Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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guess what.


"No comprendo nada que está haciendo. I don't understand you."

So, she’s not actually psychic or magic or anything, just insane. The “predictions” the voices give her are very vague, however she herself is very observant, noticing patterns and cues as to what might happen next in a series of events the same way we might predict the outcome of a scene in a book or movie given the story told to us so far by the author.
@Demonic Angel yeah but, she ain't here
@Vesuvius00 My OOC

You can have the OOC
you're mine.

*steals Angel x2*
<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>


"Well then little brother. What should we do next?"

Onyx Bright

The markets of Hayll were honestly one of the best places to go if one was looking to buy some pretty awesome things. Onyx wove her way through the cobbled streets, a grey and white Scelt padding along at her side, easily keeping pace with her even though his stride was so short compared to hers. Glancing down at the pup, Onyx slowed down slightly so he wouldn't have to run to keep up with her- but instead of slowing down to stay with her, he just kept running, making circles around her now as they walked. Kirara's energy really was boundless.

Onyx shook her head at the Kindred as the two made their way from shop to shop. They were looking for one specific item today- a set of paints made to glimmer and shine on the paper. Eventually they'd find the right store, but for now Onyx was enjoying spending time with Kirara, wandering the winding roads through the city and looking through all the amazing, interesting things that the many shops would sell.

After a few hours, they found the store that had what they were looking for. As Onyx left the shop, a drawstring bag filled with a rainbow-and-a-half's worth of small jars of paint in her hands, the sun was high in the sky. "Well then little brother. What should we do next?"

"Food! It's food-time!" Kirara's voice rang out happily as he began to sniff the air around them, his ears perking up once he found what direction the nearest scents were coming from. "There's food this way! Follow!"

"Okay, lead on little brother." Onyx smiled brightly as the Scelt wove around the legs of those around them, finding a path for himself and Onyx now since she'd finished her task for the day. Soon they came to a tavern that didn't look too bad from the outside. Onyx was about to open the door for herself and Kirara to enter, but suddenly Kirara wasn't by her anymore. She looked around frantically for a moment, wondering where her little brother had gone, until she noticed him making his way through the crowd to where a gap had formed around one man as he walked down the street.

"Kirara!" She called after him, but he didn't turn around. She began making her way towards him and the man.

Kirara didn't mean to walk away from big sister, it just sort of, happened. As the two were reaching the door to the food-place, he noticed a different smell on the air. A very angry man was walking down the road, and that wasn't good. People should be happy! Like him and Onyx! He knew Onyx would want to help him, Onyx likes helping people, so Kirara was going to just tell her about the man. But, by the time the thought registered in his mind, he was halfway through the crowd already.

He heard Onyx call after him. He just kept walking now though, calling back to her a second before he made it to the man. "Follow!"

"Prince! Why are you angry? Angry is not good!" Kirara sat on the ground in front of the man-prince and cocked his head to the side as a woman appeared behind the man. She began talking to the man-prince and dragging him in a different direction than he had been walking. After a second, Kirara spoke up again. "You should come eat food with us. Food is good!"

As if on cue, Onyx appeared from the crowd behind Kirara just as he finished speaking. It took her a second to realize what was going on, and she bowed slightly to the man-prince before she spoke.

"I'm sorry if Kirara is bugging you..." She glanced over at the Scelt before saying more quietly to just him, "Were you bugging them?"

"No! I'm helping! Angry prince needs food." Kirara answered, way too loudly. "Food always helps."
*Steals OOC*

*steals Angel.*
@LadyRunic for whom?

I'm working on mine, I swear...
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