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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Annevar Tel'ethir

Anne hadn't even been in front of the counter for two minutes before something unexpected happened. Out of nowhere, and before the blue-haired receptionist could answer Anne's question, a man appeared in front of her, blocking her from talking to the woman, and eliciting a yelp from Anne. The man quickly started talking, advising her to stick with him if she wanted to find the Church of Gnara.

Anne looked at the man, sizing him up. Unlike the countless other human faces she had seen on her way to Vaald, this particular human stroke her as quite interesting. He could certainly be counted as being handsome amongst humans, but Anne had lived all her life amongst elves, and elves were always renown for their beauty and elegance. One could say that Anne had been numbed to the beauty of other races as a result. However, what Anne found fascinating was the way the man carried himself, and the way he talked. He exuded a sense of confidence that Anne had seen in very few people.

And when the man ended his sentence by inserting in a smart compliment, Anne was even more intrigued by him. "It seems to me that you know your way around words as well," Anne replied with a smile on her face. She was about to introduce herself when she noticed a hooded figure that was previously conversing with the receptionist behind the man, approach them. She made to stop the blue-haired girl when Anne saw her pulling the counter's shutter down but quickly retracted her hand when the hooded figure talked to her.

"Oh, it's a Satyr! You don't see those often around Rhiadan..." Anne thought as the figure introduced herself as one Isyph Al-Delad. "And what an interesting name too..." Anne mused with a smile and shook Isyph's hand back. "Oh my, indeed getting lost will be quite troublesome, wouldn't it?" Anne replied. "My name's Anne Tel'ethir," she introduced herself with a slight bow towards the two.

Isyph's sidelong glance at the man, Dodger as she called him, did not escape Anne, but she did not think much of it. "So, I take it you've been in Vaald for quite some time, what with saying you know your way around the city well and all, right?" she asked while eyeing the two.
I dunno, I think that Kang deserves the reward as much as BBeast and Mutton e.e
this is what im talking about. Silence for 3-4 days and then BAAM 4 giant posts to sate your Divinus needs.

@Kho oradin?
....I will get to reading stuff.... sometime.... seems like Termite is doing their thing.... good.... dot dot
@Komamisa Yeh, instant chatting would be better with small groups, imo. That's why I suggested that.
@Crumbs Ah, it's all good :)
i wonder why don't we make a discord chatroom? I mean, it's not like we're that many so I think a chatroom would help with communication better than ooc :/ just my thoughts though
Yo Buddha, you know if there are any guides out here that categorise all the formatting BBCode? Cause the cheatsheet is horribly outdated unfortunately...
A little late but it's here :)
I'll try to be more on time in the future.
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