Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

Maybe some music will help time go faster as we all wait for Rai's next post.

@aspie3000 I just realized: sure, Alice will survive whatever happens, (so long as she isn't stabbed in the heart or beheaded) but to heal she'll have to feed after the battle. and even after that if she doesn't drink some blood every few days she'll go insane (er, more insane) and I'm guessing the Party's not gonna like letting her go hunt someone after they capture her, so someone's gonna have to volunteer to be bitten if they don't want their little captive guide to die.
@Ayame Players and their character's locations (as far as I know):

(I feel the need to poke these first few because they've been missing for a while, and as far as I know they haven't dropped out.)

  • @dragonmancer's Kilgarrah was last seen outside the south mountain over Vrondi.
  • @Zi's Vakim was last seen at the temple in Sunfire.
  • @Eisenhorn's Ansgar was also last seen in the temple in Sunfire.
  • Sohtem's Ava is sleeping in the inn in Sunfire, and Serena is on the battlefield fighting Singard (big bad NPC).
  • WingsOfBronze's Shanna is on the field, also fighting Singard.
  • FallenTrinity's Soron and Suleykaar are on the battlefield, Soron's fighting big bad Singard while Suley does other stuff to help the Vrondi team win.
  • Landaus Five-One's Heather and Patricia are in Sunfire, probably about to go join everyone on the battlefield, Zargoth is in the capital of Vrondi, and Johnson is at a place called Dragonpass still (I think).
  • 13org's Lila is out in the jungle around the Sunfire battlefield being awesome on her own.
  • And finally, (I hope I didn't miss anyone) my character Alexis is sitting in a tree on the edge of the jungle and the battlefield, shooting arrows at the God of Death.

There are other characters who haven't been introduced yet, so I'll just say they're all sitting around a coffee table in the void right now, chatting away about the goings-on IC.
@aspie3000 you can assume that Alice is open to attack after the icicles hit her. And yeah, I'm just going to let everything hit for the rest of this battle since she's meant to lose, the one trick at the beginning was cool enough for now.
@Ayame I personally don't mind Edgelords. They offset people like Alexis well, plus I like the potential challenge that befriending them could be.

wait, who's already an Edgelord? I don't really get that impression from any of the PCs...
@RomanAria ok, I think I'm gonna actually try to do this... what are the rules/guidelines though? Does our entry have to be a certain format (narrative, poem, essay, etc.?) or touch on a specific theme with the topic? or can we just go crazy creative and turn in whatever we come up with by the deadline? Also, does our entry have to be completely original or can we use characters and settings we've come up with before?
banned because there is no such thing as too many characters.
aww, now you're all just trying to be difficult... 9 people and an ice demon against one harmless little vampy?

Alice is probably gonna lose within the next couple posts of mine, and then we can all move on to the "so my name is so-and-so, let's go fight a madman!"
Banned for using 'shut up' as a reason for banning
well, the idea I had flew out the window as soon as I got a chance to try and write it.. I'm gonna wait for others to respond and maybe it'll come back to me.
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