Avatar of Vesuvius00


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

I'll get a post up Tonight! I've just been being lazy, sorry.

Reality did not live up to my optimism. tomorrow, hopefully tomorrow.
@Lucius Cypher I'd appreciate that a lot.

also, If I coulda jus' opened the door, why did I teleport?
But now...
*Hug-tackles* The Tables Have Turned!
I believe there was someone I was waiting on to post before I posted again...but I'll have something up by tomorrow to move this thing along a bit.

*poke poke*
Jus' making sure you're alive.
@Vesuvius00 I've always been here luv, where have you been? I only see you thrice in a blue moon! But I'm not going to let you escape me so easily~

*Puts Vesu in a bird cage*

If/When you get accepted, you should totally find me in the RP. We can have adventures together fighting evil and stuff.

*realizes I'm in a birdcage*
*teleports to switch places with Luci*

hehe, polly wanna cracker?


<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

The problem with complicated powers like minor reality shifting is that they generally only have 2 modes: useless, and overpowered. I probably shouldn't be talking, given that I have a reality shifting ability, though, mine is limited to small objects. I'm not sure how exactly you plan to use this ability, and I'm a bit wary of it, but I guess I'll leave the final decision to Cynder.

Edit: Also, I'm pretty sure that messing with memories is a bad idea.

Vari probably knows what he's saying, but I'll give my own feedback once I get home.

I was tired enough to be lacking in judgement when I wrote this up, rereading it now I can see some things I should probably change/clarify.

My effort to not be OP (because this is definitely the OP type) is the Limiter, the "halo". Basically if a power is going to affect someone/something too much, it can't be done with limits on, but it can with limits off. The limit isn't all or nothing, it's "enough to be super useful" or "pray to whatever you believe in that I don't screw this up" however limits will probably never come off unless all of reality is in danger I'm thinking.

About the memory thing though, She/I(?) can't mess with real memories, only place false ones. while that'll be confusing for a while for the target, the false memories are different from true ones and can be told apart by how the person feels when recalling that memory. Like, the fake one is cleaner, with less tiny details and a shiny gloss over whatever didn't matter enough to the memory to falsify, and no matter what the memory depicts there's always an eerie calm to it. the max amount of time a fake memory could go unnoticed is probably a week.

Just putting this here so it doesn't get lost in the OOC:
(it's exactly the same, I haven't changed anything yet)
So I was in a little bit of a rush to finish this because I want to sleep, but here's my CS. I'm done with it if there are no problems anyone has with it. I tried to not be OP.

Goodnight everybody!


<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>



*Is glomped*
how did you get here!?
<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

Yes, for a little bit longer anyway.

Awesome! I'll get working on a CS quick then ^.^
Is this still open to join?
I wish for a wish.

Granted. The wish you got is given to you in the form of a small piece of paper inside a fortune cookie. You accidentally eat the paper.

I wish I didn't need sleep in order to function properly.
@booksmusicanime Awesome! Can't wait!
@RomanAria@Ellion posted it. If either of you can think of a summary, shout it out. I'm drawing a blank.

And with that, 'night everyone!
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