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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Muttonhawk Well, I hate to break the news for ya, but...



Only one thing I had to correct on the formatting end of things, though the… interesting choice of font will take some getting used to.

...and that's all I really have to say. Outside of the weird font choice and some miffs here and there I see nothing I can really critique without being guilty of nitpicking. So, heh. You came, you saw, and you applied. It's great when I don't have to critique because I can focus on other stuff like the prospective IC!

yeah, midway I kinda regretted changing everything to small caps, but I couldn't really write everything all over again in lower case, so I just stuck with it through the whole thing XD
<Snipped quote by Vec>
tbf @Superboy is literally the first application.


I don't mind having the same profession. As I see, superboy has already said in his in-game background that bounty hunting is quite the popular profession, so why not having more than one?

If I were to change it, though, it would prolly become a Mercenary. Oh, we have another Merc now as well... Mascot? I'll take Mascot.

Oh shit, there's another bounty hunter? WTF people, why are you thinking the same thing as I do all the time?
@Shin I like her. I hope both chars get approved because It will be a lot of fun seeing their interactions :) Val would treat her like a kid at the start, and won't take her seriously at all xD
@shylarah Seems like your PC doesn't support small caps? It's F for me.

@Gowi I said to heck with it, I won't try to create a whole other backstory for him because I would have to pretty much change everything. So here he is, cliche fighter bounty hunter Val.
dammit, someone beat me to the accident trope!

... He even has a sister and a brother, for god's sake ...

I am bummed now...
I am creating a very cliche char, but bear with me. He's quite good.
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