Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

Yeah, thats why i didnt post today. Trying to figure out a way around that. If anybody's got any ideas im entirely made of ears.

i guess he could just reach there first but... eh,that feels hollow and cheap. Maybe he could try to communicate "follow my lead" during the fight but im not sure how hed do that with cameras pointed at him. Maybe spelling a message in the flames?

@Kafka KomedyA system of winks and hand gestures, all while trying to accidentally attack the cameras?

Nina's smart enough to pick up on that, once she realizes he's not actually trying to kill her. Although he would probably have enough of a head start that they wouldn't start to be filmed until after she realizes that anyway.
oh great, Nina and Ash are gonna fight on Live TV... So much for hiding
How should I start my post....

I just kinda thought "Where would I want to be to survive alone for days in a dark, monster-infested cave?" And beside the lake kinda popped out of that. I'd recommend someplace she could get supplies easily while staying well enough hidden.

~ ♥ Nina Sari ~

When Nina woke up, she felt like she had only slept for 5 minutes, though it probably had been at least an hour. As much as she wanted to close her eyes and curl back up, a rotting smell wouldn't let her. The smell was sickly sweet, and after a minute she realized that the core form the fruit she had eaten earlier was the source. "God, i'm such an idiot!" She spoke out loud, clapping a hand over her mouth immediately. She picked up the rotting core and peeked out of her little alcove to see if there was anyone nearby who could have heard her.

Thankfully, there wasn't. She sighed silently and crawled out onto the path, walking quickly towards the lake. She would throw the core into the water, and hopefully the smell would dissipate soon enough, but until the smell was completely gone she couldn't go back to her hiding place. Once she had watched the fruit's core sink to the bottom of the lake, she looked around for a place that was a little less in the open. Maybe she should have tried to go into the forest in the other direction from the lake, it would have been easy enough to hide there, among the foliage.

But no. She was here now, and the paths to anywhere else were too dangerous. Too much of a chance that someone would see her, and too little space to run or fight back properly. She pulled her jacket hood up and started walking around the perimeter of the lake, her head down so her face couldn't be seen. After walking a little way, she found a place on the shoreline where the rocks were tall enough that if she sat with her feet in the water, she was only visible from directly behind. With the hood of the jacket up, no one who saw her should be suspicious enough to bug her, hopefully.

She listened carefully to the sounds of the few monsters who walked by as she tried to think of how long her hideout would be unsafe to return to.

~ Isa Nikolai ~

Isa smiled, if even just a little. "Yeah, that's great Dorkle. That you wanna help. And I really, appreciate the offer, but I can't let you." She sighed, not wanting the a-dork-able monster to misunderstand why she said no. "It really is getting out of hand, and the royal guard should be on top of things. But, there are so few of us and there are so many other things that need to be done 24-7 that we're too spread out to spare anyone to go hunting for humans."

"So, even though we could use a little help, we can't allow anyone who hasn't been trained to fight to put themselves in that kind of danger." Isa backed off from the counter a little, her face half-serious, half-sad. "Even I'm supposed to be patrolling around the lake right now, but when I found the dust I rushed here to start warning people to stay away from that area. I have to go back, so can you tell everyone you see to stay away from the lake area until the human is found for me please? I'll be telling people on my way back, too."
@Vesuvius00 I don't mind at all! In fact, it gives me an idea for a post. Mind if i PM you about it? I want what happens to be a surprise. Though, I'm sure @Major Ursa will wnat to hear about it if the idea gets off the ground.

PM away! Im interested to hear this idea
Yay! I finally posted! Let's get the fun train rolling!

So... Nina's kinda doing Genocide right of the bat, though she's not looking for monsters just to kill them. She's desperate to survive, and actually tries really hard not to get into a fight in the first place but once she's fighting she can't afford to let that monster live. Depending on what player fights her first she'll change to neutral or pacifist (realizing not all the monsters want to kill her right away through this fight). currently she's killed about 8 little monsters (According to Isa there could be more she's killed) But of the 11 Isa knows are dead, 3 were not killed by Nina. Nina is currently at LV 3 with 28 HP.

@Major Ursa so, by the way the soul's fighting abilities were listed I was wondering if when Skylar dies and the timeline resets back to the last SAVE if only Skylar can remember the other timelines or if all the humans/some monsters can too?

@Kafka Komedy I hope you don't mind that I kinda made up a campaign-related item for Nina to wear. I can always just delete the detail about the logo on the back of her stolen jacket.

@karamonnom Isa's talking to Dorkle directly really, though she's definitely being loud enough for everyone who may be in the library to hear her.
~ ♥ Nina Sari ~

A final small shriek of fear escapes the small bird-like monster as Nina sends its last attack she had caught back at it, turning the creature to dust on contact. She'd not meant to get into a fight, but the little monster had definitely seen her, and no way was she going to let it get away and tell some bigger monster where she was hiding. She didn't feel like getting killed just yet, thanks.

She was slightly glad she'd fought this monster now though, as she sifted through the small pile of dust to find a brown paper bag with a sandwich and a small fruit she didn't recognize inside. She was extremely hungry, not knowing how many days it had been since she and her team arrived here, and thus the last time she had eaten a real meal. She bit into the sandwich and kept sifting through the dust for another moment as she reminded herself not to eat too quickly, finding a couple small silver coins as she took another bite, the sandwich already half gone.

She has killed every monster to see her so far, thanking whatever higher power there was that none of the larger or smarter monsters had really discovered her yet. She knew that the monsters were aware of at least one human around, she was certain that there were other members of her team still alive somewhere because of that. The only reason she was still alive was because she didn't let any monster that saw her get away. She quickly learned how to FIGHT on her own, and has scavenged whatever items she could to keep herself from collapsing.

She still had her wetsuit, and the simple navy blue one-piece swimsuit that she had worn underneath during the dive, although she had ripped the sleeves off of the wetsuit to use as make-shift bandages, and other tears in the suit from monster's attacks made the top part not really worth wearing so she just wore it like a pair of pants now, tying what was left of the top in a knot at her hips to keep them from slipping down. Her hair was a mess, not having really been brushed in days, it took three of the hairbands she kept around her wrist to keep it all out of her face.

She had taken a grey jacket from a monster she had fought within the first day or so of her being separated from her team, and it was probably the only reason she didn't have hypothermia right now. Sure, it wasn't totally freezing in the caves, but... She never really takes the jacket off. Sometimes if she put up the hood, monsters would just walk past her. There was a logo on the back, reminding Nina of some kind of political ad, a picture of an almost-skeletal rabbit giving the camera a thumbs up. She couldn't read the words on it, but she trusted her gut about the political feeling.

Finishing the sandwich, she put up her hood and scattered the dust around as much as possible, trying to make it not totally obvious that a monster died here. Once she was satisfied with her work, she walked down the path to where a small branch-off led to where she'd been doing most of her hiding and sleeping. It was and area maybe a meter high and wide, with about a 5 foot depth and a 2 foot by 2 foot opening to the path she was on now, almost totally hidden in the jagged wall of the cave. She brought the strange little fruit with her, not sure if she should try eating it.

As she crawled into her little alcove, she tried to remember how to tell if a fruit could be poison or not. She was drawing a blank, and after a minute or so of arguing with her stomach, she took a small bite. It was sweet, a taste kind of like an apple mixed with a fig, and the flesh had a texture like a pear. Deciding that something so good couldn't be poisonous, she ate as much as she could, a core like an apple's all that was left behind when she was done. Putting the core in the corner of the alcove, she scooted as far away from the entrance as she could and curled up on her side to sleep for a little bit, her head resting on her arm and facing the entranceway as she closed her eyes and fell asleep almost immediately.

~ Isa Nikolai ~

Her eyes darted from side to side, searching for the source of the next attack. Isa was training with her father in Mirth Lake, away from the lights of the city. He always pushed her to be able to predict the enemy's next move, and so he was being unpredictable, hiding in the shadowy water around her and throwing magic spears her way, all made of orange magic of course, so as long as she was at least trying to dodge she wouldn't be hurt.

She noticed a ripple of movement to her left and dodged backwards just in time to avoid her father's next flurry of spears. She quickly formed a knife out of blue magic and threw it at her father, watching as it passed right through his chest. He clapped a little, his expression slightly less indifferent than normal. That was a lot for him.

"Alright, that's enough for today, I think." He started, swimming over to her side and putting an arm on her shoulder. "I have my duties in the city for the next shift, and you should probably go patrol the lake perimeter now. Don't forget to patrol above the water, too." With that he swam off towards the city, leaving her to swim up to the water's surface alone.

"Sure, dad. 'Cause I always slack off on that part." She said out loud as her head broke the water, her tail splitting apart into her legs and the outer scales condensing into an armored-skirt type thing. She was wearing a plain black tank top that sort-of flared out at the bottom, making it almost a dress, although the skirt barely reached past her fingertips if she let her arms hang at her sides. She didn't really need to cover the lower half of her body in the water, or out of it for that matter. Her scales still covered up everything that needed covering, though she'd been told many times that other monsters thought it weird when she didn't wear something to cover herself. As far as she knew, her dad got the same reaction, along with every other monster of her kind.

"Well, I think it's weird that you guys can't swim." She said with a laugh to herself as she started walking around the perimeter of the lake, noticing the few monsters walking up ahead. As they passed her they said hellos to each other and kept going their respective ways, her reminding herself not to think out loud when having imaginary conversations in her head.

The patrol was uneventful, until she was almost 3/4 the way around the perimeter of the lake. She sneezed. But, where did any dust come from in this wet cavern? Looking carefully at the ground around her she noticed a faint layer of dust, scuffed in places as if someone was trying to spread it all out. Forming a normal magic knife in her hand, she started looking for anything that might show where the killer had gone. After looking around a bit and not being able to find anything, she growled in frustration and threw her knife at the wall, it digging in a few inches and sticking there until she let it fade out of existence.

"Another one, and again no trace left of the killer." Isa wanted to yell, scream at the top of her lungs. This made 11. 11 monsters that she knew had been killed in the area of Mirth lake and the monster's Mirth forest. She looked down at the lake, and then down the path that led to the forest and eventually to Stalac Heights. Where to go and tell people first? The city in the lake was safe from any human, being completely underwater and all, so Stalac Heights and the forest is the more logical choice, right?

Isa made a knife out of blue magic so it glowed in contrast with the stone around her, lighting up the area as she walked, looking carefully for any sign of movement or attack from the shadows created by the uneven wall of the cavern. She got all the way to Stalac Heights before she dared let the weapon disappear, not seeing anything else suspicious along the way. She went to the city's library. What better place to start spreading information around than a library? Also, there were likely to be less people around to panic in the library than in the middle of a busy street.

"I found the dust of another monster just now, out on the perimeter of the lake." She said, probably louder than she should have, as she walked towards the first familiar face she saw in the place, Dorkle Stein. "I don't know who it was, but there wasn't much dust there. I almost didn't spot it. It was probably a helpless little guy, like a Whimsum or something, and that just makes it that much more infuriating to me. There's a human, somewhere between here and the lake, picking off those that they think they can! That's eleven now! 11 monsters that we know are dead, and how many more that've been missing?" Isa took a breath to calm her voice a little, this is a library after all.

"We need to start searching for this human constantly, no one should ever be out alone, ever. This is getting too..." She trailed off, not really being able to think of the right word to finish that sentence.
@Vesuvius00Augh...I should have waited before posting..........! Ah well, Nina is free to be where she wants to be, unless it's the bottom of an abyss.

ok, testing sucks but I feel I didn't do too bad so... I'm Back!
Sorry I was gone for so long but I can't really study unless I cut myself off from the internet completely.

now, E'nasha's somehow not been eaten by a cosh while I was away? Awesome! Now I can just jump right back into...

Ok I need to stop watching cute puppies on youtube and get to work!
ok, Officially back now! Testing sucks but I feel I didn't do too bad so...
Sorry I was gone for so long but I can't really study unless I cut myself off from the internet.

I, uh... Guess I'll post soon? I need a bit to catch up on everything I've missed on the site while I've been away. This is a priority though.
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