Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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“Hello? We’re here to get the carts you’re hiding behind! Care to help us and not become bird lunch at the same time?”

The words startled E'nasha, who up until that point had been hiding, curled up in a ball by the one cart that hadn't been destroyed yet, listening to the far-off cries of the monster that had brought her here. Looking toward the voice E'nasha was surprised to see an elf, a fox-like creature she didn't recognize, and another smaller elf, blue like the one that had tried to help her and El'kan earlier that day.

"Y-yeah? I wouldn't mind helping if you can get me out of here." Her voice shook at first as she slowly stood, brushing the dirt and other things off of herself. First we finally find the college, then I'm kidnapped by a monster, and now once I'm safe from the monster again I'll have to make my way all the way back to the college, alone this time because El'kan's already there... E'nasha sighed quietly to herself and took a few steps towards the small group. "What should I do?"
sorry for the super long post, that's part of why it took so long. That's not actually all of what I had written either, I wrote it all up and decided to post it in parts so you could get something in for Tarentek in between.

As Onyx arrived at Olias's place of power, the site of the ritual, she noticed that there were already quite a lot of people there including her father and 8, no 9 others her age. Great, I'm the last to arrive... Wonderful start. "Hello!" She called out as she landed, her brooding at being last to arrive disappearing quickly as excitement took its place. The area was essentially a large circular room of sorts, as the mountain rose up on one side and blocked the rising sun, and the other side was a steep cliff drop to the base of the mountain. There was a large flat rock in the center which the group her age was gathered around, and around the edge of the circle were various items that would likely be used in the test of sills, although some tests won't use any items or one would be given an item but their test would have nothing to do with it, it was meant to confuse them until the last moment.

Onyx joined the group standing around the flat rock and heard her greeting returned with equal excitement as she had spoken with, recognizing everyone in the group. Daimos, Kesi, Akili, Geda, and Helaheim were all there, and they smiled as they greeted her, Daimos making some comment to Kesi that Onyx couldn't hear while Akili came over to stand by Onyx while the group waited for something to happen. The other four in the group didn't smile when they greeted Onyx, but they weren't rude towards her either. If she recalled correctly they were all a few years younger than her and she had never really interacted with them much. They were eager, declaring their paths a few years sooner than most do and stand off from the others as if they were superior in some way. Onyx didn't care, they'll make their mistakes and realize their place later rather than sooner, as most who declared early did.

There was much activity going on around them, although Onyx couldn't tell that anything was actually getting done. Someone would put something somewhere, and another person would go put it back where it started, or an order would be given but no one would follow it. Everyone in the group except Akili was getting more and more confused each moment, until Akili spoke up and told them what was going on. "This is our group test," She started, getting the attention of everyone in the group quickly. "Did anyone here attend the last ritual, Where they tested the group with a missing-persons situation? No one told the group what was going on or that there was even a group test, they never do, so the group stood here alone for a few hours before organising and looking for everyone. Once they found Raldel he called everyone else out of hiding, but that group failed because they took so long to realize that something was wrong. Two of them didn't come of age and won't be able to for another season."

The group stood in silence for a moment until one of the others spoke up, a young girl who seemed angry at herself and stood with a menacing air about her. "So? This is our test, but what do we do? They're all just going around and getting nothing done." She gestured around them at the people who were working but doing nothing. "They aren't even listening to what the orders are."

Kesi nodded in agreement, about to say something, but her brother beat her to it. "So, we fix it, somehow. We've gotta get them to stop undoing each other and actually do what everyone's ordering them to." Daimos smirked as he finished speaking. "How hard could that be?"

Everyone studied the situation for a moment, each trying to come up with a way to accomplish their task. A few stared trying to talk to the people around them, trying to get them not to move whatever someone else had just put down or telling them to listen to the orders they were being given, only to get snapped at that they were following their orders and needing to back off before they'd end up starting a fight. Onyx stopped focusing on the workers and listened to the orders that the leaders were giving. Sure enough, whenever someone picked something up to put it somewhere, an order had been given for it to be done, but They couldn't tell that the orders were being followed because the people they were directed at were not the people that fulfilled them.

The leaders were undoing each other, and those who were following them were not who they thought they were. It was not a simple matter of disobedience on the part of the followers, it was dissonance between the leaders and a split following between them, something that in a battle would wind up with everyone dead. Speaking to the grunts would not work, the group had to settle whatever the problem was between the leaders of the group before working out the loyalties of the followers.

Onyx stood on top of the flat rock so she could be seen by the whole crowd. "Everybody stop!" She ordered in as stern a tone as she could keep when yelling above the clamor of the crowd. To her surprise everyone actually did stop what they were doing, the members of her group making their way back to the flat rock to see what Onyx's plan was. "Would all the leaders please step forward." Onyx wasn't sure of the term once she said it. It worked fine in her mind, but she supposed she should have said 'commanders' instead once most of the group took a step forward.

Geda spoke up, correcting the problem for her. "No, only the ones who've been barking out all the orders. Workers step back." At his words Onyx saw smiles go through the crowd, giving the group a hint that they were succeeding so far. Most of them stepped back, leaving 6 people, including Raldel, standing forward as leaders.

"Great, thanks Geda." Onyx said as she hopped off of the rock and motioned the group of leaders together. "Now, what's the deal? Someone's got a problem with someone and it's causing everyone problems, so tell me what the first problem was." Onyx spoke sternly and made eye contact with each of the leaders, still a little surprised that they were actually listening to her.

Raldel spoke, or started to at least. He got cut off by one of his friends, who gave him a strange look as he spoke. "Ral 'ere's been overstepping 'imself, and Hold's got 'imself in a fight wit' the lady here. I try ta play peacekeeper, but then Kurt 'n Gall tell me ta keep my trap shut. We's got an agreement not to talk ta each other again 'till we finish our job 'ere." Onyx didn't know any of their first names except for her father's, so she was guessing at who everyone was by how they were glaring at each other.

Akili sighed and spoke before Onyx could even begin to think what to say to them, her annoyance tangible in her words. "Yea, well you're not getting anything done! You're all standing away from each other and undoing whatever someone else just had done. None of what you're doing even really needs to be done in the first place, you're just wasting time and causing a bad situation for everyone." She paused, seeming like she was going to say something else but ending up not when Onyx found her voice.

"Alright, you all need to stop letting personal problems mess with what you're doing. You're a team, working together towards one goal, not a bunch of young children fighting on the playing field. Your actions have consequences for those other than yourself, just imagine if this same thing had happened in a battle!" Onyx still had more to say, but was silenced by her father's sudden embrace and the cheer that rose from the crowd as the other leaders shook hands and patted each other on the back, smiling and congratulating the group.

Raldel spoke over the crowd, smiling as he let go of Onyx. "Well done. You have all passed the group test! We will wait a little while for the rest of those who wish to witness the ritual to arrive, and then we will start the introductions." As he finished speaking the crowd quieted and started to tidy up the mess that they had made during the test, putting everything back in it's rightful place without needing any orders to tell them so.
Lexi and Loki Sato

Lexi had counted 9 people by the time her brother walked in, making him the tenth. She whistled to get his attention before waving him over, scooting over a little when he hopped up on the stage to sit by her. "Well, I'd say so. Did you wake up alone in a classroom too?"

Loki looked around at the people in the room while he listened to his sister. "Yea, I did. I think we all did." he motioned to the others in the room, noticing that above all most seemed worried about something or another. He decided to raise his voice and addressed the group. "Any idea how long we have to wait here before whatever this is will start?"
Erica Lankford

Erica had totally forgotten about going to the cafeteria the day before, as her excitement about the school made her forget her hunger. She had instead spent all her time exploring around the school, finding where all her classes would be and taking in the beauty of the building and the grounds around it. By the time she returned to her dorm room she had completely tired herself out, so much so that she hadn't even introduced herself to her roommate before falling asleep.

Now she woke up at the sound of the door closing. I missed another chance to talk to my roommate... She thought groggily as she sat up and looked at the clock. It was a little after 8, and her first class starts at 9, which meant she only had about an hour to shower, change, and appease her growling stomach. I've gotta get myself an alarm clock, or at least learn to wake up sooner.

It didn't take her too long to get ready to leave, the thing that took her the longest was her makeup and hair. As she was getting ready, she kept noticing her reflection blur into perfection, and she had to focus on not using her ability so she could see what she truly looked like. She was not perfect, not truly. She had bags under her eyes from worry and too many sleepless nights in the wild, and her hair was untameable from being left so long to simply be pulled back in a ponytail so it wouldn't be in her way.

Once she was satisfied with how her normal self looked, she finally dropped her focus. If someone notices something off about me, I'll have to explain about my power. It really does take a lot of focus for me to stay any one way for a long time, so I wouldn't be surprised at any little changes happening throughout the day. Erica finished up her thoughts and checked the time again. It was about 8:30 now, just enough time for a bowl of cereal and to get to her first hour class, which was... P.E.? She stifled a moan as she grabbed some gym clothes from her bag to change into in the locker room and a notebook and pen for all her other classes.

She went to the cafeteria and ate before heading to class, making her way out to the field after changing into her gym clothes, an old t-shirt that was way to big for her and a pair of shorts that were almost hidden under the hem of the shirt. She was on time hopefully, as there were kids there but didn't seem to be a teacher around yet.

Watching the group and listening to the little conversation that was going on, Erica realized that alot of the kids there could be recognised from the bus stop. With a smile she spoke to the entire group, calling out cheerfully across the dewy grass as she made her way over to where most of them were standing. "Good morning everyone! Beautiful day so far, right?"
I'll get a post up within a few hours, studying's just stressing me out now. Sorry I've been silent so long
Vitoria woke early that morning, wanting to say farewell to everyone before setting off for the city gates. She spoke with the patients one by one, trading advice and stories before she approached her family. Her younger brother would be going with her on the caravan, and he had already said his goodbyes to thier family the night before, he was still asleep by the time she'd have to wake him to leave on time.

Her parents kept their farewells short, they were busy with the patients, but that didn't keep her two older brothers from getting emotional and taking much longer to say goodbye. The eldest brother kept hugging her, not crying but showing such sadness that she thought him heartbroken, while the other occupied himself with shooting off memories that he hoped to never forget, and surprising her by giving her the bow they had made together for her all those years ago, so they could play games of marksmanship together.

I never could beat them for long... Vitoria held the hunting bow delicately as she had years ago. She had not used or even held the bow in years, preferring to learn how to wield a scalpel than to hit a far-off target. The whole ordeal had made Vitoria feel like she'd suddenly been forced underwater, and while neither of her brothers had cried she couldn't stop her tears. She cried and hugged them both tightly, unable to cease until she and her younger brother had finally set out, and in a bet to help her regain her composure her brother told jokes along the way.

By the time the two had reached the caravan they were laughing; she was no longer worried for those they were leaving behind but rather held a hope deep in her heart that she might see them again. It seemed that most everyone was already there that was going to be, so Vitoria settled her brother in one of the wagons that seemed to be holding most of the other children his age, and decided that she would walk alongside that wagon most of the way. There was quite the mix of interesting persons in the group, but what intrigued Vitoria the most was that there were only what seemed to be four real adults with them, and many of the older children have brought or been given weapons.

One of the adults, a seasoned fighter by his appearance, called out to someone after speaking to a youth dressed in armor. It seemed that the caravan was ready to move, and Vitoria found herself regretting her earlier decision to stay near the wagon that her brother was on. The children around her were mostly much younger than she was, not really great partners for conversation. There seemed to a group closer to her age talking near the back, and even though Vitoria wasn't very interested in talking to many people at once, she did consider going over to talk to them.

As she listened though, it didn't seem they were having a conversation as much add they were nervously trying to pick a topic. No, it's best to let that group sort itself out before adding another person to the mix. She would simply listen for now, and if she could not join their conversation them she may be able to speak to some one else once they were out of the city, that is assuming they'd have the time to talk then.
Oh, just reallized that it was past midnight... That means!!!! @luna
Darkness is a sanctuary, for cowards. Those who wallow in the darkness in fear of the light have never been shown true light, and never will unless they seek it for themselves, for they wander the same twilight as those who are misguided enough to attack one who could be saved.

I will not deny that there will always be some who claim to stand on the side of light, but do not truly embrace its ways and will try to kill those who are in the darkness. The truth of that is however, that they belong to the twilight between light and dark, and will never be able to commit to one side due to the illusion they have created for themselves. If those who hide in the darkness would come forward and embrace true light, the light would accept and forgive them that they would be reborn anew, bright as a star.

The darkness protects them? Instead of constant judgement from others, the 'solitary reflection' you force upon them causes them to judge themselves! Those who are trapped by their fears or their misguided beliefs in the darkness have no friend other than the light to show them hope. Those who judge themselves often find that they no longer have a will to live, and are helpless to the outcome of this decision because the darkness kept them from seeing the way back, the path to salvation lit by the light that it may shine through and save those who have not been entirely tainted by your darkness.

'Slave of the light' Haha, you think me a slave? I am not like you, I bear my light willingly for all to see! I am my own champion, and will never regret nor rescind the mercy granted unto thee. It is a gift of the light, a courage unshakable by your petty threats. I welcome your attempts, for I shall not fall until my purpose is served.

Let us see if your resolve can extend past the limits of what you see as your reality.
You can't lie to yourself forever, captive of the dark.

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