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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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@Luna *Triple Poke!*
Chara has left the building. or the room at least.

after a minute a crash can be heard, followed by a rather choice string of words-that-might-have-been-curses if Chara could remember what a curse word was.

Gaster teleported away to find the child, not really wanting to talk to the now-obviously to-lazy-to-give-a-damn skeleton anymore. He'd just have to find the answers he wanted on his own he supposed.

The hallways were dark and dusty, despite the bright lights that illuminated the passage. He found Chara in a room with shelves filled with tapes and a tv that could play them. Chara was trapped under a collapsed shelf as one of the videos was playing. He paid the tv no mind as he easily picked up the shelf and helped the child out.

Sans and the rest had kinda followed the two, once Gaster had disappeared at least. Alphys was kinda adamant about finding out what was going on now that she was over the fact that she'd actually succeeded at treating someone using DETERMINATION for once. They weren't a pile of goop! This was amazing!

When they got to the tv room, Chara and Gaster were watching a tape. Chara and Asriel were in frame, with a pie in front of them that had a single candle in it. It was obvious that Toriel was holding the camera, and Asgore's hands came in frame to cut each of the children a piece once they'd blown out the candle together. the tape cut out to static after Toriel and Asgore shouted "Happy Birthday you two!"

"I, don't understand... That, that was me? Right?" Gaster was holding Chara now, it seemed they were injured by the shelf falling on them, they couldn't stand or walk on their own.
"AHH! WHY ARE THERE MORE NOW?!?!?" Chara screamed, looking at Sans and Alphys as they finally noticed the two scientists. Gaster was frozen in place as he looked at Sans, a strange and unplaceable feeling coming to the forefront of his mind. "Well? I believe I asked a valid question, mister...?"

Chara made a mad dash for the door, hoping to get out of the room.

@Luna *poke*
Chara was getting louder and more forceful by the second, screaming for somebody, anybody to come help them. When Gaster could no longer hear himself think, he finally found his voice. "Excuse me, but-" he teleported out of his straps and walked over to Chara, starting to undo the child's binds as he continued. "I -as well as these three I would assume- have no idea who, what, where, or when I am. Let's add "why" to that as well. Why am I -or any of us- here?"

Once Chara was free they jumped off the bed they'd been strapped to and started backing away from Gaster, Frisk, and Flowey -heading towards the door. They were quiet now, or at least compared to their screaming only a few seconds ago, but they were mumbling to themselves. "he's right" They managed to say loud enough for the others to hear. "I don't know..." They looked curiously at the three others in the room. "Are you all... Is this.. Real?"
E'nasha Williams and El'kan Rovis
Before departure

"Goodbye, and good luck on your missions!" E’nasha waved as Helena and Annabeth left, and jumped slightly as Baulder put his arm around her. She, couldn’t recall if he’d ever done that before. She laughed slightly as she answered him. "Yeah, this is the first time you two’ve officially met, isn’t it? I’m sure the three of us will be able to have some fun in Yarosmere, when we’re not doing anything related to the mission at least."

"You know Yarosmere isn’t exactly the same now as when we left though, right E’nasha? I mean, the whole purpose of the mission and whatnot… We probably aren’t the most reliable tour guides." He shrugged slightly before continuing. "Sorry Baulder."

Of course E’nasha was quick to interject. "Well, you’re right. Some things are different, but I doubt that means that everything is. It’s very likely that we’ll find more that’s the same as we remember than is different. And if I’m wrong, you get to say I-told-you-so."

"I’m not gonna want to say that, especially if you’re wrong." El’kan spoke quietly, as if it were meant to be a thought rather than said out loud. E’nasha just shook her head. They’d cross that bridge when they got to it, or burn it if they had to. "Speaking of the mission, we should probably go pack up or something now?"

"Uhh, yeah." E’nasha wiggled her way out of the semi-embrace Baulder had had her in and smiled at him, her voice cheery as she said farewell. "We’ll catch up to you later Baulder. Bye!" El’kan waved as he left, following E’nasha.

They went to the briefing and listened intently as the mission was explained. E’nasha wasn’t sure what to think of the blunt description of the situation there; It could definitely be worse than she was hoping, but could it really be as bad as Ucile made it out to be?

"Let me make one thing perfectly clear. You will see horrors in Yarosmere. Fanatics mutilating themselves. People being slain for not believing in the Sand God. Nagas tortured and made to go into their Malice mode for pure amusement. Your job is to report, not intervene. Do you understand? No matter what you see, no matter what happens right in front of you, if it is not in the aid or defense of the current government, do not get involved. You do not have diplomatic immunity. You are guests, walking on very thin ice with them, and we will not be able to protect you."

Ok, maybe it could. She and El’kan shared a look at the mention of acting like outsiders to help avoid conflict. It wouldn’t be very hard for them to pretend, they had lived outside the desert country for a few years now, but they still considered it to be their home.

They left the meeting and were packed within an hour -they knew what they needed to bring, and El’kan came up with an idea to avoid bringing anything that would be unneeded once they were there, like their winter coats. Instead of bringing any of their winter things, they put on every desert-suitable article they had in layers, and as the group got closer to Yarosmere and out of the cold weather they would take off clothing and put it in their packs as extra outfits.

In Sansar, the capital city of Yarosmere

It was a long ride, but comfortable enough once they were free of the cold. The change was more sudden than either of them had thought it would be, but very welcome on E’nasha’s part. The only discomfort she had was the knowledge that she would have to go back to the cold, cold college once the mission was done. If it weren’t so terrifying here, she would be tempted to stay.

Just travelling through the country didn’t show any of the chaos very justly, though it was very unsettling to pass through some of the towns along the way. She hadn’t been able to give Baulder a tour yet like she’d said she would, she and El’kan had agreed that wandering around anywhere wasn’t a very good idea. When they finally reached Sansar, she thought she’d be ready to see.. everything. She didn’t flinch or look away, but gods know she wanted to. The sights, the smells... she was surprised that anyone could bear it, let alone be the cause of such horror. She finally took her attention away when they passed by the burning Naga, focusing on her hands clenched tightly in her lap instead. She couldn’t understand the hatred towards the Nagas, her village had always been on good(ish?) terms with them, they definitely didn’t deserve this.

The words their driver shared with them just before he left them with Yolin solidified a thought in her mind that had been slowly forming since the beginning of their trip. Both her opinion and Ucile’s blunt telling had been wrong, it was worse here than both their views combined. She didn’t let any of her thoughts show however, instead she smiled brightly as she shook Yolin’s hand. He went on to tell them that they wouldn’t be able to meet the prophet until dinnertime, and began to lead the group towards the market. Honestly, E’nasha was glad that they had some more time left before the upcoming encounter. It would be easier to complete their mission if they weren’t put on the spot at all.

Yolin allowed them to ask him questions as they walked, and one member of the group jumped on the opportunity, asking about the prophet himself. "I would also like to know a little more about the prophet before we meet him. What type of man is he?"

Her own question was followed shortly by El’kan’s. "Did you know him before he became the prophet at all? Are you two friends?"
I feel Like I should post something because I haven't in a while, but I have no idea what Athaliah could even do at the moment. I would try to add to the chaos, but it seems we're good for the moment...
@Luna ok, i'm gonna stop forcing myself to try and write paragraphs, I'll just write what I can because I literally held this up for months b/c of that.
Chara made a sound that was somewhere between a scream and a laugh as they looked to the side and saw Flowey, Frisk, and Gaster in the room. "Ok, that explains it. I'm going insane. I must be in a mental hospital." They struggled against the straps, obviously freaking out. "N-nurse? Doctor?! Anyone?"

Gaster seemed surprised at Chara's reaction. He'd been calm, Frisk seemed calm, and as far as he knew the Flower hadn't said anything yet but probably was just as confused as them. Why was this one child so terrified at this moment?
@Mae How did I go from 7 player points to 6 now? Did I inadvertently spend some?

>Jenny: explore to the east a bit, your home won't be done for a little while it seems
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