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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Aɴɴᴇᴠᴀʀ Tᴇʟ'ᴇᴛʜɪʀ

A myriad of expressions appeared on her face as the armoured man's words came out. With each word came a huff, with each sentence completed, he panted, and with him, Anne started panting as well. She slowly turned around to face the man as he explained how undead were found beneath the city, in the aqueducts, and how he and his other fellow knights had apparently retreated immediately. She had half a mind to berate the knight on the spot, "What kind of knights are you that you retreat without even fighting!?" she mentally shouted, but could not actually do so out loud.

Then, the ground shook violently. Anne had a split second to protect herself as various marble statues crumbled before a massive explosion rang out, shooting stone and marble alike in the air and creating a shockwave that pushed everything that had been in the vicinity of the explosion outwards. Obviously, Anne managed to somehow avoid the direct brunt of the explosion, but the shockwave sent her shooting backwards, like a kite with its strings cut. She opened her eyes, only to see herself heading right towards a large tree.

More explosions rumbled behind her, and a pillar of light suddenly shot upwards, followed by a deafening roar. However, Anne could not even spare a moment's time to look at what was happening. She glared at the tree in front of her and her eyes emitted a faint green aura as she exercised her powers over plants. From the tree suddenly grew countless branches, from which an enormous amount of leaves sprouted that, when Anne slammed onto the tree, cushioned her, absorbing most of the impact.

Anne slid off the leafy cushion and fell on the ground. She groaned and rubbed her head and back as she struggled to sit up. She leant her back on the tree and looked towards the origin of the explosion, her eyes blurry as they welled up with tears. After rubbing her eyes, however, she stared with shock at the figure of the ghoul that had appeared. It's not that Anne had no knowledge about Necromancy, of course, she knew. Her master had made it sure that she knew of each and every school of known magic there was, even on a superficial level, before allowing her to embark on her little trip. However, just because she knew what a ghoul was, it did not mean that she knew how to fight it. There were no ghouls on the southern edges of Tantas, and especially inside the Rhiadan forest where she grew up. Thus, she had no previous experience in dealing with ghouls or undead creatures in general.

As Anne racked her mind to find a way to deal with the ghoul, she suddenly thought about the rest of the group and Tempa. However, before she could stand up and have a better look, another deafening roar sounded out and from the crater that the ghoul had presumably climbed out of, a giant, clawed hand reached out and smashed the unfortunate ghoul to a pulp. The creature then pulled the rest of its body out of the crater, causing Anne's eyes to widen in disbelief. "A dragon!" she exclaimed.

It was only when the massive creature landed, and it's rider dismounted it that Anne noticed the, petite when compared to her partner, knight. "I uh… Dealt with the undead."

"You certainly did..." Anne mumbled as she thought back to everything that had happened, trying to comprehend it.
Aɴɴᴇᴠᴀʀ Tᴇʟ'ᴇᴛʜɪʀ & Tᴇᴍᴘᴀ Gʜᴀᴜɴ

As Anne walked towards a more secluded area of the Serene Pools, she once again sensed her surroundings and the magical essence that was permeating the area. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, before exhaling. Having settled her mind, Anne wore her trademark smile and was about to turn around and call on Tempa when she heard hurried footsteps right behind her. She continued to draw distance from the rest of the group as she walked, keeping a leisurely pace, and waiting for Tempa to catch up. The moment the Iath appeared next to her, Anne looked over at her and asked. "So, what exactly did you want to talk about, Tempa?"

Tempa followed along a few paces behind, letting her thoughts roam. Approaching the devout of Gnara would certainly help placate the unease that seemed to linger about...even in a place so supposedly placid as the Serene Pools. The rest of the group was left behind, in a short moment, the Firebrand lengthening her strides to match the Druidess. She was given a smile and a question; one she had been prepared for, but a little hesitant to be forthright with.

"What do ya think about death, Druidess?" she paused, a brief frown settling in."Not to be rude or nothin', but what's ya name, anyway? Ya know mine..."

It would be an understatement to say that Anne did not expect that sort of answer when she mouthed her question. All the signs were there: the fidgety stance, the trembling voice that also hinted in a certain amount of annoyance when Tempa first called out to Anne, all were signs that the Iath had gone through a lot. Anne blinked a couple of times and looked at Tempa. She studied her face, and the most strange of feelings passed through her mind. She felt a peculiar sense of familiarity, a kind of feeling that someone only gets when they meet another who has experienced the same kind of pain they themselves have. Yet, Anne could not grasp the reason she felt that way.

The sudden surge of emotions caused her left eye to twitch slightly, but nevertheless, her face remained the same smiling face she always had. Anne realised that she had probably been staring at Tempa for more than a moment, and quickly averted her gaze, and instead looked forward, her face donning a thoughtful expression. "My name is Annevar Tel'ethir, but you can call me Anne if you want. As for what I think about death? Death... is a complicated matter, even for me to explain. I have, however, thought about it from time to time, and have come to the conclusion that regardless of the way someone returns to the embrace of Stieg, it is the way in which they live their life that shapes how they will be remembered. Only by living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment of it could then someone, on his deathbed, be able to confidently say 'I have lived'.

Tempa stared back as Anne undoubtedly observed her, yellow eyes meeting silver. She had thought before compassion was plenty among those devout to the gods, but empathy was something she had rarely been the recipient of. It brought a smile to her face, crinkling the edges of a couple of scars; a smile that persisted while the Druidess spoke. Relaxing, she shifted Alacrity from her shoulder to behind her neck; draping her arms over each end as she listened and reflected.

"Alright, then, Anne it is. Nice to meet ya!" there was a genuine pleasure in her tone, despite the inherently macabre beginning of their conversation, "I agree wit' ya, for the most part. I guess the thing that's been eatin' at me is more than the idea of 'havin' lived'. I like to think I lived a lot more than most people are ever gonna, but my...my actions probably won't get me a lotta respite, in the end." Her smile waned, a little, and her eyes dropped to her feet. "Ain't all about me, though. I'm in Vaald to see a friend off, this Festival."

Tempa didn't have the strength to say Elise's name, but her tone well conveyed the sorrow of a long-dreaded parting. She bit her lower lip, shifting on her heels before carrying on. "I'm more worried about her, really. More worried about how my world is gonna change without her..."

As the Iath warrior-lady spoke, Anne could obviously sense a faint aura of sadness emanating from Tempa. Anne began to speculate the reason why, and she thought back to the fact that Tempa was actually one of the Afflicted. The half-elf's eyes inadvertently fell on Tempa's chest once again, and on the purple mark that poked out of her garment. However, when Tempa mentioned that she had actually come to say goodbye to a friend of hers, Anne had been shocked inwardly at first, before she too, slowly looked down at her feet, not knowing what to say. A few moments passed in which nothing but the sounds of their surroundings could be heard. Anne then suddenly thought about something, but right as she made to speak, a sudden voice was heard coming from behind the two girls, the desperation evident in its tone.

@Kho@Muttonhawk@Antarctic Termite

Most Recent Relevant Post (MRRP): 25/09/16
Most Recent Vec Post (MRVP): 09/09/16
Most Recent Main Character Post (MRMCP): 18/08/16

Time Between MRMCP & MRRP: 38 DAYS or 912 HOURS or 54720 MINUTES or 3283200 SECONDS
<Snipped quote by Dawnscroll>

Well, then 10,000 Cosmic Knights might have been a bit overkill to deal with the remaining quarter of the Realta.

Of course, who am I to talk about overkill when I built divine railguns and power armour to take out mortal foes? XD

Eh, you had a god directly intervene. I would be more surprised if Teknall didn't use that amount of force...
@Vec He was the last to leave, and the first to arrive. The longer path doesn't necessarily mean the quickest one.

Shorter* is what you wanted to say I think. But now that I look back at it, you're right.
@poog the pig@Cyclone Pffft, please.

A ruler without compassion is a tyrant. A ruler without firmness is a figurehead. A ruler who desires the power is no ruler but a tyrant.

And a ruler who defies the King of the Gods and the God of Kings is a dead mortal walking. Only Elysium amongst mortals and demigods has shown any of the traits of being a true ruler.

Logos just gets it by default due to seniority. XD

And a ruler who defies the King of the Gods and the God of Kings is a dead mortal walking. Only Elysium amongst mortals and demigods has shown any of the traits of being a true ruler.

Logos just gets it by default due to seniority. XD

Logos just gets it by default due to seniority. XD

due to seniority. XD

seniority. XD

If I remember correctly, Logos was the last god to be spat out of the Universe Machine in the pre-Universe times ~.~
<Snipped quote by Antarctic Termite>

Ten million kilograms, huh?

Hey @BBeast, semi-joking question. Would ophanim exert noticeable gravity?

between about 1 x 10^23 kg and 3 x 10^23 kg (between 0.02 and 0.05 Earths)

or 70 million Deimos
>casualy checks out RPG
>checks profile to see who has been stalking me
The more I read IC/OOC the more I realise how one dimensional Ull is ...
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