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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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In Echo 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Mokley Finally posted! It might be time to jump us with these ghost-monsters now
In Echo 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hitomi Sora ~ Well this is uncomfortable.

It was unnatural how, normal Sora felt as he performed maneuver after maneuver perfectly. He may have died but it didn’t seem like he’d lost any of his muscle memory from his years of practice with the moves he’d spent so long perfecting. He stopped as the Doctor handed him a robe, which he put on quickly after mumbling a thank-you to the strange man.

It was surprising to know they were currently in an old monastery. What reasons would compel a person to resurrect the dead in a place of holy worship? "I feel… reborn. I’ve not decided if that is good or bad yet." He answered the Doctor’s question carefully, he still didn’t know what was going on here, and as it always had been, it probably was still best not to let too many of his thoughts show.

The others asked questions, while he wondered when this Doctor would explain what they’d been brought back to life for. He would have asked again, with more clarity than his last attempt at asking why, until he heard what the doctor was telling them. "1903…? This is, unnerving." Sora glanced at the machines as the Doctor explained that these were the contraptions he’d used to undo nature, unsure what to do now. If Kelodie was telling them the truth.... Sora had been dead for a little over 17 years.

The other two seemed to be cooperating with the Doctor, posing their questions to him easily. How much younger could these two be that they seem so unfazed by the inherent wrongness in this? The dead should stay dead, so why tamper with this?

He cared nothing of politics, they hadn’t been all that bad from what he could remember of them 17 years ago, but then again, he wasn’t ever really affected by who was in power or not. One freedom gained for someone who gave up so many others, like sleeping soundly at night, or sleeping at all.

”Out that door and to the right is the stairwell up to the monastery's main hall. Pick up a pair of sandals on your way out -- we haven't exactly been keeping up with maintenance, I'm sorry to say."

As soon as Kelodie told them how to get out of here, Sora took the chance. He found a pair of sandals that fit him fairly well, and as he climbed the stairs he was glad to find that the monk’s robe he was wearing had a hood, which he pulled up just as he reached the room at the top. It didn’t hide his face as well as he would have liked, but it did cast a shadow that obscured his expression slightly. He wondered for a moment if after all this time his Brotherhood still existed, but looking at the state of the monastery around him he quickly dismissed this thought. If Monks had allowed their place of worship to fall into such disarray, he could safely assume that the Brotherhood’s quarters had collapsed in on itself tenfold.

He saw Aster leave, the man having come up the stairs shortly after him, and for lack of anything better to do, he followed the seemingly affable man on his way to what must have once been a grand place. As they got there however, it looked like time had taken a great toll there. Sora couldn’t even begin to guess how old the place must be, but by Aster’s reaction he thought he must be wrong in his assumption that the place was old. After all, he didn’t remember this place, it may have been built in the time between his demise so long ago and his revival today.

“It’s… gone. The grand stage, the audience, all of it… Have I truly been dead only a few years? Or has it been centuries…?”

He couldn’t answer the man’s question, so why he felt compelled to approach him was beyond Sora’s understanding. He sat beside Aster, who had fallen to his knees in the rubble and dust. "This, feels like it can’t be the same world we left, though I must say I know much less than you of what’s going on in it now. While you say you are only a handful of years removed from your time, I am almost 17 years displaced. This is all very unfamiliar to me, and I feel there’s something very wrong here." He sighed and stood, offering a hand to help Aster to his feet as well.

”I believe we both should go back to Kelodie, and ask him what’s truly going on here. He never really answered my question earlier, why we’re even alive right now.”
@Belle I just gotta say, I love the way Amalia speaks. It kinda makes her seem really elegant and powerful.

anywho, I'm working on a post everybody! I just realized that in my confusion over what's been going on I haven't done anything IC for 3 months... I'll probably have my post up in a few hours.

ah, Nadia is going to Zak now, right? (still confused on where she's at)
In Echo 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm sorry, I've been completely distracted with RL this past week and only have like, a paragraph of my post written... I have some time tonight, and this post is at the top of my RP To-Do list! I might have it up tonight if I can avoid distractions from my family
@NarcissisticPotato Why hello there Sir Potato.
@Luna *poke*

Instead of editing what you've already said, do you want to maybe just try and get us into a new scene? Otherwise I can do that in my next post, I was just trying to establish the fact that these four don't remember anything by having them find the videotapes.
@DeathXtheXTree I don't mind at all, go ahead
Here's Micha, finally. I'm not exactly proud of what I wrote for his origin but I had to put something there and that's what was holding me up. I couldn't think how to phase it any better.

Most of the CS is in 1st person because it’s easier for me to create the character that way. I can rephrase it to be in 3rd person if necessary.
@Ellion No, Nadia's still kinda in the air I think.

Pretty little Fire Gem with a daddy complex in need of a husband. Definitely won't break your heart unless you actually treat her nicely! Otherwise she'll eventually gain some courage and attempt to kill you be the perfect wife!
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