Avatar of Vesuvius00


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

I updated the map (Everyone should be there, and it should be easier to read now) aand I am now working on a post. Give me a little while though, I completely forgot a few things
@King Tai also, shoot. Chaos? Neutral? Team Phantom?

I really should add this question to the CSes
@King Tai

I'm so so sorry I kept you waiting for so long! I had a bit too much to deal with the last couple days with family stuff...
Miles looks great! Please move him on over to the char tab
Erin Céleste

Before either the Lamia or old Goblin could speak to answer her question, another voice spoke up. Erin looked at the doorway, but could not see the voice's owner past the Lamia's coiled form. She wasn't going to comment at first, but then she noticed the Lamia's expression. Terror. The monster was scared.

So was the Goblin, it seemed, as the old creature ran up to Erin and grabbed her arm with a surprising strength. "¡Oye, detenerlo! Let go!" She pulled against him as he tried to drag her towards the back of the room, and was able to break free of his grip a couple times before he'd just grab at her again. With a bit more force than she'd meant to use, she finally threw the creature off of her, and right into the two people standing in the doorway.

She stood there for a second, astounded at the fact that she'd literally just tossed a person across a room. She wasn't that strong, was she? No, the goblin must have just been very light. She looked down the pathway that the goblin had opened up, but made no move to go down it. She still wanted answers. This Lamia was the only one she knew that could give them. Erin watched the Fae carefully now, planning what she would do next if one of them began to try and grab her again or attack her.

You all made messed up people on your own.

I resent that remark! I had lots of help making Erin- the voices in my head should get some credit too!
@King Tai looks great! Move him over to the character tab and go ahead and plop him in the too.

Just to be clear though, which team is he on? I assume Phantom from his goal..

As heartbreaker wandered the town, she'd notice only a few things out of place yet. The only people causing trouble at the moment were the handful of other superpowered kids in town, the elementary schoolers mostly.

Soon enough though, the chaos will begin.


"serious as in, time to go out and make sure people don't kill each other." As Loki began to follow him down the stairs, Jay's smile brightened and he jumped down the last few steps. He stood in the middle of the living room and held his arms out to the side. Suddenly a whirlwind started up around him, and after a second, the Mediator was standing where Jay had been.

He was obviously trying not to grin like a goofball anymore, but his excitement still showed when he spoke. "Awesome right? It took me forever to figure out how to do that.. You can't even recognise me now, right?"
@WhatAmIDoing @Demonic Angel

Midnight nodded, pleased with the girl's answer. "alright. Chaos is always fun." He smiled as Keri made her appearance as well. "Sit wherever you want, except for the end of the table there." He nodded to Lady crimson's currently empty spot, before glancing at the door to the room once again. Cat-boy really was taking his sweet time, wasn't he?

"I'd be more cautious of how you speak to me Butterfly. If you want any respect you'd do best not making the Lord of the night angry." He shot her a look before closing his eyes for a second, calming himself down. "As for any Payment, you don't think me such an idiot that I would pay anyone without knowing what they're actually worth first, do you? Didn't Moonshadow tell you who was in charge here?"

"You are on trial. For one full week, you are a part of the team. If we don't think you're good enough, you're out. And, considering what you know already, you really don't want to be out." His form began to eminate shadows as he spoke, a dark fog that took over the room. It only lasted a minute though, as soon he was back to smiling at the two who'd actually bothered to show up. "that said, you're paired with me for the weekend. Congrats. Illusionist, I think you might go with Moonshadow tonight, and my Lady Crimson tomorrow and sunday."

@Demonic Angel @SilverRose

"I don't think he was dropped at all... just maybe wasn't raised quite right." Phantom shook his head and went over to the ladder that led up the trunk of the tree. Muse smiled at Dragon's complement and curtsied.

"Why thank you. You look quite handsome yourself today." she smiled and said more quietly, "I don't think he was dropped either. Thrown, maybe, but not dropped."

Phantom started climbing the ladder, calling out to the two out the window once he got up there. "Come on! We gotta figure out where Chaos is going to strike next!" He waved at Enfant Star as he saw her approaching from the street.

"come on, he's getting anxious."


Jay eventually got over his laughing fit, and once he noticed Eriko fleeing the Scene, stood up and went over to the bedroom door. "Okay, serious time now." He began to walk down the stairs, glancing back at Loki when he was about halfway to the bottom. "Hey, you wanna see something cool?" he had an eager smile on his face, like a child asking for a cookie.

@Demonic Angel

"Oh, I'm sure. It's always something with you." Lady Crimson rolled her eyes at Eriko, opening a portal behind them. "You're lucky you keep forgetting your costume at Lord Midnight's base. Come on then." She waited about a tenth of a second before grabbing the boy's hand and dragging him through the magic circle. Midnight didn't say anything to them when they appeared, except to tell Moonshadow that he and the Illusionist would be partners in crime tonight.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
@NuttsnBolts it hasn't gone that far yet, I'm just being cautious and wondering what options are. If a feature like this were added it'd be nice, but I agree that other things on the guild should probably be attended to first.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
@LegendBegins ah, okay...

What if there was a "hidden" spot on the profile that you could block people from seeing then? like, if they're blocked from posting messages then they'd be unable to see the thing too?
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