Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

Undertales sounds hard to pull off as we'd need too many players to be humans(unless we subtract the number of humans from seven)

People could also play more than one character.

An OOC would be nice, but what Idea are we actually going with?
I've counted up all the votes so far:

Losttale: 5
Fallentale: 1
Risentale: 1
Undertales: 4
Overtale: 5
Othertale: 4

Sorry if it seems like my count is off, some people didn't mention the name of the idea they liked so I guessed which one(s) they meant based off what they did say.
E'nasha Williams Lyn's Hunt

Time moved on after the feast, and over two months E'nasha had gotten into a routine. Mostly she studied, and spent as much time as possible practicing using her mageblood. Unfortunately that meant she wasn't spending any time being social, which caused El'kan to sign her up to go on a mission, to force her to at least talk to someone who wasn't him.

Now she was standing in the middle of a forest, where she was apparently just supposed to help a hunt by scaring small animals to the huntress, and keep the bigger, more dangerous creatures away. She jumped back as her assigned partner, Keri, fell to the ground in front of her. She smiled and let out a small breath of laughter as she offered her hand to help Keri off the ground.

"Me? I'm fine. You're the one who just fell out of a tree." Sir flew down from his perch to land on E'nasha's shoulder as she spoke, and she pat the Raven on the head with her unoccupied hand. "I'm starting to see a lot less animals in this area. Maybe we should go deeper into the forest?"
<Snipped quote by EliteCommander>

And no Dwarves. Though now that they brought it up, an Alanian would be neat. Oh, and do try to not pick an elf if you can at all help it... a bit overstuffed on that front.

The second PC I was working on is an Alanian, although I think I lost the CS.

Let's do it Ves!

Do what? Oh wait, I remember! *Prepares the armies needed to take over the world.*
@Luna You want in on this?

Hello Ark Angyl. Hey Ves is there anywhere specific you want to be in this job?

Nope. :D It's totally up to you or the GMs to place us in the coming chaos.

There are a lot of cool Ideas here, I think I like Undertales and Overtale the most, but I'll join whatever one gets chosen 'cause they're all awesome. :)

If we do Overtale will we be using the original cast? Or OCs, who may or may not bump into the original cast?

I suppose the same question goes for Undertales as well, as the other humans may not have been in the game, but things they left behind are. Some of the things, like the glasses/notebook and the apron/frying pan sort of begin to define who those people were.
I would like either E'nasha or Merini to partner up with Keri if it's okay

That'd be awesome! Keri and E'nasha can become best friends while running from whatever horrors Rtron's cooked up for everyone. :)
Where is Shiri? Still with Jewel? I honestly don't know...

I'll be keeping up with stuff better from now on, at least for the next couple months... I can't keep letting school get in the way of fun!
PLAYERS: Your duty is simple, determine where you're placing your PCs. As mentioned prior there's two missions: Lyn's Hunt (AKA the Naga Hunt) or the Catacomb Chaos.

I uh, haven't heard of this until now? I'm trying to be more active, despite school seeming to want to pull me into the abyss...
I guess... E'nasha will go to the Naga Hunt.

I just realized that E'nasha has only properly talked to 2 people now, and met like 6... over the course of 10 RL months. Oops. hopefully she can get to know some more people with this.

If we're choosing colors, is this still open? : SandyBrown F4A460
Until school starts back up on monday, im actually going to be available for stuff on here. I'll probably do an Eńasha post tomorrow or sunday.

Welp. Going to bed now. Goodnight!
It is literally midnight for me as I post this. *glomps people*
*Spots a wild @Vesuvius00*

*Throws a pokeball at @Vesuvius00*

*Tackles @Vesuvius00

*glomps @Vesuvius00, @Demonic Angel and @Luna*

*Puts @Luna, @Vesuvius00, and @Fallenreaper into his box.*

Agh! So much attention! *dies*

I just wanna say, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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