Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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made a post to get Maple some food before any drama shows up.

@OliviaV I haven't heard anything.
Maple shrugged as Teodora went off to find Soma. Glancing around the bar, she had other worries. She walked out onto the dance floor, quickly finding a suitable victim. A nervous young man, he couldn't possibly be any older than she herself looked. Perfect.

"Glad to see I'm not the only one here breaking a few rules.." She smiled playfully at the guy as she walked up to him. "So how old are you? 19? 20?" He looked surprised that she'd figured him out, but as he took a moment to stutter out an answer he tried to shift his expression to look more flirtatious. Tried.

"What'cha talking about? I'm 21, as of today." He winked at her, and she laughed. This guy was kind of pathetic.

"Really? So am I!" She grinned at him, her fangs thankfully still hidden. She leaned into him and dropped her cheery act, taking on a much more suggestive tone. "What d'ya say we celebrate together?"

She didn't even need to look at him to know he was blushing, she could hear the blood in his body rushing to his cheeks and, other places too. He put an arm around her shoulders, and as he leaned in to answer she tilted her head up and whispered in his ear. "I'd really like to get out of here though, too many people for my tastes..." He pulled away in a moment of surprise, and then after glancing around the room he took her hand and led her to the door to the men's room. So eager, so easily caught.

She smirked at him as she locked the door behind her, checking to make sure no one else was in the bathroom as she did. He didn't waste any time, pushing her up against a wall as they began to kiss. As good as it felt, she just wasn't interested in this at the moment. She pulled away from him enough that she could start kissing his neck, wrapping her arms around him so he couldn't run. "You'd better not scream..."

The last noise he made before she sank her fangs into him was a confused grunt of sorts, and soon he was hanging limp in her arms. She didn't kill him, if she did this place would probably get closed down or something. As soon as he passed out, she let go of him, his body falling to the floor by the sinks as she wiped the blood from her mouth with a paper towel.

"Much better." She hummed lightly to herself as she unlocked the door and left, returning to the table where she'd left Kyle at before. She wasn't done for the night, but she'd wait for the rest of the family to arrive before feeding any more. She wasn't on the verge of jumping at anyone anymore, at least. She sat at the booth and pulled Kyle into her arms as she did, whispering to the bunny about what he'd observed while she was gone.

"Well, no one gives a crap about a randoms stuffed rabbit on the tables at least. I got a few looks but no one approached the table. I did notice you leave the room with that poor boy though. Is he still alive?"

"Yeah. I figured it'd be bad to leave a corpse in there, so now it just looks like he's passed out drunk. Can't say he'll be okay though once he's found. Pretty sure he's underage."

"You're underage."

"No i'm not..." She grinned at the rabbit as he sighed.

"You sure don't look 100 years old to me."

"Which is why it's so awesome that it's true."
lol, Alexis would try to leave the town and just keep walking. Or curl up in a ball and cry. Or run around in circles screaming/trying to get everyone else to leave the town.

Depends how bad the fire is I guess.
oh... I just remembered that one of Alexis' fears is Uncontrolled Flames.

I'm just gonna say she hasn't noticed the tree is on fire yet and she's tired enough that, so long as no one tells her, she won't notice.
Youre so sweet to try and save these people. But a absorption of light of that magnitude isnt possible by a character like Alexis. Not to say shes weak, just the limitations of spells meets its cap way before you reach the entire tree. Or even the ceiling..

So the fire burns. Whose ready to go to jail?

Ugh, fine. I edited my post again. Please don't arrest Alexis, she needs sleep.
well, I have to sleep now. I'll deal with any other conveniently-solved problems tomorrow. Goodnight all.

Guys I edited my post to say the thing about torches being put out by her doing this, to also imply the tree would be put out too, and also amped up the amount of healing Soron got because the tree being on fire added a lot more light to the equation.

Don't worry about the tree being on fire, I have a solution! One of the things I was gonna ask you about later Rai: How Alexis one healing power actually works.

It sucks up all the light energy in an area,
and in doing so actually will put out sources of light like candles, torches, and campfires

the 'area' she gathers light from is only limited by walls and anything that blocks light
so so long as the flame is all inside the tree, it got put out when she healed Soron

Reposting because I'm a dumb.

I'll edit this fact into my post if you guys want?


Don't worry about the tree being on fire, I have a solution! One of the things I was gonna ask you about later Rai: How Alexis one healing power actually works.

It sucks up all the light energy in an area,
and in doing so actually will put out sources of light like candles, torches, and campfires

the 'area' she gathers light from is only limited by walls and anything that blocks light
so so long as the flame is all inside the tree, it got put out when she healed Soron
Alexis watched Velai’s face carefully as she pitched the question to her, ready to tell the Seraphim that she didn’t have to allow Suleykaar to join them if she didn’t want to. As Velai hugged her though, Alexis realized her worry had been unnecessary. Alexis returned the hug before she heard Velai speak, then freezing at her words. Velai had to take Alexis’ arms off of her as the Seraphim broke the embrace so she could continue on with her tasks. Outwardly, Alexis may have just seemed a little out of it, but inside her thoughts were racing. Wh-why would she say that? Oh gods what must she think of me now, suggesting a threesome to her?! I’m an idiot, an absolute idiot!

”Out of the question, absolutely not...” The Sol muttered quietly to herself as she eyed the glass of Tree Sap that Velai had left on the table for her. She hesitated before reaching for it -she’d already passed her self-imposed “two drink” rule for the night, and hadn’t Velai told her this stuff hit you hard later on? But still, as Soron came back over and began speaking to Suleykaar in that language she couldn’t understand, her fingers reached for the glass and she downed it. She’d need to ask Velai about the Seraphim’s thoughts towards her later, or just ignore the worry she had now because of the, most likely, joking remark the Seraphim had made, and getting a little drunk would help with both of those tasks.

It would also lessen the blow if Alexis’ fears were confirmed later too.

She put the glass down on the table, vowing to herself she was definitely done drinking for the night now as she did. Just in time to hear Soron and Suleykaar switch back to speaking in a way she could understand. ”Wait, you’re going to fight someone?!” Her exclamation of surprise went unnoticed as she watched Soron walk out the door, Suleykaar standing up to address the whole bar again as he did. Alexis put her head down on the table in front of her as she listened to the dragon speak, practically performing a song and dance for the mostly-drunk bargoers as he advertised the duel ensuing outside. His generosity still seemed quite ridiculous to her, and she ended up closing her eyes for a moment after he finished speaking and just listened to the sounds around her. Some cheered, a few others started shouting about who they’d place bets on, and then under all that there was just the ever-present din of a bar -drunken mumbling, snoring, and the clinking of mugs and glasses on tables.

She opened her eyes and looked blankly at the space to her side, taking a moment to re-focus on the moving world before she noticed that something was peculiar about what she saw there. Sitting back up, and blinking a few times for good measure, there was no mistaking it. A small smile worked its way onto her face as she looked curiously at a Nayu girl who seemed to be just sitting at the bar, waiting for something. She wasn’t talking to anyone, likely no one had tried to talk to her at all, but as Alexis studied the way the girl held herself and decided that she probably wasn’t hostile. People just tended to avoid Nayu, it seemed. Alexis stood with purpose, intending to go over and talk to the girl, but stopped after she’d stood, hesitating. What would she even say?

She took the small amount of time it took to walk over and stand at the Nayu’s side to figure that out. Best to start with a topic that didn’t have any political or personal grief attached to it. She was totally calm, even happy as she approached the girl, so her kind, carefree tone as she spoke was completely honest rather than forced. ”I really like your dress. The red is a beautiful accent and matches your hair perfectly! May I ask if you made it yourself, or if it was made for you? And uh, where could I get one?” She smiled brightly at the girl while she spoke, leaning against the counter as she did.

Whether the girl answered her or not, by the time everyone was going out to watch the fight, Alexis decided that she didn’t want to miss this. ”Will you come watch the fight with me? Oh, what’s your name by the way? I’m Alexis.” Alexis reached out and grabbed the girl’s hand, asking the question just before Suleykaar approached her and offered his own hand, Velai already with him. She took his offered hand, dragging the Nayu girl with her as they followed the crowd outside.

As Suleykaar left to speak to a Seraphim woman a little closer to the battle, Alexis observed the two fighter’s stances. ”Remind me never to piss him off...” She spoke to no one in particular as she watched Soron ready himself for attack. Or was it defense? Whatever it was, Alexis got the impression that he was deadly serious about this fight. The dragonkin woman facing Soron was interesting as well, rushing at Soron with great speed as she attacked first.

She watched as the fight went on, transfixed as she watched the two. She was trying in her mind to guess which one would give first. She felt it should be Soron, but wasn’t sure as the woman seemed to keep up with him well enough. Until he taunted her, that is. Alexis flinched at the woman’s yell, a death threat that revealed her now unfocused mind. Soron would win now, for sure. The Sol covered her ears then, closing her eyes so she didn’t have to experience the last few moments, though it didn’t work very well. She could still hear the screams.

When she opened her eyes again, the woman was still standing. Or, had just gotten back up, it seemed. A violent red aura surrounded her as she started to look more dragonlike -and then a great explosion of fire arced into the sky. As she watched, Alexis couldn’t really process what happened next. The seraphim and Suleykaar had jumped into the fight, while all the sounds from the battle seemed to start fading away, until all around were watching the fight in silence. It seemed like no one in the crowd was even breathing.

As the fight ended, and Suleykaar started helping the Seraphim and dragonkin into the inn, Alexis made her way over to where Soron lay on the ground, kneeling next to the man as she got to him. ”Hold still, okay? I’m gonna see if I can’t heal you at all...” She looked over his body as she prepared to cast the spell, her hands hovering over his chest as she started chanting the words in her mind. He was badly burned, but it wasn’t so bad, she thought, that she wouldn’t be able to help heal most of it right now.

May you have Light’s Blessing upon you, Soron.” Her voice echoed in the space around them, though she spoke barely above a whisper. In an instant, all the light in the area was drawn to a single point in the palm of her hand, and then the energy disappeared as it absorbed into Soron’s body. The area the light had been drawn from was completely black for an instant, and then gray for a second before light flooded the area again from the other light sources outside the area. All the torches and other light sources would need to be re-lit. Soron would feel as if he himself were getting lighter, as the wounds from the burns began to disappear, all of the lesser wounds he’d had healed in an instant.

Alexis kept the spell up until she ran out of energy, almost 30 minutes later. ”How do you feel?” She asked as she dropped her hands to her side, glancing at Suleykaar as she noticed he was around, picking up little black stones off the ground. He looked better, at least. Where his skin had been charred in the spots where it was fully exposed to the flames, it was as if 2 hours had passed. Any bleeding had stopped, and he could probably stand and walk back to the bar if he wanted to.

”In a few hours maybe I could heal you again. It’s good to do multiple times, but not in quick succession unless it’s an emergency.” She yawned as she finished speaking, her hand going up to cover her mouth out of habit. ”I was kinda low on energy as it was, now I’m probably gonna pass out within the hour...”

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