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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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it'd be fun to try and incorporate our Divinus deities in the realm of mortality, like, how would my god be like as a mortal? what would be his profession? How would his domain and portfolio translate into his abilities, etc.

i think that this would be much more interesting than just a simple pathfinder god game
It'd be a shame if, in his quest to find @Vec's little land of dragons (BECAUSE SOMEONE WON'T JUST TELL HIM)...


look what we have here
<Snipped quote by Vec>

You say that, but what happens where two gods of more or less equal power swear by Amul? It's not like they could exactly force anything out of the other without potentially procuring serious damage, and so lying may be better.
And it's always better to enter deals with creatures, even if they're weaker than you, for the sake of keeping up a good public image - otherwise, the other gods might get annoyed and decide to give you what's for. The equivalent of CKII's tyranny or EUIV's aggressive expansion >.> so lying there may be good for the sake of getting what you want by more cunning means while preserving a good image

The thing is, it all comes down to the question you asked earlier - will Amul enforce those oaths? If yes, then swearing in his name is practically signing a contract, and if you don't abide by it, you will get punished accordingly. If no, then I don't even know why we are having this discussion.
@KhoI mean, when you reach the deity level of power, there's no point in lying. Thus, an oath from such a being is that much more believable, since if they planned to break the oath, they needn't have made it in the first place. They could just bash your head in and be done with it.
>tfw @Kho likes a 1-year-old post of yours

@Kho well, your wrong. Anus is pronounced 'einus' not enas, duh

@Kho how do you think it's read?

This...this is pronounced 'anus' isn't it.

it's pronounced as read
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