Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

I one-up you miss.

@Flightless_Soul hey, you there? Everyone's kinda waiting on you.
Hey I'm going to poke you to make a post as Asgore because I've got a character stuck with Asgore right now XD.

ahh! I'm sorry! I totally forgot I was working on a post for him... Soon. Within 5 hours. I'ma write a reminder on my arm.
Also: (double-posting because derp)

thanatosDefiant PMed me and said they quit a while ago? apparently we need a replacement for Frisk.
This lady seems fine, though, unless she were to randomly pull out a gun and shoot them all, in which case, well, what're you gonna do?

Is it bad that I'm just thinking; That's EXACTLY what's going to happen once Chara gets there. ^.^

So, a question to those with human OCs: Would you be open to a possible Chara possession in the future?
Anything Chara tries to make them do wouldn't be automatic, they'd both be fighting each other for control of the body, and while that's going on neither of them can really do much other than totally freak out everyone near them as the body sorta spazzes out from the duo-control. I imagine it would be a rather Funny/Terrifying scenario.

I'll ask again at the point where I'd actually try to have Chara posses someone, because you might change your mind.
@booksmusicanime@Skepic@DigitalDemon@RainbowFactory (I think this is everyone who has a human? Idk.)
Is anyone going to post?
@Major Ursa Is Othertale still happening? or did it get dropped?
Toriel smiled as people started coming up to her and introducing themselves, it was nice to see that humans and monsters could get along from the start. "It is very nice to meet you, Aryla and..." She trailed off as she realized the first girl had yet to introduce herself, smiling at the next human as he approached. I do hope the introductions will die down eventually. It is nice that they are trying to get along but- Her attention was split by her musings, but Toriel's thoughts were cut short as the man began to lunge at her. She stepped back, one hand instinctively moving to block Frisk from potential harm, and a small white flame forming in the other as her eyes narrowed at the man. 

Aryla, bless her soul, was able to stop the man's attack, restraining him as she berated him for the action. "I should not expect humans to be completely accepting of us, however I did not think we would be openly attacked in the street. Whatever your reasoning for this, you are lucky it was me you decided to attack, as others may not have shown you mercy." As she finished speaking the fire in her hand went out, serving its purpose of a minor scare. The man seemed confused and scared now, and had dropped the knife. He said nothing, and Toriel merely shook her head, looking to the two girls in turn. "I am not sure how to handle this. Human government should address his actions, I think. Could one of you turn him in to the... police?" She almost could not rebember the word for the human's form of law enforcement, she was so used to just calling them the Royal Guard back in the Underground.

Toriel looked to Frisk to check that they and Flowey were both alright, smiling slightly at them. "Should we continue on to Grillbys now?" It was apparent that the man had given up on attacking or even getting away, going limp in Aryla's grip and muttering quietly to himelf.

Chara practically growled as the confrontation they so artfully constructed was halted prematurely. Toriel should have at LEAST been injured. But, it was a start... Humans and monsters wouldn't be able to get along for very long. Chara would make sure of that. When the human Girl, Aryla, had grabbed the man they had possessed and shouted at him, every other possible human for possession either ran or started doing something where it wouldn't make sense for them to join in on attacking Toriel. Chara didn't want Frisk or anyone else realizing that they were the one pulling the strings, not yet anyway, so they would be caerful about what they do around those who may be able to link these events to themselves.

As Toriel was being awfully... herself, Chara started planning out more minor events like this, where a human would just suddenly attack a monster on the street. Eventually the monsters would grow fearful of their own safety and lash out against the humans, or Chara would juat make that happen by possessing weaker monsters and making them go on a rampage. Flowey could be useful in the second part, if he could take the souls of a large group of humans, he'd be unstoppable. So long as he didn't turn into Asriel with that power... what really caused that?

Chara would follow Flowey around until he eventually became useless to their plan. He hadn't said anything to them yet, which could just be because if he did say something, Frisk would hear it at the least; or he might not be willing to go along with Chara. That would be so like Asriel... of course, as soon as Flowey is no longer helpful, they could just kill him. Same as always. And he knew this.

Chara spoke to Flowey in a calm, matter-of-fact tone, their face emotionless. "You need to get away from Frisk so we can talk properly. Unless of course you rather pretend to be someone you're not and just tell them I'm here. But, that wouldn't be the best choice for your own suvival."

(Asgore post coming soon. For now, Tori and Chara. ^.^)

Do you want to take Toriel permanently? I don't think Tanuki is coming back.

So I'm playing Toriel, Asgore, and Chara now? That fine, just want to make sure before I make a post.
(PS: School sucks)
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