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𝔏𝔢𝔦𝔣𝔲𝔯 𝔊𝔲ð𝔪𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔰𝔰𝔬𝔫


The crown had spared no expense preparing today's banquet. In all his years, Leifur had never set foot inside a castle before, and yet all its decorative splendor paled in comparison with what the tables had to offer. Rows upon rows of food and drink, many of which the viera had never seen before. When he'd made his way to the table at the far right, he'd noticed some of the common folk hesitating to touch the food at all, as if afraid they'd ruin a precious work of art.

Leifur, as evident by his overflowing plate, had no such trouble.

They'd yet to be briefed on the details of what was to come, but that didn't mean one couldn't - shouldn't - start their battle preparations early. They said armies marched on their stomachs, and Leifur intended to eat enough to march straight to Valheim's goddamn capital if need be. At least some of the expenses spent would go to a worthy cause that way. Because as delicious as the food was, Leifur found it ridiculous that the king would sink funds into a feast while the world outside was struggling to survive. How many could this banquet have fed, clothed, and housed?

He'd eat his fill and take some food with, and gods help whichever guard tried to stop him.

The harmony of fork, knife and quiet conversation was disturbed when a particularly gaudy man stood and attempted a toast. How many heard him and how many cared, Leifur didn't know, but he wasn't among either. He was too busy cutting venison to raise his gaze, the scent of the peppered meat so strong it threatened to overwhelm all five of his senses. What bits and pieces of the man's speech did manage to reach the viera's ears were nothing but drivel, though. The man seemed to think they ought to be in awe that women had answered the call - to be moved by it, somehow.

Leifur did move, but only to refill his bowl of soup. Pumpkin; his favourite.

The boy must not have met many women in his life, the viera man concluded as he swapped fork for a spoon. No matter, he would learn what mattered in battle in due time - or die before he could. Either way, his ignorance was a temporary nuisance and safe to ignore.

A noble-looking sort - Caradoc, a familiar name - stood at the fool's beckoning to give a short, sensible speech of his own, and no sooner had he sat down than another stood. A woman whose likeness seemed familiar as well. Too many years, too many faces; Leifur had always been better at remembering names. Her speech was less sensible. She was right in one thing, though; the king was, without a doubt, a fool.

Am I a thug, Leifur wondered idly. But not for long, because the bread was fresh and enticing, and he was nearly done with his soup.

The gunbreaker sat a couple of seats away from the epicenter of the ruckus, but the constant vying for attention had made him look over more times than he'd intended. And so, he caught sight of a new face as she settled into a seat. A viera, but unlike the ones he'd met before. She seemed quiet, timid, hesitant; all traits Leifur didn't readily associate with the women of his kin. And then there was that device in her hands...

Leifur's eyes lingered on her. He was staring. A wiser man would have at least tried to hide it, but Leifur was not wise in the way of manners, and did not avert his gaze even as he stabbed into a piece of boar; he'd almost forgotten to finish it. His plate looked like a battlefield, bits and pieces of meats and sauces all intermingled and forgotten in favour of a new battle with a new dish.

It was only once the man realized he'd ran out of butter that he tore his gaze away from the viera girl to search for it. There. Too far to the left, where all the noisy people were. Great.

"Someone not engrossed in theatrics," the gunbreaker looked at no one in particular, and addressed whomever happened to hear. One of his hands was extended and waiting, one still holding a knife - sideways, like a weapon, not like a utensil. An old habit. "Pass me the damn butter."
Hmm, would it be okay to have a character who's originally born in one of the inner districts, but ended up working in the 10th later on? Death of wealthy parents and the loss of her own wealth, a rank that allows her to travel or some other reason? If not, I can definitely have her be born in the 10th as well.
Proxy has a remarkable gift for befriending the small creatures when she encounters them.

... Okay so I started on my sheet yesterday and amongst the things I managed to already write was that real life animals (as opposed to her monster animal summons) hate my character's guts, even though she tries very hard to befriend them, so this contrast is amazing. Please pet the rats and cats in her stead.
Speaking of time and waiting, feel free to carry on, and I'll slide in when I get the chance! 'Cause it seems like that might be Tuesday, and I don't want people to have to wait that long.
@Vertigo That kind of thing is possible. The sand ships and boats already do something similar, so you'd just be using a much more compact version of the technology. How does the technology work you might be asking?

I... I don't know, I never thought about it, just that the thing exists.

Good enough for me!

Any ETA on the OOC btw? I'm itchin'.
Well, it would have been pretty rude of me to post when someone else was specifically waiting on another, and I did agree with the sentiment to wait. But I do see your point, I can't always post so doing it when I can instead of waiting would help keep the flow better.
Was originally leaning towards something that boils down to the "they're right, I'm a demon" idea, but since that would potentially also involve shapeshifting, decided to go for the summoner one instead! Essentially someone who believed all that talk about monsters hiding under your bed/in your closet as a child, but turned them her imaginary friends who she can now summon to fight. Unless that teeters too close to supernatural territory, since the supernatural are subconscious beings of primal fears, and the belief that something lurks under your bed definitely started out as a fear for her too. But I guess that's more of a superficial similarity, since her summons are still created from her vitas and logic alone.
Oop, assumed it was my go after Shieldwing. Will edit and post at some point tonight then, gotta run rn!

Edit: Alpin is with us, right?
So thinking of a character whose childhood beliefs ended up shaping their view/logic of the world at an early age, and therefore granting them "magic", but haven't settled on specifics yet. Like someone who believed in their imaginary friends so much they stayed "real" via magic, or someone who was told they were a demonspawn or something as an insult and they believed in it so much they grew horns and got some related magic, someone who believed themselves invisible to others so they can turn invisible, or something with seeing ghosts etc. etc.

Would something like that work in general?
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