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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Lauder It was a good post, what can i say? :)
Aɴɴᴇᴠᴀʀ Tᴇʟ'ᴇᴛʜɪʀ

The half-elf walked along with the duo, listening as Isyph narrated how Dodger and she met. Anne found it quite fascinating how two people that had known each other for mere hours could build up the necessary trust it takes to engage in such a complicated matter like creating a Guild. Anne knew that she would certainly not be able to do that. At the thought, her face gave out a hint of unexplained loneliness, contrasting her usual behaviour. However, she quickly composed herself, hiding the sadness behind a smile.

"Starless Partners? A very... fitting name If I say so," Anne commented. "Although in my opinion, we all have unique quirks and irregularities, even those members of top Guilds'..." she added, her look as if half questioning Isyph's opinion on the matter. "However, making a difference is a lovely cause. People who think like that are rare and hard to find in this day and age..." Anne mumbled in a low voice.

"The temple should be opposite this side of the pool. I think you can see it around Belme's hip. If you want, I'd love to see what's going on in there..."

Anne snapped back into reality by Isyph's words. She looked around, taking in the surroundings and registering for the first time that they had arrived at the Serene Pools. "I knew that I felt something familiar..." Anne said and took a few steps forward. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, before exhaling. Her face donned a peaceful expression as she turned around and walked back towards the duo. "Gnara's warmth permeates this place. It seems that the Vaaldian priests are doing a wonder-" Anne was cut off by a sudden loud voice. Not knowing if the local priests went by the name of a Druid as well, Anne also turned around in case the voice was actually calling out to her. What greeted her was the spear-wielding figure of a female cat-kin, an Iath. Anne's face wholly betrayed her thoughts at that moment, from surprise to excitement, and to even outright curiosity. In the end, Anne brought her hands together in front of her, and she smiled, opting for a simple welcoming approach.

"Of course, Tempa. We can talk," Anne told her, with an understanding look. At first, Anne did not know the reason why the Iath would approach her, but the moment Tempa walked closer to the trio, Anne's eyes caught the purplish patch of skin on her breast, poking out from her blouse. In an instant, she understood, and at the same time was overcome with grief. Anne knew how debilitating and cruel the sickness was, and when she looked again at Tempa, she couldn't do anything but imagine how much suffering she had gone through. Of course, Anne didn't know if the sickness had awakened recently in Tempa, or if she had been carrying it for long. Anne turned around towards Dodger and Isyph with an apologetic look on her face.

"I'm sorry, but my duties oblige me to answer to the ones in need of help," she told the two and bowed slightly. "Please, stay for a while, or at least until I finish. I would love to continue with our little chat," she added before turning back to Tempa. That was when she noticed that a man had approached and had been speaking to Tempa. The man's earlier words were lost in Anne, as she had been talking to the duo at that point. She did, however, catch his last sentence. "I wouldn't call it a pilgrimage per se... I don't know about my friends," Anne said pointing at Dodger and Isyph, "but I am indeed here because of the Lunar Festival."

"Now," she told Tempa, "I suppose you'd appreciate some form of privacy?" Anne gave Tempa a meaningful look and walked towards a relatively remote area of the garden.

^This is how I envision Vestec vs Logos
@Double Capybara I dunno. Might donations have not been explored yet I think so there's that ...
@Double Capybara

(although i might have entirely missed the mark with all of the pics i posted thus far, without even knowing so O.o)
@Double Capybara

Tell me if you need more

yeah, i just saw the no ribbons, tiaras thing.. this narrows things down considerably xD

@Double Capybara just tell me concept and i'll find you one :)
@Double Capybara

@The Irish Tree Even worse...

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