Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

Uhhh, idk. I dont think it's necessary, you could just say the creator is unknown. Although a Dynamic between the robot and their creator would be fun to see.

Im not sure the list in the character tab is up to date, I thought there werent any more drakkens with just one bride?

My internet access for the next 2 weeks might be spotty, but I should be able to keep up fine.
searched through the OOC to find this again:
Team Cool/First Group, Lost Group

-(Leader of this group, kind of hard to deal with...currently running around half naked)
-(glasses dude you will probably meet later, or sooner, who knows?)
-Lalita "Lali" Emmerson
-Nina Sari
-Sparrow (if/when accepted)

Team Hot/Second Group

-Xaria Morelli
-Rodney Colton Smith (Leader)
-Elijah "Eli" Sylvester Collins

with @UnknownScarlet4's character submission there aren't any spots left for a human (I think) but we can never have too many monsters!

Speaking of monsters... @Luna, your Lalita is currently being attacked by my Isa. surrender? (Waiting on you before I post)
Not sure who that is but google images says it's Tyler Joseph(?)

who is apparently a singer, so....

the guys in my sig are called Shimeji.
they are Sans Shimeji.

^ You mean this?
banned for bringing countries into this
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