Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

@LadyRunic I believe that's a post! Sorry if it's kinda bad, I'm not sure i wrote the end of it quite right...
Erin Céleste

Erin hovered by the open pathway as she watched the Fae warily. The goblin she'd thrown was just sitting on the floor beside them now, and it seemed he wasn't going to try and do anything else at the moment- frozen in place with fear of the newcomer. Erin really couldn't see very well from where she stood, but it seemed... This newcomer was threatening the Lamia's life because of her? That didn't really make sense- all the Fae she'd seen so far had either threatened the humans or just not cared, and now this one was about to kill the Lamia just because Erin was with her?

The horned man looked over at her from where he stood just outside the room, and an involuntary shiver ran through Erin's body. His eyes were the strangest thing about him, surreal and.. entrancing. Erin purposefully glanced down the Stairwell behind the bookcase again, just so she wouldn't have to see those eyes for a few seconds. The thought crossed her mind to run- to just make a break for it through this corridor- but she dismissed it as soon as it came. She didn't know where it would lead her, and even if she could get away to a safe place, what would the point of this had been? She still knew nothing.

She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest and closing her eyes for a moment as she thought to herself. What little patience she had going into this encounter had turned to frustration and a dangerous lack of caring about her appearances anymore. She felt a familiar urge begin to tug at the corners of her mind- a childish need for the answers to all of the questions that had been swirling around like miniature tornadoes in her head. One voice speaks, and then another, and of course then the third joins in- not one to be left out of anything. A Swirling, chaotic cacophony of questions spoken by all of them at once. She wanted to yell, shout, scream at them to shut up.


It took her a few seconds to realize that she actually had shouted- and indeed the voices went silent as she opened her eyes to the scene before her once again. Only a second or two had passed, but still to Erin it may as well have been an hour. Her stance changed as she put her hands on her hips, narrowing her gaze on the back of the Lamia's head. If either Fae had ever seen an angry Abuela before, Erin looked much like one in that moment. As for who she was actually angry at, well... She'd accidentally spoken to the Voices out loud, yelled even, now she had to say something to the Fae or else they'd think she was crazy- or just stupid.

Torchlight glinted off of the Lamia's scales as she moved, squirming in the horned-man's grasp. Erin heard the words they spoke to each other easily- it was a small room after all- and one of the voices began speaking in tandem with Erin's as she thought through what she wanted to say. "Te entiendo, serpiente. Se suponía que me dijeras cuál era nuestro propósito aquí: ¿por qué somos prisioneros en este mundo desordenado?" She kept her expression as blank as she could, considering the other one was the one that could see her at the moment. Her disappointment and frustration still shone through in her eyes though. "Supongo que realmente solo tengo una opción aquí ahora...."

She switched to English now- for the other Fae's sake as she addressed him now. "Sir? I asked her to take me here. I had a question, and she said she would show me the answer." Her tone of voice had shifted dramatically with the language switch- though her gold-flecked eyes still held that air of disappointed anger about them, very thinly veiled as she pulled her thoughts back together. "She didn't do anything wrong Sir, so please let her go." Hopefully, she could save the Lamia's life, and finally get a straight answer from her later.

*is still flailing*

I'm sorry. sickness sucks.
I am working on posts now, I swear.

Found near the Forests - Nadia Parnel
A pretty little Fire Gem in need of a husband. She definitely won't break your heart- unless you actually treat her nicely, that is. Otherwise she'll eventually gain some courage and attempt to kill you be the perfect wife!

Buried in a Book - Onyx Briyll
A down-to-Earth yet graceful Gem. She has a tendency to speak her mind, but the sharp wit and quick tongue is usually held still behind a sturdy book. She would be a loyal wife to any deserving Drakkan, though if you wish for her to submit to your rule, she must choose you, too.

Washed Ashore by Waves - Kendra Riu Bell
A Water Gem that is a bit less go-with-the-flow and a bit more of a child. She doesn't have any Fear in her heart, and there's a painful amount of hope in her eyes. She'd make a good wife to anyone willing to tolerate her optimist's worldview, and a fun one to break if you're into that. A word of Caution, however: a lack of fear inevitably leads to too much confidence.

Gods Character Sheet

Angel Character Sheet

Demons Character Sheet

Supernatural Character Sheet

Magi Character Sheet

Human Character Sheet

Angel, you have to put code tags so that the HR tags and headings and all that work

here, I'll put a proper version in the CS tab
T H E P E R I O D S F R O M T H E [ H R ]
T A G S F O R T H E M T O W O R K.

Gods Character Sheet

Angel Character Sheet

Demons Character Sheet

Supernatural Character Sheet

Magi Character Sheet

@Demonic Angel @BlackPanther @Luna

You guys okay if I post the Start of the Angel's plot before your bit is up? or should I wait until everyone has CSes up?

I need a few minutes to set this up. I'm gonna timeskip everyone about an hour ahead- you'll all know where you're going and what your goals are. After a few encounters, I'll skip us to the next day or monday maybe. Main plot starts on Monday.
Angel GM reporting in! @Demonic Angel
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