Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

I decided to finally put all my PCs in one place so I can find them easier later on.

  • I'm not gonna bother labelling what RP a character was from. (most of them are dead now...)
  • Characters with multiple versions will have their original and later versions all in the same post. (original listed first)
  • If a character had a text color, the post they are in will have a quote in that color of the first thing they ever said.
  • Actually all the characters are gonna have the first thing they ever said quoted, because that seems like a cool thing to do.

Please do not post here unless you are me

[center][h3](Character's first words go here)[/h3][/center]

[hider= (Character's name goes here)]
(CS goes here)
granted, but you have now lost the ability to 'odd'.

"I ask for nothing, I can get by. But I know so many less lucky than I..."
I wish for everyone in the world to have something that makes them happy
Banned for being a disappointment for 18 years
@Rai Good news, I figured out the names of Zargoth's Dead family members, which equals 8 if you count him and Yioplya that would be a total of 10 family members of the Terror Dragonlord. At least him and his youngest daughter are alive.

I'll probably edit that in somewhere within his profile. XP

Zargoth: You better not fleshy.
Me: You don't scare me.
Zargoth: Why not? I am the Terror Dragonlord.
Me: Fool. I am the one who created your profile, so in a sense I am kinda talking to myself here.
Zargoth: Don't you always do this anyway?
Me: Yes.
Zargoth: Okay do as you do, I will try to be the Terror Dragonlord in my own realm then since I cannot affect your reality yet...
Me: If you did exist you wouldn't be that terrifying...

Chatty cathy I am.

<Snipped quote by Landaus Five-One>

Now you understand what I go through with Suley.

Suley:"Difference being I'm not real and as stated above you both are talking to yourselves, technically showing a bit of schizophrenia here at the moment. Also, you have a tendency to make me sound more sophisticated and civilized compared to your usual dialogue, aka, non existent common sense."

Me: Fuck you bitch!

Suley: *etches tally mark in air* "point for me once again! Suley, 103 points Fallen, zero."


uuhhh, I thought everyone did this whole "conversations with characters" thing... It's the main way I develop their personality

"Does this mean I'm weird?"
"No. It means you're all just a certain brand of awesome that many would call 'insane'... I think."
"idk, my opinions are biased anyways b/c all my thoughts technically come from your mind first."

"shhh no they don't. you're your own person"
"A person whose every action is controlled by an outside force."

<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>

Alexis: can I ride you?

Suley with a quizzical raised brow and a seductive smirk: Didn't you the other night? I'm pretty sure I brought you up to cloud nine or was all that moaning and calling my name for show? ;)

Alexis, red in the face: N-n-no not like that, idiot! >.< I mean an actual ride, like, through the sky...

Suley blinks a few ... Ohhhhhhhhh...I see...I don't see why not. Very few get the opportunity to ride me so consider this an honor. :)

"Only one problem with that scenario, O grand controller of Suley and Soron: I wouldn't blush that much."

"It would actually be more like, 'no, no. That didn't count' and then before he starts asking me what I meant I'd say: 'I want you to actually take me to the sky. Flying seems fun, if also terrifying. Besides, I'd have to hold onto you the whole time...' "

"THIS. This is what I mean by saying you're your own person"
"Uhm... sure."
"Did I give you permission to talk to Fallen?"
"Apparently yes, because I just did."
Omg I just thought of a pickup line for dragons hahahaha

"Hey are you a dragon?
Yes, why?

"Can...can I ride you?"

Soo, what happens when someone asks this in a non-sexual way?
I'm very tempted to have Alexis do that at some point

Nayu take things literally?

Reminds me of Draax from Gaurdian of the Galaxy

no, I meant like, onlookers would take what the Nayu said too literally
@Landaus Five-One she needs all the luck she can get, considering I'm pretty sure @Rai is gonna try to make poor Alexis into a shish-kabob..
@Vesuvius00 I hope you liked some of the ful pickup lines for the Sol blood your character got. :P

(Things Alexis would probably say are in her text color)

to a tyro or dragon b/c fire powers: (one-liners)
"Hey... you know you set a fire in my heart?"

"Together, we could burn brighter than the Sun."

to absolutely anyone:
"Hey, do I have wings?"
"(yes or no don't matter) Why?"
"Because you make me feel like I could fly." -or- "Must just be my heart that's soaring then."

(while cooking) "Hey do we have any sugar?"
"Oh. Guess we'll just have to use you instead."
"I'm saying you're sweet, ya dummy."

Getting laid in this world is pretty simple.


You just have to be hot.

it's not that simple in either world...

So you can expect the nayu to have very different personalities. Some maybe kind and warm, preferring kind and sweet partners... others acting more like the "predator" type, being attracted to strength and combat prowess...

At least that's what I think about the nayu society XD

Kinda on the subject of pickup lines... I feel like Nayu probably wouldn't ever call anyone sweet, sweetie, or Sweetheart; just because some people might think they're being literal and would find that very creepy.
Like, "So you're saying this person's blood tastes sugary? Freak..."


EDIT- Dangit I got Ninja'd by @Rai...
Banned because these voices in my head said to ban you
@Rai I Imagine the poor guy was standing right about here ↓
.( ) ( )

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