Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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@RomanAria you really do have an army of characters. Like, 7 now or something...

Should we be concerned about this?
banned for pointing out how long this thread's been going on
granted, however where everyone he used it on forgot that he did, everyone will remember it was you who possess this great power and you are constantly hounded by those who wish to force you to use your power for their own gain and by those who want to kill you to rid the world of such an... unholy being. Only the Emperor is allowed to order us proud citizens of Brittania around!

Also, you are only able to use your power once on each person, so choose your orders wisely.

I wish for my very own working DeathNote, and the inability to die by any means other than me writing my own name in the notebook.
In Endless Story 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
He decided to pull over and investigate.
Banned for not having any emojiis
@RainbowFactory ok, thanks!

Well I hope to post tonight at some point, otherwise tomorrow.

@booksmusicanime *poke*
~ ♥ Nina Sari ~

Nina listened as Ash explained how it was ok to fight the pillow. ”So, it’s more like a wild animal than a person. This is the same as if we were being attacked by a bear, or something...” Nina could understand that, and with a potential dilemma out of the way, she could actually fight now.

Fluffy Pillow – ATK 2 DEF 10
Stuffed full of feathers and magic. Surprisingly sturdy!

That’s a lot of defence for a pillow… although considering the whole “punch a pillow when you’re angry” thing, they’d have to be strong. Of course pillows aren’t alive on the surface, so what’s logic got to do with anything here? Ash’s attack was about to land, and Nina felt another pillow hit her, on the leg this time.

HP 4/28

”Really?!” Nina tried to grab the little monster before it could get away, but couldn’t. She couldn’t move at all. Just then, the pillow Ash had attacked was sliced open, and shot out feathers in every direction. Her mind went blank for a split second, if she couldn’t move, she couldn’t doge. It looked like at least two of the feathers would hit her, and that would be enough to kill her at this point.

She closed her eyes and waited.

And… nothing. She opened her eyes to see Ash in front of her, holding a couple of the quills that had hit him… Quills that would have hit her. Ash glanced at her before asking about the trap she’d set. ”Probably? I’ve never not been able to dodge an attack like that before.” She paused for a second and thought. She could only place one trap on each of her turns, so it made sense that if one didn’t get used it would just fade away and she’d have to re-set one on the next turn.

She took a moment to look around. Ash’s saw had caused a counter-attack, sure, but it did do damage to the pillow monster. Now that they knew what the counter was like, they could dodge it by ducking or jumping instead of trying to move to the side and getting hit anyway, then the pillow would be at a disadvantage. Some of the feathers from the pillow’s attack had hit other pillows in the background, and she could see them starting to move away, probably so they don’t get hit again.

”Yeah, it got messed up, but it doesn’t really matter. May I have the quills you got hit with? I’ll throw them back at the pillow, and you can use your saw again. Just don’t doge to the sides, but rather duck or jump to avoid the quills this time.” As she finished speaking, she felt the immobility wear off. She set another trap on her grid and readied herself to dodge, keeping an eye out for any more pillows that would try to hit her.

@Kafka Komedy
@Major Ursa How long until the immobilty wears off for Nina? Does it last a full turn or could I have it wear off before then?

Nvm, I want to post and just get things moving again so I'm gonna have it wear off at the end of my post.
k, I'll do a post quick then

K nvm, my brain is mush past 2 am. c ya tomorrow.
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