22 | 4'10'' | 3RD CLASS
For better or for worse, Silje doesn't exactly look the part of a super soldier, especially when compared to many of her peers. She's a diminutive girl, easily mistaken for someone a few years younger despite being among the oldest in her friend group. Her hair and skin don't do her any favours either, both so pale they make her look sickly. Needless to say, the sun isn't her friend, and her skin burns easily. Still, her apparent waifishness belies a surprisingly athletic and especially nimble girl, who pulls her weight when needed.
It should also be noted that it's not her paleness or her height — or lack thereof — that people tend to pay attention to the most. Rather, it's her peculiar body language; her gestures and expressions tend to always be a little off, even if you can't pinpoint exactly how or why. Exaggerated, fidgety, too still, using gestures not befitting the situation at all — she's been accused of it all, sometimes even to her face. It doesn't seem to have had much of an impact. At most, it's earned a grin and a thumbs up.
Silje is difficult to pin down, in mind just as much as on the battlefield. She seems to have a near-constant need to preoccupy herself with something, lest her mind wander off somewhere for extended periods of time. She can space out for hours on end at the worst of times, simply watching the Mist and idly painting a scenery only she can see with its hues.
Needless to say, she gets easily bored, and isn't afraid to voice it. In fact, she's rarely afraid to voice anything — not that you'd likely hear her utter a truly bad word about anyone. Extroverted and excitable, Silje very much enjoys the company of others, even of those that do not share the sentiment. Her behaviour alienated many of her fellow WARDENS during training for reasons she doesn't quite fully understand, and so she is particularly glad for those that did stick around. For them, she's willing to do anything.
While not readily apparent at first, Silje seems to have a somewhat limited, surface-level capacity for certain emotions — as well as understanding them, which can lead to her spurting out situation inappropriate things without any ill will. It is speculated this might be due to a Mist-related injury, but considering her body seems otherwise lacking in telltale signs of Mistburn, it is but a theory at this point. Either way, due to this, Silje harbours a deep-rooted desire to feel things, and goes out of her way to put herself in situations that might provide her with strong emotions. Unfortunately, some familiar examples of this are the fear of death and the exhilaration of a life narrowly spared; the very first things she ever remembers feeling, back when she was discovered wandering the fields alone.
When given the chance to follow them, Silje's whims, freedom, excitement and action are what guide her actions, and whatever caution she does practice seems to be more for the benefit of others around her than for her own sake. After all, while she might have been a loose cannon if left to her own devices, she is a WARDEN, a trained soldier, and she knows how to follow directions.
Silje's life as she remembers it began the way it's also likely to end: with an explosion. One noticed by Inquisitors returning from a holy mission of heretic cleansing. Upon investigation, they found a young girl in tattered clothes, clutching onto what appeared to be the remains of a beast of some sort. She was unable to recall who she was or what'd happened, but it was assumed her remote village had been attacked by monsters. Despite the clear remnants of magic lingering in the air, the girl seemed both unharmed and not suffering from signs of Mistburn. Suspecting her of being able to wield the Mist, she was taken, as many other orphan girls before her, to join the Maidens and learn to harness her powers for the good of the Gods.
It turned out she was anything but a Maiden, in any sense of the word. An unruly, wild child who nevertheless seemed to hold immense capacity for magic, the good sisters of the Order did their best to instill in her holy virtues that she then systematically failed to uphold. The peace she enjoyed, while no doubt soothing to many orphans who'd been through hell in their short lives, was unbearable for her. Her escape attempts were many, but only one of them successful. She was twelve at the time, so when she found herself part of the Government's grand survey, she was already two years older than her peers.
As it turned out, WARDEN training fit her much more than work at the Church ever had. She excelled at combat studies, particularly those relating to the use of Mist, and it was clear she would be classified as a Battlemage early on. However, lessons on strategy and the like never quite seemed to stick. So though her magical aptitude was — is — above that of most of her peers, she's far from a 2nd class classification, and is assumed to require direction on the battlefield to reach optimal results for some time to come.
Combat Class: Battlemage, with some aspects of a Ranger
Combat Style:In a word, Silje's preferred combat style is destructive. At her truest she is a cannon of magical prowess, primed to be aimed at whatever you no longer want to exist. Of course, wanton destruction is not always the most reasonable of approaches, and so Silje's had to learn to make-do. Her mastery over mist allows her to just as easily take down enemies in more controlled, concentrated bursts of magic from good distance away with whatever elemental flavour she happens to fancy. Sometimes she chooses none, and opts to choke those who get too close with pure, concentrated Mist instead.
Despite being an important target for the enemy, Silje doesn't don very heavy armour, if any at all. Rather, she focuses on being light-weight and nimble, using magic to keep herself from harm's way; be that by propelling herself away from potential attackers, or towards them to deliver an electric shock straight to the heart. Can't kill her if you're dead first! The tricks up her sleeve are aplenty, though despite what the Maidens tried to instill in her, she's never found herself practicing healing or shielding more than necessitated by her studies.
Needless to say, she has a tendency for recklessness that often has her paired with someone more cool-headed and rational in high-stakes combat situations when resources allow for it. She is capable of operating alone however, and has survived many a situation she wasn't expected to.
Specifically, your character's general impressions/relationships with other player characters. This section can stay blank until characters have been accepted.
- Silje is unable to perceive colour. Whether it's something she was born with or the result of a sustained injury is unknown, but magic seems unable to cure it. As such, some have peculated it to be Mistburn related. Particularly since when it comes to Mist, she does, in fact, perceive it as dim hues in various shades. By harnessing Mist she can then make said colours more vibrant, and upon releasing bursts of it into the monochrome world around her, she can, if for a moment, enjoy an explosion of the most beautiful of colours. And probably intestines, if anyone happened to stand too close.
- While not many of the Order's teachings stuck, Silje does pray from time to time. Whether this is a sincere practice born out of genuine faith or simply a habit that stuck is unknown.