Avatar of Vesuvius00


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

School's a pain. maybe if I tell you NOT to expect a post from me you'll actually get one....
E'nasha Williams Lyn's Hunt

E'nasha froze at first at the sound of growling around them, the Creature's howl breaking her paralysis as she bent and scooped a handful of tree nuts, seeds, off the ground. Good thing she'd been studying so much before this. As Keri drew a sword, E'nasha watched the shadows, waiting for the creatures to appear. Soon enough one did, charging right at her from the shadows.

Acting quickly, She threw a couple of the seeds towards it, causing them to sprout and grow into full-sized trees right in front of the creature, effectively blocking it from reaching her. In the next moment, a thud behind her made her turn to see another one about to attack Keri. Luckily, its hind foot was placed just right that E'nasha was able to manipulate a tree's root to wrap around and possibly trip the creature before it could reach the vampire. "And now, we should probably start running."
@YamiCuoreLaroux@Vesuvius00 @Yvain @Entropsy

I am starting the IC up. I am just letting you guys know

this is why I have a Co-GM, to pick up the slack when I do a horrible job GMing....
Thank you Luna
I'm here!
Ah...are character sheets required for all characters or just OCs? I was a little confused on that.

just OCs.
Since Yvain made a country different from cannon they filled out a CS. That's all.

School's been a pain, I'll definitely get the first IC post up soon though. All aboard the Fun train!

@booksmusicanime I'll fill in for Asgore if no one else wants to.
<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

Looks good Ves has to look over it

... I already did. Sleepy Luna?

IC Post still in the works... got distracted.
Hitomi Sora
Before Sora got a chance to reply to Jin, a bunch of men in suits ran through the halls and yelled at them. Crap! I forgot they'd do this... Glancing once at Jin, Sora turned and left before one of the suits had to force them to leave.
As they got to the Auditorium Sora walked calmly over to the section of seats reserved for the Class Noir students, sitting directly behind Jin and a girl they didn't recognise as they got there. "I had forgotten that this assembly was mandatory. What a pain, couldn't they just give everyone the speech in a pamphlet?" They whispered to no one in particular as other Noir students walked in.

Name: Thanh 'Vivian' & Thao 'Velius' Phan
Age: (Can't decide ;-;)
Gender: Female | Male
Nationality: Vietnamese
- Their alternative 'english names' are Vivian & Velius due to the lack of correct pronunciation when attempting to say their actual names. However these alternate names doesn't do to much justice as they're unique but of course tricky to get at first for most people. Thus they're often nicknamed as 'Vi' (V) or 'Vivi'.
- While Thao represents all of Vietnam due to winning the war, he is commonly associated with the 'North' while his twin sister is the 'South' who is slowly gaining more acknowledgment and popularity than her brother. The two had a bloody and tragic war which involved other countries who would back the twins up based on their opposing views and beliefs. Thao had those who believed in communism (Especially Russia) while Thanh had those who were anti-Communist (Especially America). {i've yet have an idea for this (example like how between USUK the rev. war was about how america wanted to be an 'independent man').}
- It's apparent that they wear different color schemes which represents their flag. Thanh wears yellow/red ; Thao wears Red/Yellow.
- Thao abandoned his long hair ; It's short now. As for Thanh, she doesn't seem to care about her own appearance and thus never seems to do anything with her hair besides tie it into a simple and long ponytail. The girl won't even let her hair down.

(Left;Thao , Right; Thanh)

Might add more to this CS.. I read that fans speculate that canonically Vietnam probably had a sibling who is now dead due to the annexation of the south ; So I guess I'll just put that Thanh was in a long coma then--DUN DUN DUN... A NEW VIETNAM-REPRESENTATIVE APPEARS c:<. Or she was in a coma and recently as in a a month or two ago woke from it and came back to which thats when her rising popularity/general presence is known (and indirectly more favored than her brother). I don't know ; Can't really decide.

Love it! Post it in the Character tab please!
I'll have the first IC Post up in a little bit.

Just realized I should mention you all for this....
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