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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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[@everyone] Ull was naked before it was cool.
@Cyclone ill contact you very soon about the Luna stuff. I've mostly sorted out some stuff i wanna do with her and there's also a plot i want to lay the foundation for through this collab
@Scarifar Just curious, but why do you leave the "..." out of the colouring?

"Why this?" and not "this"

Welcome to the wolf club, m8.

All this talk about the Other, and I'm here thinking that I might have actually met some before...

guys, I'm gonna withdraw from this. It's just taken too long and I lost all my excitement. Sorry again, and I hope we meet in another RP!
Meng Wu
Tagging: @Eklispe@Grueslayer

Meng Wu stood there silent, waiting for the source of the scraping sound to show itself. He had heard many tales about the City of Gods and knew that many strange things, potentially dangerous things, were bound to call it their home.

Fortunately, he was quite talented, and under the training of his master managed to hone his talents enough to distinguish himself in his sect, gaining some fame to his name. The training was tough, challenging his limits. Every day at the end of each lesson, he was left laying on the floor, panting and drenched in sweat. His master would always come over and say the same words to him.

"A keen mind and a trained body dictate the flow of battle; A spirit unwavering in the face of adversity, a heart unwilling to give up, those are the things that dictate the flow of life. Remember..."

And indeed, Meng Wu took his master's words to heart. That was why when that hideous thing appeared, slowly walking towards the duo, Meng Wu was as calm as still water. He wasn't bothered much by the being's appearance for a place famed for being the residence of the Gods most probably had to have many strange creatures, things that no man had ever seen in countless years.

When the creature lunged at Meng Wu, he skillfully dodged to his right before it could reach him. However, he did not retreat after dodging, and instead immediately followed with an attack of his own. Taking advantage of the fact that the beast was in the process of jumping and could not easily evade his sword midair, Meng Wu drew on his cultivation base, infusing his sword with his essence as he attacked.

Instantly, the power of his strike increased by a large margin, enough so to allow his sword to slice through the four-legged beast's flesh with ease, akin to a knife slicing through tofu. The two halves of the beast fell down on the floor, blood and gore spilling out of its body. Meng Wu stood straight once more, took a breath in and exhaled before whipping the blood off the blade of his sword.

"Let's not get conceited now, I'm sure that this is not all this place has in store for us..."
I have to say, Westoworld is one hell of a series. I just watched the first episode and IM HOOKED! omg so good! I recommend to all!
Sorry guys, but I have my midterms this week and It's been hectic for me. I sit for Statistics on 7/2 from 12pm to 15pm, but I have the rest of the day and 8/2 "free" so to say, so I will post my response then, if you don't mind.

Sorry for the wait.
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