Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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reserved for things
ok, blegh.
This is a 1x1 between @Luna and I, taking place in the undertale universe.

During a True Pacifist run, Frisk is starting to get bored of trying over and over to get the perfect ending, something always goes wrong after they all leave the underground. So, time to try something new. There are still some factors that can be changed, but changing them means changing so many others too.

But it's worth it if you can finally reach perfection. Somehow.

First thing to try, because it'll be interesting to see if it works, is bringing Gaster out of the void.
It's happened before, after they've all gotten to the surface. multiple times, Sans has been able to pull Gaster back into reality. It shouldn't be so hard to do in the underground, Right?

the IC starts at the first attempt by Sans and Frisk to pull Gaster out of the void.

Plot ensues.

Here is the cast list:

all other characters are shared NPCs until later maybe
Do I have things to reply to on this? (I probably do but if someone could point me towards it please...)

@Demonic Angel@Luna GAH. too. much. I'm never leaving for more than a week ever again. you two get posesive

idk I might need to leave at some point, like the end of the world
@Luna wHY!?
*is tackled*
*pulls Luna into a bear hug*

@Demonic Angel yeah, ok makes sense.

At 3 pages, you two should get into a private chat or somethin
ok, posted for Onyx b/c she has more activity going on around her right now. goodnight people
Onyx Briyll
Bride of Lady Siadamkiru Beneni @RomanAria

Onyx woke up to Sia’s voice after being shaken out of sleep. She was talking about getting food and then leaving, and another voice, a Gem, answered her. Onyx sat up slowly and looked around the room, confused. She recognized Lady Sia as the one who’d rescued her the night before, but other than that she had nothing she could grasp. Who was this other Gem? Why was Onyx here, and where is here anyways?

She wasn’t scared, but not knowing anything about a situation was not a feeling she was used to. She felt uneasy and timid as she stood next to the bed she’d been placed on, wondering where she should even start her train of thought at. Her memories of the night before were vivid up to the point where… Kai… After that, it was pretty much a blur, with Sia’s and that horrible Drakken brute’s actions being the easiest to recall.

Onyx coughed slightly to try and dislodge the uncertainty she had, and was surprised at the lack of pain she felt at the action. The night before, it had been so hard to breathe, to speak, but now there was only a dull ache that had spiked when she’d coughed. Reaching a hand up to her neck, she found that someone had wrapped a bandage around it, a slightly sticky resin coating the cloth. She gave a small smile and spoke quietly, testing her voice. "Thank you."

There was still a slight pain, but each word was no longer a battle. Her smile grew slightly as she spoke a little louder, tears of joy starting to well up in her eyes. "Thank you, so much." She wasn’t looking at anyone, or even sure who she was speaking to. Be it by Sia or Vivari, perhaps even both, she’d been saved, she was alive! After a second she did look up at Sia, debating in her mind whether to run over and hug the Drakken, or if that might be a bit too much.

She settled on taking a step forward and speaking her thoughts out loud. As uneasy as she was, this seemed the best way to handle the situation and open up a way to ease her own confusion. "If you hadn’t come and saved me like that, I could be dead now, or worse I could be with that brute. I, honestly don’t think it’s possible for me to thank you enough, I owe you my life."




@Vesuvius00appy Birthday Ves!

*prepares to be buried in hugs b/c I haven't been online in like, 2 weeks*

Also, @May
We share a birthday?

/query. <is that even possible? can two awesome people really have been born on the same day?>
impossible result
the universe will implode in a projected 2.5 million years because of this

Jk, happy (late) birthday to you May
<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

Uhm...role call?

*sweating intensifies*

<Snipped quote by Major Ursa>

I can make a System solo post, but to post for Ash, I'd need @Vesuvius00 to post, but they haven't been on in a while.

... shoot
I'm Alive!

sooo.... I'm sorry, I kinda fell off the edge of the world for a while.

What do I need to do to get rolling here?
Oh no! I've been booped!

I just got back from 2 weeks offline, I need to find all my stuff for this... Shoot, I've been keeping you guys waiting a while. sorry
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