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The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
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I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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Exon and his brides Nadia Parnel and Sisi Saisri Tyalanthe

Nadia blushed slightly at the pet name. A light, his light. For a split second she wasn't sure how to respond, but thought she should say something. She remembered back to what little names her parents would use for each other, and taking a small breath to steel herself decided to try one of them out. "Thank you, honey bear." She wasn't sure why she'd said the words 'thank you', but after she said them she realized that she did feel grateful.

Rather than keep this reavalation to herself, she continued speaking, her words keeping pace with her thoughts as she felt herself beginning to tear up. "Thank you, for being so kind to me, to us. For not being horrible right away and for, for..." She trailed off and started wiping the tears from her eyes with her hand, staying silent now.

Saisri had winced slightly as Exon's hand closed so tightly around her upper arm, but she didn't say anything. Even as he sarcastically called her his "Little love" she just frowned and looked away. Adventurous she might be, trying to test the waters to the best of her ability, but she wasn't entirely suicidal, at least.

It was slightly alarming that... was... Nadia was already crying? Oh gods... Saisri couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor girl, but then, she guessed that for anyone who didn't treat this as an adventure, it would be absolutely terrifying, the kind of thing to cause tears and nightmares...

The taller girl reached out towards Nadia, with a (hopefully) reassuring smile on her face, and gently pulled the little Fire gem into an embrace. "Nadia, you're going to be fine. There's nothing to cry about now."

Exon blinked, looking over at his smaller bride. "You've done nothing that warrents me being horrible to you yet. Why would I punish you if you are behaving?" He did tense up when the girl started crying. "Stop that though, I've done nothing to make you cry either," He was a little greatful that his trouble bride was around to comfort her. He wasn't the consoling type.

"I'm s-sorry. I just..." Nadia wiped the rest of the tears from her eyes and willed them to stop coming, as Saisri pulled her into a hug. She gripped the other Gem tightly, grateful for the gesture. After a moment, she'd managed to breathe through the tears and stopped crying, though she still felt like she would break down any moment. So much was happening in such a short time. She composed herself, not quite letting go of her sister-bride as she started speaking softly as if her own words would cause the tears to return.

"No, you've done nothing to me, and that's why I cry. You're kind, at least so far, and with everything else... Up until an hour ago I was convinced I would die within the next few days, if not tonight. Your kindess and treatment of me I see as a blessing from Vivari herself, and I thank you for being the one her chioce of Fate tied me to." She smiled at him over Saisri's shoulder, genuinely hoping he'd understand what she meant. She gave her sister-bride one more squeeze and let go now, backing off a little after whispering in her ear. "Thank you, Sisi." Her voice choked on the last word, and Nadia blushed as she messed up Saisri's name.

Saisri paused for a moment, considering, then smiled at the little gem, in an attempt at lightening the tone. "Sisi, hmm? Not the worst nickname I've ever been given. Probably one of the best." Then she fell silent as Exon spoke.

Exon took a deep breath, letting his smaller wife finish her speech before speaking again. "My wife, both of you really, I don't pretend to be kind or caring, but I promise not to be unjustly cruel or unfair with either of you" He broke a piece of bread, more intent on ripping it up, then eating it. "I won't pretend that you will come to love me. But if you respect and obey me, bare me sons and if you don't shame myself or my family, then I would imagine you both to have long and comfortable lives,"

After a while at sitting at the table, Exon's brothers had finally wandered off, not that he was waiting for that. "I assume you both are hungry," He said. "If you want more than this" he said, gestering at the table. "I suggest you get it now, I won't want to take you once more people come in here,"

Nadia reached forward and took a few of the more interesting-looking dishes onto her plate. She didn't think anyone would bother putting anything inedible or dangerous out, so was relatively calm as she took a bite of a piece of meat she had grabbed. I practically melted in her mouth, and the flavor was spicy but not so much that she couldn't handle it. As she tried everything else she had taken she found that practically everything was delicious in a way different from the last.

After a while, the sound of a flute suddenly rang throughout the room. She recognised the tune as the royal fanfares, though she couldn't name any other time she'd actually heard it played before. From where she sat, she had to kneel facing backwards on her chair to see the player. A small gem, even smaller than herself, stood in the center of the room and played with confidence unlike any Nadia had ever seen before. Once the song was done, The gem addressed the crowd, and somone she couldn't see started clapping.

Saisri watched Nadia out of the corner of her eye; seemingly the little Fire gem was feeling better, at least enough to eat. Saisri herself wasn't eating much; while the food did look good, there was just something that seemed... wrong about eating. Like the platters had been arranged too artfully to disturb by taking food from them. Nonetheless, Saisri knew she had to eat, so she contented herself with a piece of bread and some of what looked to be smoked salmon.

Then there was the call of a flute from the center of the room. Saisri whirled in her seat, though it took a moment for the name of the tune to register. Of course. The fanfare of the royal house. She couldn't help but whistle along, though the sound of her whistling was likely so quiet that no one except maybe Exon and Nadia would hear. When the piece was over, Saisri almost jumped to her feet and applaud the girl, but a glance at the murderous expression on her husband's face indicated that would not be a good idea.

Exon narrowed his eyes at the Gem in the center of the room. The girl, well, he'd be surpised if she was ever going to be allowed to play again. That was, if she lived through the night. Which one nearby Gem already wasn't going to do. His impulsive wife had merely hummed along, unlike other who openly celebrated the goings ons. He wasn't going to fault her....much...for that. "We are leaving," he growled, sensing more of the aggressive Drakkons readying themselves to take revenge from his slight. He took both of his wives by the arms and forcibly stood them up, intending to head up to the wedding suite.

Nadia almost wanted to clap herself, but with the crack that sounded just before the clapping fell silent, she felt herself go cold. She ducked her head behind the back of the chair and focused on her breathing, feeling dizzy and lightheaded. After she'd managed to get a few deep breaths in, she felt Exon grip her arm and begin to pull her out of the chair. She stood up quickly to comply with whatever he was doing, but that was not good for her dizziness. She held on to Exon's arm to support herself, the room threatening to swirl around her and leave her in darkness. "H-honey bear? I d-don't feel well...

'Honey bear.... He thought in mild shock at his smaller wife. Although he was more concered for the fact that her face was almost ghost white. "My light?" he said, letting go of Sairis for a moment, using both hands to look over the girl. "Are you able to make it just a bit further? We are almost to a place where you can rest,"

Nadia was barely aware that she'd spoken, let alone that anything had been said to her. She merely nodded at her husband once she'd realized he asked her something. She kept focusing on her breathing, and looked at the floor to steady her vision. "I'm just... dizzy." After a second she remembered a trick her mother had shown her as a child. She held one of her hands out and produced a small flame, then focused all her energy on making the flame as small as can be, but as bright as possible. She felt the heat from the flame grow as the brightness grew, until both stopped and the flame had diissappeared. She wan't sure why this worked, but she felt a little calmer already, and it wasn't so hard to breathe now.

Exon watched his wife for a second, unsure of what she was doing. Then he saw her great fire, which was...unexpected. He pegged her for an air...maybe MAYBE a water Gem. There was a part of him that felt like he should stop her, but whatever it was, it seemed to be helping her. "If you are feeling better, we must leave," he said, once some color had returned to her face. He grabbed Saisri and took Nadia's hand, leading them out of the feast and up some stairs and into their wedding chamber.

Nadia nodded and walked alongside Exon as he led them, somewhere. While she didn't feel like fainting anymore, she still couldn't get the sound out of her head of, whatever must have happened to that poor Gem girl. She kept her eyes down as they walked. If, if she had clapped too, would she also be...? She shook her head slightly, as if the action alone could banish the thoughts from her mind, and looked around as Exon had led them into... "oh."

She slipped her hand from her husband's grasp and walked over to the fireplace in the room. There was no fire lit yet, but she fixed that with a small wave of her hand, and soon the little flare she'd given turned into a warm, crackling flame. She knelt by the fire and watched the tounges of flame dance, and the shadows they cast around the room. She felt much better now, though still shivered at the thought of what had just happened.

Exon gave his wives a few moments to adjust to the new room. He walked around gather different tools for what needed to be done next. To make them...his forever more. He rang a bell and a sad looking Gem came into the room with a needle and a pot of ink. "My loves," he said, turning to face his wives. "Bare your backs and allow this woman to leave my mark on you," He wasn't very artist, or he would have simply done it himself.
Granted. everyone is now anally true to their word, and carry out actions they said they would do almost involuntarily. Crime rates skyrocket as mere threats become reality, and now no one can back out of false promises, trapping people in situations that never even happen right now.

The world is a horrible place.

I wish for the ability to predict crimes before they happen and in doing so be able to arrest the perps before any harm can be done.
ok, whatever. posted.

@Luna Lalita has a fish lady to worry about now, have fun!

@Guardian Angel Haruki@Kafka Komedy Sorry I waited so long to post, especially since Nina doesn't really do anything...
~ ♥ Nina Sari ~

Nina sighed as the bird-lady, Lorelei, spoke. "It uh, wasn't really you I was worried about starting a fight. Sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like an accusation." She stood surprised for a moment as the self proclaimed "angel" handed her some type of card, and took it with a mumbled "thanks..." after a few seconds. Great, a celebrity. ugggh.

She listened in half-interest as Lorelei asked Ash about setting up a time for an interveiw. From what she knew so far, it seemed like politics was the same down here as up on the surface. In which case, it's probably just as much a game of cloaks and daggers as up above as well. She was shaken from her thoughts, quite literally, when Ash put one of his skeletal arms around her and shook her gently, talking about "introducing" her to the underlake.

Great. She didn't want to be a celebrity, she barely could stand being seen. This would be, interesting, to say the least. A catastrophe at the most. She sighed internally, three days was a lot of time, and not very much time, all in one. She wasn't sure what she should say, even if she should say anything, so she just nodded along to whatever Ash said, though she did get him to let go of her, not exactly comfortable with him being so close.

~ Isa Nikolai ~

Isa took a different path on the way back to the lake as she had on the way to the city, wanting to cover more ground quickly. She'd already checked the one path on the way to warn everybody, and hadn't found anything really there, so maybe this path would be more revealing. As she walked along, a knife of blue magic already formed and gripped tightly in her hand, she thought she heard something down one of the branching cave-paths.

Surely enough she went around the corner to see... Well, it wasn't any type of monster that she knew of, so by process of elimination: "Stop right there Human!"

Well, now she's yelled at it, so she braced herself fro whatever this human might do next. She grinned slightly to herself, almost hoping that the human would choose to fight her. That wouldn't end very well... for them. "You're coming with me, dead or alive, and weather you like it or not."
ok, done! I should really stop watching youtube when I'm supposed to be writing...
Aisha Demir

Before Departure Escape

She didn't know where anyone was anymore. The guards had grabbed a few of her fellow slaves, and she was outpacing the others last she knew. She kept going, not looking back, not letting herself slow down. She'd already started, and if she stopped trying now... she suppressed a shiver as she kept running. The last wall wasn't far.

She could see the gate now, and the group beginning to leave. It was now or never. She tried to put on one last burst of speed, but a hand suddenly grabbing her shoulder held her back. "Not for long." She barely spoke the words before looking the guard in the eye, and his grip on her faltered for an instant.

She almost darted away immediately, but instinct held her back now. Her eyes darted to the knife at the man's hip, and in a second she held it in her hands, running again as the guard snapped out of his momentary daze. The gates were almost closed when she got there, slipping through at the last instant.

Present Time

She caught her breath as her pace slowed to a quick walk. She'd caught up to the group now, and hid the knife in the pocket of the cloak she'd managed to steal before starting the escape. Now she glanced behind her at the wall of the city, wondering what would become of the others. She had hoped they would all make it, but apparently that's too much for the world to allow.

She shook her head slightly and faced forward, banishing any other thoughts of regret. She was here now, she'd succeeded. That's all that really mattered.

The group around her was uninteresting to say the least. Adventurers and warriors and... one noble woman. Aisha recognised her slightly, although couldn't remember this woman's name. She kept her eyes on the 'path' and the plant life around them as they walked, hoping to keep herself as invisible as possible.

And of course she couldn't do that, because now someone was walking up to her. She put a well-practiced smile on her face as he held out his hand and spoke to her. She didn't take his hand, instead clasping the both of hers behind her back as she spoke. "Pleased to meet you Mr. S-” She cut herself off and continued quickly. She would not be so meek and proper here. "Eadric. I'm fine, considering the situation. We've just embarked on a very important new part of our lives -perhaps even our last- and yet the Earth blesses us with these."

She bent down to pick one of the flowers she had spotted, a harmless plant, one she'd seen growing in many gardens and flower-pots in the noble's homes back in the city. "I don't remember what they are called, but they are a sign of good fortune." After walking a moment more, she realized that she hadn't returned his introduction. Moving as if to give the yellow flower to him, she spoke smoothly, a lilt in her voice. "My name is Aisha Demir, a former slave."
I'm sorry. RL has me jumping through hoops. I'm working on a post, which should be up in a little more than an hour? (hopefully)
@booksmusicanime I'm up for whatever. I think a reboot may be in order, but we could keep this alive with who's here too.

yeah, let's reboot
well I totally blanked and forgot about prom sooo....

@RomanAria@Ellion I'm here now! ready to collab?
@RomanAria@Ellion pop in to the collab? *bounces around impatiently*
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