Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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@FallenTrinity She's gonna try and comfort him when she finds out, but in order to sense his emotions like she did before she'd have to be within 10 meters of him, unless the Sol-link can boost her range right now. If it does boost signal though, she might try just talking to him though the mental connection.

She'll want to do something to help no matter what, but she's not about to get any closer to the flames than she already is. She has a bit of a fear of fire, especially if it's as out of control as Suley's Hellfire seems right now.
I'm honestly having major writer's block with this one scene, so I decided to just post the rest of it and add the one part later.

I'm sorry I took so long to post this guys.

Alexis watched in surprise as her arrow was caught by the man she'd shot at. That never happened before. The man then began to form his own bow out of some kind of shadowy magic, and Alexis realized that he definitely knew where she was now as she saw him take aim in her direction. She began scrambling to get out of the tree, climbing down as quickly as she could without falling. She'd only gotten down a few feet before the horde of arrows was let loose, and at that moment, she lost her grip on the branch she'd been holding to help her support herself. The branch she was standing on swayed dangerously as she tried to regain a handhold, which didn’t help her effort. She decided to try and get to the branch below her, jumping down after psyching herself out for a second. When she landed she almost lost her balance- but she pulled herself together and was able to stay standing.

She was still too high up, and now there were arrows to deal with. One of the shadowy arrows lodged itself in the tree, right in the spot where she had just been standing before her jump. Quickly, she crouched down on her current branch, a silver force field forming around her body in a bubble as she did. She stayed there for a few seconds, waiting for the hail of arrows to pass. A few bounced off of her force field, and a few others punctured the thing before she let it break, a light rain of glittering silver energy falling through the trees as she checked around her for the best way for herself to get down. It seemed like the guy wasn’t going to shoot at them anymore. Good. She stood back up slowly and began to move towards the trunk of the tree, planning to shimmy down the rest of the way until she heard a loud CRACK- the branch she was standing on now began to break. "shoot." The branch cracked again as she tried to move to another one, and broke before she could reach it. She and the broken bough both began to fall to the ground many, many feet below.

She tried to curl up as she fell through the branches, to make herself smaller so she wouldn’t hit all the branches on the way down. Or at least that’s what she hoped for. She landed hard, a little ball on the jungle floor. She groaned as she began to try and sit up, a hand going up to a spot on her head where she'd hit something on the way down. At least none of the arrows had hit her, but I guess this tree had it out for me… She smiled at the thought. It was stupid, she knew trees didn’t have any ulterior motives or anything like that, but she was just distracting herself ever so slightly from the throbbing in her head as she pictured the tree planning out its next little trick...

A voice spoke from somewhere nearby, though she couldn't make out what had been said as she tried to stand, stumbling backwards into the tree's trunk as she used it to support herself. Her head was spinning, and as she tried to move away from the tree she found she couldn't walk straight. Suddenly, an arm wrapped around her and she was pulled into a supportive embrace. A person in a white cloak was helping her stay standing, helping her walk a few steps before it seemed they gave up on that. The person picked her up, beginning to carry her further into the jungle, away from the battle.

Alexis didn't struggle against them. They looked like a member of Taxis, the green sun symbol of the healing faction sewn onto their cloak making that assumption a pretty safe guess. So, she assumed they were probably just moving her away from the fight because she was injured from falling out of the tree. The pain in her head (and common sense) also made it hard to want to try and get away from this person who was probably just trying to help her. She didn't really feel like she had any serious injuries though- other than the pain in her head and the general ache over her body from hitting the ground, she was fine.

The one thing she did try to do was to see the face of the person carrying her, which was mostly hidden in shadow by their hood. They noticed her looking, and said something to her then. Alexis couldn't hear it, her world would be silent for a while because of the bump on her head, but she saw the person's lips moving for a second before a heavy sleepiness fell over her a moment later. She fell asleep in this person's arms, as they carried her into a small clearing, a glimpse of the moon and the clouds through the gap in the trees was the last thing she saw before her eyes closed.

(WIP- this part is what's been making this post take so long so I'm just gonna add it all here later. No one else can even see the actions in this part -it only affects Alexis- so I figure this is okay. I just didn't wanna hold people back anymore when the parts you all need have been done.)

When Alexis woke she was alone in the clearing, lying on the ground with the stranger's white cloak covering her like a blanket. She sat up, noticing immediately that she felt a lot better than she had before falling asleep. Her head still ached slightly, but it was barely noticeable now. Overall she really just felt like she'd taken a nap and the pain went away. That Taxis person must have healed her and then left her to wake up here- hopefully they'd known it'd be a safe place.

After a little bit of looking around, Alexis figured out which way she needed to go in order to get back to Sunfire and the battle, and so she set off. She got to the edge of the jungle and the battlefield before she ran into anyone else, and honestly she had no idea what to make of what she saw as she left the trees. A large portion of the field was on fire, black superheated flames erupting over the field. She froze in place at the sight, just watching as she tried to figure out what was going on. How long had she been gone? Who or what was causing the fire, and which side were they on? Watching the scene, she couldn't tell. It seemed like anyone close-by the spreading fire was simply engulfed in flame.

Eventually she remembered the mind-link. "Hey.. what's happening?" Hopefully someone knew what to do about this. Hopefully they weren't all about to die.
Okay, so she's down now... and she's gonna fall through a portal to Mad Hell (which she's opening now on the ground under her) if no one stops her. Simply get her to stop chanting and the spell will fail, and she's pretty much immobilized already but it may be a good idea to try and do something to keep her from biting whoever tries to grab her next.

As Alice lunged at the Argonian, she honestly hadn't expected to be knocked into the air in the next moment. The frost demon's fist hit her before she even knew it was there -she'd been hoping to get the Argonian out of the fight before he'd have been able to successfully summon such a monster.

Oh well. Her form flew through the air, and even though she'd been hit so suddenly she managed to land gracefully on the ground no too far from the entrance to the Tavern. She considered for a split moment, running back into the tavern. Obviously the Argonian wanted her outside earlier only so he could summon his minion, he didn't want to 'risk' destroying such a worthless building, or killing any passers-by. She couldn't act on her thought though, as a second after she landed a row of ice spiked up from the ground. As she moved to dodge the spikes, jumping over them as they passed and then turning back to face her opponents, she noticed her foes had multiplied.

She immediately looked to the other mage, or the three of her now standing there. This had to be the burning woman's work. Alice was about to move, to rush at the nearest of the three women, when she noticed too late the barbarian now coming to attack her. She shifted her movement slightly, trying to dodge but not really able to get out of the way fast enough.

The barbarian's claymore hit her side, and she felt her skin and flesh tear as the strike nearly cut through her, a deep gash now spanning the right side of her abdomen. She fell to her knees, hissing as her hands went to cover the wound, her own blood, a deep dark red that looked almost black itself soaking through her cloak as she used the fabric to put pressure over as much of the gash as she could. The ground was stained too now as she began to realize that she needed to leave. NOW. Her eyes glowed the same near-black red color as her blood as she began to chant a simple spell she knew by heart- she would open a portal to the Mad Hell in order to make her escape.
@aspie3000@jeroukoo I'm sorry for making you wait, I should be able to get something up tonight now though. I've always kinda subscribed to a RL>RP idea, so sometimes I'll be a little inactive here on the guild.
Granted. Seeing the fruits of your efforts now always fills you with a heavenly sense of accomplishment, and you soon become boastful of your amazing work. You send a challenge the greatest minds of the world to surpass you and your expertise, but no one even bothers to try. Soon, as you start running out of things to compare your work to, you can no longer really figure out why you think it's so great. You still feel pride in what you've done, but now as time goes on, there's also a sense of worthlessness to it. Yes you did it, but for what?

I wish for the power to make anything that I dream of real
banned because the quote's in their sig, not their bio.
I'm almost done with my next post. but it's all like, solo plot stuff because it's the trigger scene for her plot. She's missing some of the fight, and will be showing up back on-scene at the end of my post very confused as to what's going on.
granted. You are now constantly surrounded by people who like you and want to talk to you, 24/7. You start to lose out on lots of sleep, and you can't even get away from everyone for a minute to go to the bathroom in peace. eventually you decide to wish away all the people, and you slowly become lonely once again.

I wish for all creepypastas to be real.
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