Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

@Rai Thanks! I'll move her to the CS tab and then get started on my intro post.
found this RP and just had to make up a CS! Please tell me if there are any problems

banned for getting banned in the first place.
In Echo 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Mokley It makes perfect sense. I guess Sora's gonna have to go back and grab a bag of those stones before running off anyway.
granted. Everyone on earth is now completely and totally nihilistic, and everyone agreed with each other about it! There are no more optimists or pessimists, religion has no meaning, and the entire human race is now super depressed because of this.

But no one died from that specifically!

I wish I could live in space. like, no need to breathe or eat or anything, I just want to have a house in the vast nothingness and look at the stars in the distance all the time as I contemplate the meaning of life.
Banned for having exactly 3000 posts on the Guild at the time of me typing up this ban.
In Echo 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Mokley I've made a post! I ended it a little sooner than I had planned, as I'm not sure how much 'players controlling NPCs' you're okay with. I'm just gonna have him get his look together and maybe get a decent sword or something before he tries to go after the girl.

They only need the stones to capture the things, right? If Sora just wants to kill them can he do that with a sword or something, or are they not affected by such weapons?
In Echo 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hitomi Sora ~ Back from the dead for a reason.

Not even a second after he'd finished speaking, a chorus of screams rose up outside. Faster than Aster or anyone else watching would've thought possible of the young man, Sora was outside the theater and scanning the scene for the source of the uproar. It only took a second for him to realize the caravan across the way was under attack, though by what was a question he couldn't answer. He crossed the square, getting back to the monastery just in time to hear Kelodie's brief explanation of what was going on.

Sora took one of the stones from the bag just after Howell did, a bright blue gem which he held tightly, hidden perfectly in his closed fist as he stepped to the very edge of the shadows in the doorway, watching the scene outside for a moment as he thought. The girl's screams rang out louder than any noise he could remember, and he flinched at the sound. He felt the urge to go and help, or try to at least, but his conscience seemed slower to revive than the rest of him. Innocent people were never any of his concern before, why should they be now, when he really had nothing to gain from helping them?

He listened to Howell and Kelodie's conversation, until Kelodie ran off and Howell still stood there, lost in his own thoughts as the scene outside grew only more desperate. Sora saw one of the people from the caravan, a woman, starting to come over to the monastery. He left before she could get there, disappearing into the shadows as he reached the treeline, making his way over to the caravan. He wasn't sure why he was bothering to do this, he was right in thinking that he probably had nothing to gain from helping these people, but he also knew that he was not supposed to even be alive at all right now. If he was going to be an abomination, he might as well try to be a useful one, right?

A flash of colors caught his eye as he got to the caravan. A bird-like creature had appeared among the rest, and considering it was eating the little black things, it didn't seem all that friendly to them. He froze, taking cover behind a tree as the a few of the people's stray bullets came close to hitting him, before ducking out and tossing the strange little blue stone at the deer-shaped bird. It seemed to pass into the bird-thing's head, before the creature squawked one last time and dissipated into vapor, which then was sucked into the stone itself as it fell to the ground. He went to pick it up as a loud screech rang out from somewhere, causing all the other little beasts to run back into the forest.

Sora glanced through the trees at the retreating monsters before turning to face the remains of the caravan. People were no longer shooting blindly at the air now, though he could hear some who were deeper in the forest, calling out the name of the taken child. He took a second to think before stepping out into the sunlight to address the people of the caravan. What would he say? He walked up to one of the small groups of men standing nearby, bowing his head slightly in greeting before he spoke.

"Excuse me. I think, I may be able to help you get the girl back from those creatures. But, if I am to help you, could you help me first?" He gestured to himself, pulling the hood of his borrowed robe down as he did so the men could see his face. "I need a proper outfit, as well as some decent weapons since this," He held up the blue stone, which now pulsed with a mixed orange and blue light, "Seems to have only one use."
In Echo 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Ok, I really feel Like I'm less active here than a literal bump on a log. At first I was just waiting on @RedXCross to reply but they've been MIA for three full months now... I'm gonna have Sora jump back into the action now, maybe go up to the folks at the caravan and try to get his outfit back up to par.

Edit: Whatever clothes or supplies you might want, you can assume the caravan has it.

"Yes, hi. Would you happen to have any high-grade sleeping powder? Also I need 7 different knives of varying shape and size, a pair of shortswords -with the scabbards if you have them, and I think a plain black bodysuit to go under this robe would do for proper clothing. I can make a mask later, for now this hood works just fine, don't you think?"

"I-is that all?"

"Oh, well I'd prefer to make my own poisons.. but I'll take any you have if you don't mind. I will if you do mind too. It's always good to be prepared."

@Burthstone I would assume so! Please join, more people is always a good thing, especially when there's people like me who haven't made an IC post in five months...
@Thread Generator SIN I'm ALIVE! I swear!
ok, well.. I did die, but thankfully I was able to LOAD up my last SAVE.

I'm so, SO sorry I disappeared. I can't even explain why I did, it just happened. Luckily, There's a lot of stuff I can reply to and I have nothing else to do and nothing will distract me! so.. I'ma get a post up. like now. In fact I already posted it before I dared to post here just so I wouldn't break this promise. BOOM!
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