Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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Erin Céleste

oh. oh.

You look away for one second here, and suddenly someone's dead.

Erin watched in silence as the Lamia's body- suddenly a corpse- bled out and fell to the ground like a child's discarded doll. It was strange how someone who'd been so intimidating at first could be so suddenly destroyed in such a way. As Thymond introduced himself, Erin couldn't bring herself to say anything in reply. He'd just killed someone, and the entire time he's calm? Something is really off about this guy...

"You can say that again," She muttered to herself in Spanish in response to the voice, before switching to English and speaking up to address Thymond. "Are you a cop? Or, the fairy-world version? How are you so... happy about this?" That didn't seem like the right word, but perhaps it was better to just say something than to sit and puzzle out how to speak. He went on to say she could ask him questions now, but that he'd be taking her to someone else as well. She sighed and shook her head slightly as she resigned herself to her apparent fate- a hot-potato tossed between all these strange creatures in this messed-up world. "Fine. Lead and I will be with you. Vámonos."
@Belle *all the hugs*

I can understand wanting to be a little kid, but then that would mean bedtimes were a thing once again. I would rather be a young teen forever- just, 14 for all eternity.
as a note, changelings do not start with magic right away

I did say "later on" in the magic part I thought?
As for the background portion of the CS, I think I'll wait until I know for sure what her role is before trying to tackle that.

I'd prefer something like a dice roll to pick the roles. like, assign a number to each character and roll to eliminate someone from the running- continue until only one candidate remains.

@Zelosse might be a good idea to protect the medic-type character, if you like. depending on her eventual role you may not want to be around her so much, though.
@Zahrale Is this good so far?

Opting in for the Traitor or a Changeling! For now, setting up the basic human CS.
I'm in aswell
Erin Céleste

“She wishes to sell you for favor, you are nothing more than a toy to her... and yet you want me to let her go?”

"Yes." Erin said plainly, watching the man as he continued to squeeze the Lamia. "You call her a thief but-"

“She would like that, but she knows better than any what happens to a person who steals from me.” Erin frowned as she was interrupted by the very thing she was going to make a point about. She didn't belong to anyone. She opened her mouth to speak again, but fell silent at the sudden realization that she was witnessing the death of the Lamia. Erin hadn't thought that he would actually kill the woman- it had seemed like just a scare tactic at first.. but now a very real threat. She stepped forward, a hand raised as if she were going to pull the two apart herself. Of course she couldn't though, and the hand fell back to her side as she tried to think of anything to say to save the Lamia.

"She really didn't do anything wrong- I followed her here willingly. I had asked her a question and she was going to show me the answer."

“I will take you back to those that may listen to your questions as soon as I am finished.”

Really? She glanced around the room, noticing the goblin that was still there but seemed to be frozen in fear, and also looking down the path behind the bookcase once more. She wasn't going to take that route, but it seemed the the newcomer noticed her this time, because he then told her not to run. She was half tempted to go only ten feet down the path now, just to spite him, but considering what he seemed capable of it was probably better not to do that. She crossed her arms and stood there, just sort of glaring at him for a moment. "You're not the boss of me."
After a short Timeskip...

Phantom and Friends
@SilverRose@King Tai@Demonic Angel

The heroes sat in beanbag-chairs around the circular table in the fort as Phantom explained to the group what their plan for the weekend was. Essentially, they were continuing their usual reconnaissance of the Town in order to stop the Alliance from causing trouble, but Muse would be leading a three-man team of herself, Pulse, and Ice Dragon to search for the alliance's base. As of now it seems obvious that the villains knew where Phantom's base was, so he, Void, and Enfant Star would be looking for place to set up a new one in the event of the current base's destruction.

"The teams will be keeping in touch through texts, so if you don't already have Muse's or my number, get it before we leave.
Okay friends, let's go!"
Phantom grinned as the heroes were now all allowed to leave the clubhouse. Each person could go their own way, but the two teams should try to keep in touch in case they find anything.

Phantom was the last person to leave the treehouse- as always. He would hang around the area for a few minutes too still as he began walking in a loop around the block, just in case anyone needed to talk to him.

Chaotic Alliance
@Demonic Angel@WhatAmIDoing@King Tai

With The arrival of Lady Crimson and Cat-boy, and the subsequent leaving of the Crimson Butterfly, the meeting began in earnest. Pretty soon though, the entire meeting devolved into... well, Chaos. Eventually, Midnight gave up. Shaking his head and jumping up onto the table, his voice boomed over the clamor as he yelled. "Shut it! I give up. M'lady Crimson and I will hunt down the Butterfly- she has to pay for crossing me. The rest of you," He paused, grinning.

"Get out there and have some fun, okay?"

Midnight and Lady Crimson left as soon as he had jumped down from the table- after shooing everyone else from the building as well. Everyone should be able to text Lady Crimson if they need to communicate anything- Midnight was notorious for not answering his phone while out on the town.


Jay looked very unimpressed. "That's your entire costume? What about protecting your secret identity dude?"

He sighed and shook his head as he walked out the front door, expecting Loki to follow. He began walking towards the north bridge, obviously planning on patrolling the east side of town tonight.


As HeartBreaker wandered the town, a few things would catch the Super-powered teen's eye. Lots of younger children were out and about today- much more than was usual for a Friday afternoon. There also seemed to be a few shady characters hanging around the library- probably college students.

Honestly, she could do whatever she wanted at the moment. No one's about to stop her either way.

@Demonic Angel

The Crimson Butterfly was forced to leave after pulling a knife on an Alliance member. Lady Crimson didn't take kindly to the attack, and so the resulting portal jump Butterfly took was pretty unpleasant. She would feel nauseous and dizzy as the portal dumped her on the east bank of the river, just under the main bridge.

She should probably get a move on, considering she just pissed off the Lord of Midnight. Within 10 minutes, another portal would open in the same spot and Midnight and Lady Crimson would step through, ready to hunt her down.
@LadyRunic I'm working on it.
Onyx Bright

Onyx had woken up hours ago- not that she hadn't wanted to. Early morning was one of the best times to draw, when no one else was awake enough to bug her. As she watched the sun rise through her room's window, the pen in her hand scratched away at one of the newest drawings in her sketchbook. It was a woman, one that Onyx had seen in her dreams but didn't recognize from anywhere in her waking memory. As she sketched, words that had been spoken in the strange dream echoed around in her mind. It was surreal, the silence in the room broken only by her thoughts and the noise of pen on paper.

After few more minutes the drawing was done, and Onyx set the sketchbook aside as she stood and stretched her arms up over her head. She yawned, and that small vocalization was all it took for the Scelt that had been curled up on one of her pillows to start waking up. Kirara's head lifted up slightly as he turned to look at her, the fur on the left side of his face sticking up in a bunch of directions as he too yawned. "Morning big sister..." She smiled at him as he stuck his tail in the air, stretching his front legs before climbing over the blankets to sit on the edge of the bed next to where she stood.

"Good morning little brother!" She replied cheerfully as the Scelt yawned once again. He shook his head to try and fix his fur, but all it really did was make him look more poofs. Onyx couldn't help but laugh as she reached down to smooth out his fur herself. Kirara licked her hand as she finished this before jumping down of the bed and immediately shaking again, restoring the poofiness and making him look like a grey and white walking marshmallow. Onyx heard him sigh as he sat down and began licking as the fur on his chest, holding back a laugh of her own as she walked over to her dresser and grabbed a hairbrush from its surface. Mornings were always like this with him. "Should we brush your fur out before we go get our outfits for the ball?"

His ears perked up as his tail started wagging happily. "Yes please! I'm gonna be the prettiest boy there!"

She narrowed her eyes at him skeptically as she knelt down next to him and began to run the brush gently through his fur. "Don't you mean 'handsome' little brother?"

"No, I mean pretty." Onyx laughed as Kirara puffed out his chest in pride. "I will be pretty, because everyone else will be trying to be handsome." A goofy grin came over his face as she finished brushing out the fur on his one side and moved on to the other.

"Ah, so there's less competition in being pretty?"

"Yeah!" He stood and bowed playfully to her as he continued. "If I'm pretty, I only have to compete with you!" He jumped away from her as she tried to reach for him, trotting in circles around her as they both laughed.

"Hey! Who said no one else at the ball would be pretty?"

Kirara stopped walking in circles and went back to standing next to Onyx where she sat on the floor. "Well, maybe angry Prince will be pretty too."

"Angry... you mean Prince Dujae?"


"Oh dear..."

Kirara sat back down and Onyx finished brushing out his fur while they continued to chat about the party. He wasn't poofy anymore, or at least, not so poofy. Freshly-brushed, he was soft and very handsome-looking in that moment. Of course, Onyx didn't tell him that. She just smiled before gathering up all her things and leaving the room.


After picking up their outfits from Deja at the Nosey Needle, Onyx and Kirara began making their way to the castle. They had decided to stay at an inn in town, after debating for over an hour on whether or not to just go home yesterday. Onyx was still sad that they hadn't, but she'd sent her godparents a letter explaining about the ball so they wouldn't worry about her. Honestly, she still didn't want to go- social interaction was draining and unnecessary. But, what if she didn't? She sighed as the two of them now walked up the street towards the castle. Words from the dream repeated themselves in the back of her mind. If you misstep it will result in your demise...

Walking into the ballroom, Onyx recognised a few people already. She nodded a greeting to Faeril as she passed, and smiled politely at Dujae and Queen Hektah from across the room. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do yet- so she stuck to the edges of the room as she simply watched the rest of the people there, wondering just how long she had to stay.
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