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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Name: P4NDA | Level: 1 | Cleric | Day 1 / Morning | Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - Main Lounge table.
Tagging: Open
Mentioned: Open, @Holy Soldier

Kai scratched his head while walking inside the Greased Oak Tavern. "I'd already told them I sleep around this time, yet they still went ahead and arranged a freaking guild meeting..." He mumbled, while the rest of his incoherent talk was buried under the lively tavern atmosphere. Nevertheless, it had been some time since their last guild meeting, and Kai wouldn't miss one for anything. He walked over to the stairs, not giving the main hall a second glance, and ascended to the second floor where the others were bound to be.

The second floor was quieter and had a more loungey feeling. Nothing like the wild, merry feeling one would get when he first walked into the inn and was greeted with the smell of wine and beer, as well as the sound of drunken laughter. He scanned the second floor for any familiar faces. "Damn charcoal, he always stands out like a sore thumb..." Kai thought and sighed when he recognised No sitting with a group. He walked towards the table, plopped in an empty seat, and put his legs on the table while leaning back. "Yo," he greeted everyone with a smile and a two-finger salute.
@Holy Soldier Yeah :) I just added that he doesn't want to waste money on cosmetics so he's stuck with strange eyes i guess.
@Holy Soldier Also, just to clarify. This is a game and not an actual real fantasy world, right? I mean, our charas are actual people that are playing a game. Right? Or I've been mistaken the whole time O.o

@Holy Soldier
@Holy Soldier yeah, but what is a turn supposed to be? 1 turn = 1 day?
@Holy Soldier Turn duration as in? Is this going to be turn-based?
@Holy SoldierHmm, what's your stance on buffs?
@Holy Soldier noice. I'm feeling like cleric-ing, since both groups seem to lack one. Dunno if white mage is a healer though, haven't read through the cs'es.
is the RP still open for more ? :)
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