I was thinking Dodomon -> Wanyamon -> Bearmon/Kudamon for the Digimon, though that might change depending on the human.
For the human, was thinking either a preppy girl, or reusing a character from an rp where the GM left before it ever started. Ambitious, strict, somewhat cold, the works. So err, two completely opposite ideas, basically. Former would stand out from the masses with her good will, latter with her overwhelming ambition.
Actually, ooh, if the Champion forms and beyond are affected by our choices/characters (you mentioned the 'care' and possibly other prerequisites), maybe I could have sort of a holy line going on (starting from Kudamon), and then a darker line to correspond with character development. Since the ambitious human character is sometimes a bit morally grey.
If you'd rather avoid that kind of thing or if I misunderstood the intent though, no worries. Was just a thought I had when I reread the OP just now.