Avatar of Vesuvius00


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

"I'm sorry, father. I was helping a young man regain something he had lost."

"Well, what are you up to today?"

Ashling and Annalee were in the same RP as each other: Doll Masters. They weren't paired together originally, but since that RP has died I pair them in my mind now.
Dont do it.
"I see you. Alexis. Have been in battle a few times. It is amusing to watch the young and weak struggle. It only adds to their hint "
I swear to god dont ask.

"Our history books are well documented on you. Though only a few eyes are alowed to see it. You did fight my ancestor, be it ending in a draw or a mere scuffle. I desire to destroy your very essence."
Hes a dragonslayer please dont stress it.

"Dont you dare compare me to that blood drinker. He creeps me to no end. I only provide my resources for those who can handle our progression. We expand under water day by day. Our art, magic, and tools are superior. While you all fight over scraps on land. Hmpf the nerve of these.. crawlers.."

"You realize telling me not to ask just makes me more curious, right?"
"Alexis, you are not allowed to ask."
"tch, fine."

I just realized I never posted this ↓↓↓ thing b/c I got distracted by shiny things.

This, this is why I do this with my characters, all of them instead of making a personality, I play them out,making the characters seem more genuine rather than manufactured. Hence why I have more of an attachment to them.

Suley deadpans:"- and yet everytime you bring me into the mix you try to kill me...purposely."

It's because I love you so much tha-

Sadist >:(

"Suley, you talk as if being controlled by a sadist is a bad thing."
Well I havent cared to try. Though I could. Im sure you would find it amusing.

So lets do Magnix for example.
What are your thoughts on the current situation?
".... Is this really the chosen lot?"
I did not choose them they chose to be a part of our world.
"Your world. I am yet another pawn for you. Remember?"
I suppose. But get back on topic.
"Tch. Such absurdity... Fine then. That Alexis one is very delicate. Shame she lacks any Tyro blood or else Id see how sweet that nectar is as an addition to my harem."
Hm. Gross. So who else are you keen on?
"The black dragon. I wish for it to meet my blade. One of that caliber will be worth my time. Of course I'd like to finish the job of my ancestors by slaying that Suleykaar as well."
Thats enough from you now.

"Gross. Very gross."

"Hey, can I shoot him?"
"Do you have a god arrow yet?"
"Then you can, but good luck not dying after you likely only manage to piss him off."

a "god arrow" is a thing from another RP, but it would be cool to see it here too. Basically it's the only sure way to kill the invulnerable/invincible/all-powerful entities of the world, and there's only one in existence at any time.
"Seems like this is an art room."

"So, we're cut off from the world, completely cut off, and you're not going to let us leave until we die? Am I getting this right Mr. Bear?"

"Hey, long time no see! Heck of a way to start a new school year right?"

"We may be the same."

"Sure, dad. 'Cause I always slack off on that part."

"What is it, why do you stare like that Demon? Have you never seen an Angel before?"

Emiko is one of my favorite characters to write, but she's so hard for me to roleplay now because of how I've planned her character to be.

If I ever write a book, Emiko and her world are going to be it.
"Sir! Return!"

E'nasha is one of my oldest and favorite Characters.

Sir is her pet Raven, her quote there is her calling for him to come back to her and tell her what direction she should be walking in to get to the plot.
"Now, you choose. The weapon, or life."

"Um, I'm honestly not very interested in things like Dating Sims and host cafe's. While I respect those who work there to gain the skill, I do not enjoy false flattery."

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