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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Kho Not really. I think that ENTP perfectly portrays my personality :) I like to annoy people with my sarcastic comments. I am wordy, and always like to find ways to embarrass others through discourse xD
@Kho I am an ENTP
<Snipped quote by Vec>

Sounds good. Now that I'm not engaged in sports I'm pretty available

Good, good. I, Chief Commander of Ull'Yangian Interplanar operations and the Field Marshal of Cyclonia & the United Ommokian States shall convene at some undisclosed time to talk about Universal conq- ahem. Peace. Universal peace.

What are you looking at?
So, I will probably be a bit more active from now on as I just finished a BIG project and don't have much to do for the near future. @Cyclone We should be able to do that 4rth post we were talking about. As for the horse peeps, I'll think about what I want to do with them so expect something eventually.

Also, in the to-do list is awakening the dragons, so hurray to that. I'll be open to potential Cygnea-Galbar contact.

Ull's awakening is planned for Christmass, although it may be delayed due to midterms. @Bright_Ops Welcome! Seems like we'll have the opportunity to RP together once again :)

All in all, much have been happening, and only now im beginning to settle down
@Kho So basically, you're a confederate. Well, if we ignore all the stuff about feminism, gender-fluidity and equality.
I think we haven't exactly realised what has happened here, so I am going to re-iterate

I have one thing to add to this discussion


@Muttonhawk ſhlong*

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