Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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*sigh* Whatever. I'm up way too late anyways. Goodnight everyone!
@Lucius Cypher What kind of explosive climax?

OMG Luna. It's bad enough you do this at school AT THE LUNCH TABLE, but now you're doing this online too?
@DigitalDemon replace the word "spoiler" in the code with "hider" and it will work.

@booksmusicanime ... Are there any open characters left I could play? I've been hoping to join an Undertale RP for a while. If not I understand.

I uh, noticed that Chara isn't listed as being taken yet... Would you be opposed to me playing them?
@Vesuvius00 XD Still would been hella funny.

Girl: *glomps Sora* ^o^ <3

Sora: Noooooo!!! \(°○°)/

That's what I originally thought... They'll still get flustered over things like that but not outright terrified.
I realized having a secretive character also be totally unopen to being in a romantic relationship was totally stupid, as how else will Sora's secrets be discovered? So I deleted that little part from my CS.

Sora can now be someone's significant other, over time... but they still don't like flirty people.
Hitomi Sora
Among the crowds of students a single figure could be picked out as not really belonging to any one group. Sora enjoyed mingling with the new students in the first few days of the new school year, although soon enough they would disappear into the forests at the edge of the Academy grounds to spend some time alone. None of the new students seem suspicious or threatening, yet, but they were quite predictable.

Sora approached a small group of girls, putting an arm over the nearest girl's shoulder before speaking. "So, what do you think of the Academy so far?" The girls all looked a little surprised at the sudden intrusion, the one jumping away from Sora's touch. None of them answered. Smiling, Sora shrugged and walked away, quickly disappearing into the crowd. Freshman girls are so fun to mess with. It was easy to tell at a glance that most of these kids were too cowardly to be a problem later on, even the ones that act tough.

Tiring of reconnaissance for now, Sora started to head towards the dormitories, pausing as they saw a familiar face sitting under a tree. Kage-san... To this day, Sora still wasn't sure how they felt about their fellow Class Noir students. Mostly, Sora tried to show respect for them, as members of the same dark trade, however there had been a few over the years that had become "Friends" of a sort. Ayame was one of those Sora had never tried to get close to however, maybe that could change this year?

Moving on quickly enough that Ayame may or may not have noticed them, Sora didn't really care if she did, they arrived at the dormitories within a few minutes. The rooms for all the students were already assigned, and upon seeing that their roommate was a freshman Sora sighed. After looking up what rooms each of the other Class Noir students were in, Sora headed up to their own room, pleased to find that their roommate had not chosen a side of the room yet.

After getting their side of the room set up, Sora left the Dorms and began roaming the grounds, not exactly going anywhere specific. If someone wanted to, Sora would be easy to find. At least for today.
Are the dorms Co-ed? and do you plan on having Class Noir students roomed together?

Otherwise I'll say that Sora is roomed with an NPC
@Evangaline You realize you've been posting OOC things in the character tab... right?

Just figured I'd point it out in case you didn't know.
Hitomi Sora
"Sometimes your imagination plays tricks on you. Sometimes it doesn't. Knowing the difference can save your life."

Appearance: Doesn't matter. If you see me, it's too late.
Hitomi Sora is 5'4" and weighs approximately 115 pounds. With pale blue eyes and Raven black hair, they will often wear a mask covering the rest of their face and neck. They have a tattoo on their left shoulder of a golden cross, and wear an earring of the same design in their right ear. In their left ear they wear a stud earring with a ruby gem on it. They have multiple scars, however the most interesting or important of which are the burn scars across their back and torso, always hidden by clothing, and a scar from a bullet wound on the back of their right thigh, close enough to the knee to be seen when they wear shorts.
Name: Hitomi Sora
Age: 17
Gender: ...
Hitomi Sora would like to keep a few things secret still, for now.
Short Bio: "Optional". I opt out.
Hitomi Sora never speaks of their past, however with the right connections you could find out. The school knows all they need to, and case files are public record. Just be careful how far you dig.
Hobbies: Wandering about, observing others or spending time alone. If I am certain there is no one around I'll sing quietly to myself. I enjoy music, and nature. I also somewhat enjoy spending time with "friends". People become predictable over time, but the students of Class Noir continue to interest me.
Dislikes: Excessive questions or interest in myself by others, noisy animals such as small dogs or birds as pets, Snow in general, and flirtation.
Other Info: What else is there to say.
Hitomi Sora doesn't speak much about themselves, however it is obvious why. Sora values Privacy, and Identity. They find it easier to go through life a mystery to others, so that others cannot define Sora in terms that they would a normal person. Doing this, Sora is able to act in inhuman ways, showing little emotion in most situations. Sora believes this detachment will help them to grow stronger.
Submitting a CS for judgement!

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