochipgolem pm me if ya think of anything ;)
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