@Ayame Players and their character's locations (as far as I know):
(I feel the need to poke these first few because they've been missing for a while, and as far as I know they haven't dropped out.)
- @dragonmancer's Kilgarrah was last seen outside the south mountain over Vrondi.
- @Zi's Vakim was last seen at the temple in Sunfire.
- @Eisenhorn's Ansgar was also last seen in the temple in Sunfire.
- Sohtem's Ava is sleeping in the inn in Sunfire, and Serena is on the battlefield fighting Singard (big bad NPC).
- WingsOfBronze's Shanna is on the field, also fighting Singard.
- FallenTrinity's Soron and Suleykaar are on the battlefield, Soron's fighting big bad Singard while Suley does other stuff to help the Vrondi team win.
- Landaus Five-One's Heather and Patricia are in Sunfire, probably about to go join everyone on the battlefield, Zargoth is in the capital of Vrondi, and Johnson is at a place called Dragonpass still (I think).
- 13org's Lila is out in the jungle around the Sunfire battlefield being awesome on her own.
- And finally, (I hope I didn't miss anyone) my character Alexis is sitting in a tree on the edge of the jungle and the battlefield, shooting arrows at the God of Death.
There are other characters who haven't been introduced yet, so I'll just say they're all sitting around a coffee table in the void right now, chatting away about the goings-on IC.