Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

Onyx Bright

"I certainly won't hold you here."
Onyx looked back up at Dujae as he spoke, a small smile on her face. That was that then, she and Kirara would be out of his hair as soon as they ate. The barman came over and took their orders, Onyx getting herself and Kirara a meal to share. As Dujae dropped a bag of gold on the table, she narrowed her eyes at him slightly, but said nothing. If he wanted to get drunk, she couldn't really stop him... though it was difficult to hold herself back from starting her usual speach about how some alcohol was okay, but not too much. "You have to look out for your health you kn-"

Kirara stopped her from continuing, the Scelt standing up on the table and putting his paw on her face. "Big sister should eat before lecturing people." He sat facing her now, a look on his face that could almost be considered Stern. "Food is almost here."

Onyx laughed quietly, more to herself than anything. "Okay, okay. I know how you hate having to listen to my chiding Little Brother." She sat back on her chair, watching the strange interaction between Dujae, Faeril and the newcomer, the woman Isadora. Isadora said nothing to either of them, yet Onyx still got a sudden feeling of wariness. Glancing between the two women, she began to realize something. She couldn't understand Faeril's interest in the Prince before, but if she were a Widow...

Just as she made the connection in her mind, Dujae stood suddenly, the air growing colder as he moved to confront someone at a nearby table. Kirara's fur stood on end as her hopped down off the table and began to move towards the door, yipping at Onyx as she stood too. Yep, time to go.

Once out on the street, and a fair distance from the inn, the two paused. She looked down at Kirara, who was now sitting by her feet, looking around them to make sure he wouldn't get run over by anyone in the crowd. "Sorry little brother. We'll eat at home. I believe I've had enough of people today... The Scelt seemed to nod at her, and the two started walking once again, heading to the edge of the city so they could hop on a wind going home.

Before long, Onyx found herself being walked into by a small Hallylan woman. Kirara growled quietly as the girl spoke.
”I’m sorry for bumping into you,”
Onyx nodded at the appology, saying "It's fine.. See glanced down at Kirara in confusion as he kept growling however, and after a second she bent down to pick the Scelt up off the ground. She cuddled him in an effort to calm him down some, and the sound he made did get quieter, but his gaze was fixed on the little woman.

"Little brother? What's wrong?" She spoke softly to him, stroking his fur as she did. He finally stopped growling as he answered her. "She ran into you, and I don't like her." After a second the low growling sound returned, and Onyx glanced at the woman apologetically.

"He's not normally like this... but you're fine. Just, watch where you're walking a little more, alright?" Onyx smiled kindly at the woman, the way she would at a patient. Considering the combination of her kind smile and the growling Scelt however, she had no idea how this woman would react.

@Landaus Five-One@BlackPanther
also @Landaus Five-One, I will count plagiarism as an automatic strike two so... if you do edit that post of yours for the love of god don't just copy/paste what I've given you. This is meant to help you, not give you a cheat.
@Landaus Five-One

-Players who apply for a CS position must also attach in a separate hider a sample post which will contain visual of your Grammer and spelling efficiency, sentence integrity and fluidity. If we feel that your sample post does not meet our expectations for this rp you will be asked to either rewrite the post or send us a more recent post of your own. The other standard rules apply.

So because of this Rule and my position as "The Grammar GM", I'm the one who reads through the posts for grammar and whatnot. I've edited your most recent post in the hider above so it meets the expectation that I personally have for posts. I've given you the answers this time, but in the future please take a little time to proofread your post and make it that much better in the first place.

You may notice that the hider says "Strike One". Just like in Baseball, once you reach three strikes, you're out. Now, I don't mean out of the RP per say, but definitely out out the frying pan and into the fire.

Now, I'm not just calling Holy out for fun. This rule does apply to everyone. Now, it's not like any error in spelling or grammar at all will get you a strike: we aren't trying to be dicks. At least one whole paragraph has to be consistently bad for me to even consider giving a strike, okay? and I'll always edit it myself and point out things that could be improved to try and help.

For anyone with concerns about Grammar/Spelling and maybe wants help, PM me. I've got resources than I can share or I could just work with you directly if you want. This rule isn't meant to keep anyone from playing, it's just to try and keep this RP on the higher side of "casual".
@Landaus Five-One@Demonic Angel

... wth is even going on? Is Promi just screaming in the street or something?
Erin Céleste

After the man finished speaking once more, Erin waited to see what would happen next. It seems their short conversation was over, and just in time too. The fox responded to the Woman, and began to walk back through the group of humans, grabbing one man as he did and beginning to drag him up to the gate. Erin watched as the man kicked and screamed at Yin, trying to claw his way away from the Fae. As if the woman the fox still held wasn't enough proof of the futility of that.

Erin began to walk forward again, slowly making her way to the front of the group. She wanted to see what was going to happen to the man, though the quiet voices in her mind had told her already. It wasn't going to be good. She hesitated for a moment, and then moved to the side of the cavern so she was standing as far from the scene as possible, while still being in the front few rows. As soon as she found her spot though, the voices began screaming at her to go back to the relative safety of the back of the group. The woman, previously hanging from the ceiling, had begun to drop to the floor now, revealing her serpentine features as the crowd drew in a collective gasp.

Huh, that's interesting.

The gate creaked open, and the man somehow broke from the fox's grasp and began to run as the Naga asked about the woman being a tribute as well. Erin shook her head as the man pushed past her, his blind panic causing him to crash through the crowd in his attempt to escape. As the rest of the group moved to go through the gate, she would stay behind, approaching the serpentine woman as soon as she got the chance.

"Señorita naga, sirena, ¿Hada? ¿Puedo hablar contigo por favor?"

Onyx Bright

As Dujae knelt down to speak to Kirara, the Scelt jumped forward and licked the prince's face. "You are too angry, you need to come with us!" He licked again before stepping back slightly, bowing in a playful pose while his tail began to wag. "Big sister and I will help you!" As Onyx's question was answered, he then turned his attention to Fae.

"Food is good. We're going to get food too. We should all get food together!" It didn't seem to occur to the Scelt that certain people *cough*Onyx*cough* may not want to be around other people at the moment. Or ever, really. Still though, as Kirara began to follow the Woman who was now dragging the Prince, Onyx followed quietly. She didn't trust this place enough to let Kirara go very far from her. When the group was finally within the tavern, Onyx sat quietly as a chair the woman motioned her to, sighing inwardly at the now forced interaction Kirara had gotten her into.

The Scelt in question, blissfully oblivious to Onyx's discomfort around the two, jumped up on the table and curled up on the corner between where Onyx and the prince sat. His dark eyes watched the prince carefully and with a much calmer tone than before, while the other woman finally introduced herself.

"Faeril Ashkevron is my name. You, Master 'I'm fine', are certainly not that in either context. So care to inform me as to who you really are, and perhaps even enlighten myself as to the actual problem? Which, I assure you, I am very adept at dealing with and fixing problems quietly and quickly."
"It's nice to meet you Faeril." Onyx said out of habit, not meaning it at all. It was never nice to meet new people. New people usually meant problems. Why did Kirara like people so much? "Although, if I may ask, why do you care about helping him so much? No offence to your instincts, but I don't believe I ever heard him ask for any help."

With this she turned to Dujae, bowing her head slightly before continuing to speak. "Unless my own instincts are wrong, Prince. But, I don't sense that you are hurt in any way that I could help with, so I have no idea why Faeril or myself would feel drawn to you." She reached over to pet Kirara's head, and the Scelt made a low, happy noise as she did, closing his eyes to better enjoy the attention.

"I'm only still here because this one says I should probably eat before we head back home for the day... unless you do need me for anything, Prince."

Erin Céleste

Curse her and her inability to pay attention in English class… Of course, how was Erin to know that she would actually need it one day? English had always just been a thing to her- a language spoken by people she’d thought she’d never meet. She understood a few of the words the wolf-man spoke, but without any understanding of her situation or the ability to string those words together into anything with meaning, Erin simply stared after him in confusion as the creature turned away. Hijo de puta...

The rest of the humans started to move. One half of the room being lead by an unpleasant-seeming man who pushed the people around like sheep, while the other half was surrounded by more creatures which herded them all towards another exit, led by the wolf-man she’d tried to speak to. Erin stood still a moment, wondering which group she was meant to be in until one woman who passed her grabbed her hand and began to drag her along.

“Lo siento.” The woman spoke, and then paused for a moment before speaking again. “Ayúdeme.”

"¿Con qué?"

“Uhhh…” The woman glanced at her and repeated herself before- “I no Hablo Espanol bien.” Ah, English. At least this woman had tried. Erin smiled softly at her before replying in basically the easiest English words to use.

"Ah, okay."

“I’m helping you. Or trying to anyway.”

"En inglés, ¿"help" es ayuda?" Erin hated herself for not remembering this.

“Uh, sí... I think.”

The woman didn’t let go of her hand until the group had been walking for awhile, the place they had started from fading from sight as the group moved. As they walked, Erin and this woman- Carrie, she would learn her name was- bantered back and forth in simple conversation. Carrie was a teacher of young children, usually those who were just below primary school level. She spoke in broken Spanish, but considering that she told Erin it had been at least a decade since she last used the language in her own school years, it was quite surprising that she remembered as much as she did. As they spoke, Erin began to remember some things too, and managed to properly introduce herself and kind-of get an explanation of what was going on from Carrie.

These creatures, the wolf-man and the rest, were all their new ‘masters’ from the sound of it. Some words were just too specific to the situation for them to be able to translate to each other, but from what Erin could see and the body language of all the others around them, she could guess at what she wasn’t being told. This was not a good situation, by any standard, though as the minutes turned to hours and then days, Erin realized one thing. They were being taken care of.

The creatures never acted harshly to anyone that she could tell, and the group was allowed to rest for a fair amount of time each night before moving on the next morning. Whatever these creatures had planned for them all, it was obvious that they didn’t want the humans dead just yet. That was good, Erin supposed.

Over the month that it would take to get to their destination, Erin would chat with Carrie and anyone else who approached her. The woman helped her brush up on her English to the point where Erin felt confident in her ability to hold a conversation with anyone who didn’t know any Spanish at all, but the teen still wanted to have a fallback in case she wasn’t as okay as she thought she was. Luckily, she had a Spanish-English translation app on her phone that she had downloaded to ‘help’ her with her English homeworks at school. She had turned her phone off in the first few hours of their travels in order to conserve the battery, after she and everyone else realized that there was no signal in this strange place. Hopefully it would hold out for a while until she could truly communicate with these people.

@SaikaAnge I would join a reboot if that's what you want to do.
<Snipped quote by Vesuvius00>


*points to upper-right corner of my posts.*
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